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The powerful radiation hotline is amazingly powerful, enough to destroy a third of Marin Fandor in an instant.

But on the barrier in front of Im, it had no effect.

“There can’t be two identical devil fruits!” Mitsuki Ota said with some shock.

“But this is the barrier fruit!” Jabba also had a solemn face, looking at Yim in the distance.

They are already familiar with the barrier fruit.

Even the new barrier fruit ability Lana was not far away, and at this moment, she was also shocked.

“What the hell is going on?”

In fact, not only they were shocked, but even the Warring States on the elevated platform were full of confusion.

The development of things has become more and more out of his medical treatment.

Rogue and Red Lotus Godzilla appear at the same time, which shows that he is not a double demon fruit power.

But if it wasn’t him, then who was this terrifying monster?

Now the mysterious Lord Im has even cast the barrier fruit, and the Warring States feeling, his own cognition, is being stripped away little by little.

However, he only knew that Im in front of him was an important figure among the Draco.

But I didn’t know that Yimu was the boss of the five old stars and the real king of the Draco.

“Could it be other Devil Fruit abilities?” Rogue also flickered his eyes, a little surprised.

There are no two identical devil fruits in the pirate world, this is an iron rule, and you can never go wrong.

But now the ability that Im uses is definitely a barrier fruit.

In this way, Rogue guessed whether the other party used some kind of superhuman Devil Fruit ability.

For example, the ability to imitate the abilities of other devil fruits, or the ability to borrow or steal other devil fruit abilities.

In a word……

He absolutely did not believe that there were two barrier fruits.

“It’s shocking!”

“I’m surprised why I blocked the fruit’s ability!” Yim looked at Rogue’s expression and immediately laughed.

She seemed to have guessed everyone’s thoughts.

“Tell you the truth!”

“This is the hole card of the Draco, the Great Secret Treasure: Heavenly King Ouranos!” Yim said proudly.

Because of the existence of the king of heaven, it is worth being proud of.

Why are Draco called descendants of the Creator?

Now many people in the world already do not know!

Not because they are world nobles, nor because they are descendants of the 20 kings who created the world government.

The truth is that they have mastered the strongest Heavenly King Ouranos among the ancient weapons!

“Heavenly King?”

When Rogue heard this, he was stunned.

This is the first time I’ve heard of it!

The so-called great secret treasure of the Draco turned out to be the Heavenly King Ouranos, one of the three major weapons in ancient times.

Moreover, it seems that it is in the hands of Im.

“Could it be that the power of the Heavenly King can restrain the Devil Fruit?”

“Or even the ability to borrow, steal, and imitate other devil fruits?” Rogue suddenly thought to himself.

“No need to guess, it doesn’t matter if you tell you.” Yim said directly.

“The power of the Heavenly King is to restrain all the ability of the devil fruit, and as long as you feel it once, you can use it.”

As soon as Im’s words came out, all the people were suddenly a little shocked.

It’s just that she has one more thing about the king of heaven, but she has not said it, and she will not say it.

“How is that possible?”

“Restrain all Devil Fruit abilities and be able to use all felt fruit abilities?”

“In this world, there is such a terrifying power?”

“The three major weapons in ancient times belong to the mystery of this heavenly king Ouranos, and Captain Roger only found Hades and Sea King, but he has never been able to find news of the heavenly king. It turned out that it was in the hands of the Draco! Jabba’s face was solemn.

It’s just that compared to Hades and Sea King, the power of this heavenly king seems to be more terrifying.

You know, many of the fruit abilities in the Devil Fruit have the possibility of destroying the world.

For example, it can cause vibrations and set off tsunamis, air earthquakes, and earthquakes.

Another example is the magma fruit of a volcanic eruption!

Sand fruits that can be breaked for thousands of miles…

These fruit abilities are very powerful and difficult, and just one of them is very powerful.

And the king of heaven, not only can he restrain all this, but he can also use the same ability?

If what the other party said is true, it is too terrifying.

“That’s it?”

Hearing Yimu’s self-disclosure, Rogue was stunned.

After all, if she doesn’t say this thing, it will definitely make people suffer a big loss in the future.

“Is it…”

Suddenly Rogue seemed to think of something.

“You guessed that?”

Seeing Rogue’s expression, Yim immediately smiled and couldn’t help but speak.


Rogue finally understood.

Why did the other party reveal his details, and why did he say that he needed his help.

Not necessarily all, but there is a point, or a reason.

It is Rogue’s weapon fruit!

Im wants the ability of Rogue’s weapon fruit, or the specificity of the weapon fruit to be prepared.

Blackening, epiphany, evolution, etc…..

“I’m curious, your weapon fruit is definitely not an ordinary weapon fruit.”

“From the beginning, I tried to use your weapon fruit ability.” As he spoke, Im’s arm directly turned into a spear.

“But I found that there was nothing special.”

Immediately afterwards, it turned into large axes, short swords, spears, cannon barrels and other weapons.

Undoubtedly, it is the fruit of ordinary weapons, just like the Don Quixote family’s ‘BABY-5’.

Both can turn any part of the body into a weapon.

But like Rogue, the overall change, and later directly made a weapon avatar.

But it can’t be done at all!

So, Im guessed, everything had something to do with Rogue’s weapon fruit.

Or maybe it’s related to Rogue.

That’s why she wanted to get Rogue’s body so that she could study the other party’s special weapon fruit.

Where exactly is different.

“Perhaps, the other party’s weapon fruit is different from other fruits.”

“Otherwise, even if the other party is a genius, it is impossible to reach this step.”

Although Im does not know Rogue’s weapon fruit, he can independently evolve, blacken, and suddenly operate the like.

But I also guessed that there was definitely something special that was different from other devil fruits.

It seems that it can be developed infinitely!

“The ability of weapon fruits to awaken, evolve, and blacken on their own is my biggest reliance and secret.”

“You must never tell anyone and let anyone know.” Rogue’s gaze flickered.

This is something he didn’t expect, the other party has already set his sights on him!

“I won’t promise you, don’t dream.” Rogue looked at Im’s appearance and spoke.

Really when I’m stupid?

“Then, all of you here, die!” Yim nodded, not even persuading.


“That beautiful Draco, what do you say?”

“It seems like trying to kill me… Guys?! ”

“Isn’t she a reinforcement for the Navy?”

“Stop dreaming, didn’t you see her costume? That’s the Draco, how could they possibly save us. ”

“Yes, we should be protecting them!”

“That bastard actually said he was going to kill us!”

“Regardless of whether she is a Draco or not, whether she looks good or not, kill her.”

The navy and the people of the Knights Templar below couldn’t help but talk.

“What is she going to do?” Ota suddenly found that the other party’s aura seemed to have changed, and it was a little terrifying.


At this moment, suddenly a terrifying black shadow fell from the sky and pressed up.

The black pressure is pressed, like a canopy covering the sky.

“Feel the horror of the Heavenly King!”


PS: Thank you to my friend [Evening Breeze_Wither] for the 100-point tip.


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