All the Taki Shinobu looked sad, the leader was arrested, even if he took holy water, he was still grabbed in his hand like a chicken, looking at the purple giant of more than ten meters, the hideous face, everyone was pale, if there was no accident, they were dead, and no one could save them from the hands of this demon.

“Hugh, my Taki Shinobi Village has not bowed to others for so many years, you do it, there are no people in my Taki Shinobi Village who are greedy for life and afraid of death!” The leader of Taki Shinobu is also simply, enduring the pain in his body and refusing to surrender, too, if he surrenders a big village like Konoha, it is okay, but from his current identity is just a Konoha rebellion, no matter how nice it sounds, it is only the patriarch of a family, and the current Uchiha is divided into two, such a strength, who wants to surrender?

“Then there is no way!” Li shook his head slightly, now he doesn’t have so much time to delay here, looked at his point value balance, only fifty thousand, did not think much, directly spent ten thousand point value to erase the cooldown time of other heavenly gods.

“I’m not interested in knowing your name, but from today onwards, you will become a dog of my Uchiha clan!”

Caught the leader of Taki Shinobu closer, the leader of Taki Shinobi still didn’t know what was going on, instinctively looked up at the distance, and suddenly, a chakra eye was introduced into his pupil, and soon, his eyes became dull, and one lasted for a few seconds before he could recover his senses, and his eyes were radiant again.


Susanoo also collapsed at this time, and the leader of Taki Shinobu fell to the ground, although weak, but still struggling to kneel on one knee in front of him.

“Leave my lord, my Taki Shinobi Village is willing to become a subordinate force of the Uchiha clan, please leave the adult to take it in!”

Being controlled by other heavenly gods, the leader of Taki Shinobu can say these words that let him sell his ancestors without hesitation, and the group of Taki Shinobu listened, their faces suddenly changed drastically, and they wanted to refute a few words, but they felt the cold bitterness on their necks, and they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

“Well, get up and step aside!” Away nodded, his face was a little pale, his left eye had begun to bleed, since the last time Ghost Lantern City subdued the moderate faction of Kusanagi Village, he used another Celestial God, and then fought with Thousand Hands Huang in Ghost Lantern City, and then led Thousand Hands Huang out of Konoha for a big battle, and now he launched another Heavenly God again, and his left eye was already on the verge of collapse.


“Leave brother!”

Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto stepped forward with a distressed look, and as always, took out gauze to gently wipe the blood from the corners of their eyes, bleeding so much, and still bleeding from the eyes, how much pain this had to bear.

“I’m okay! Don’t worry” Li sighed slightly, and after wiping the blood clean, Li looked at the ten clansmen who had injected the tailed beast Chakra, and made a look, ten people. All the ninjas retreated, leaving Taki Shinobu, who was still bound, to sit in place.

“Let’s go!”

The matter is almost over here, the leader of Taki Shinobi is controlled by other gods, as long as he does not solve the illusion, then he will obey his words for the rest of his life, and in these problems of Taki Shinobu, it is far from believing that this leader of Taki Shinobi can solve it by himself and become a generation leader in the chaotic ninja world.

“Send a little of this heroic water to Ghost Lantern City in a few days!”

Before leaving, I still have a little obsession with the water of heroes, although this thing has great side effects, but the Uchiha family has excellent bloodlines, and their physique is much better than other ninjas, and the use of this water of heroes will not cause death, so as long as you have this water of heroes, you will have more strength to fight with people in the future.

Of course, the leader of Taki Shinobu will not refuse, and if he is controlled by the gods, even if he wants to pull out his sword and commit suicide now, I am afraid that he will not have the slightest hesitation.


“What? The eyeliner planted in Ghost Lantern City was all killed overnight? What’s going on? ”

The five major villages almost all received the news the next day, one by one, their faces were gloomy, although they were interrogative, but they were not fools, guess and guess, these eyeliners must have been killed by the people of Ghost Lantern City.

“Go, kill all the eyeliners of the Ghost Lantern City around the village, and don’t leave any of them!”

Sand Ninja Village, Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s angry eyes are red, killing eyeliner this kind of thing almost never happens in peacetime, this has reached a consensus in the ninja world, now away from the eyeliner of the killer, this is not equivalent to provoking the five major ninja villages?

Not only the Sand Ninja Village launched such an order, almost all five major villages issued an order to kill the eyeliner of Ghost Lantern City, but the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel, when they vomit blood, the eyeliner that is usually watched on weekdays disappears at an unknown time, all of them are gone, which makes the five major ninja villages depressed and want to vomit blood, originally wanted to kill a few eyeliner to avenge the hatred in their hearts, but now they hit the air with strength, this feeling made them vomit blood.


“Three generations of Hokage, you can also see now, Uchiha left that kid to kill all the eyeliners of the five villages, I’m afraid that I want to brew some conspiracy, if you don’t make a decision early, Konoha Village will be destroyed by Uchiha one day!”

Konoha Village, in the Hokage office, Senjumori Wu is forcing the three generations of Hokage to make a decision, he is now very hot, it has been almost half a month, this ape flying sun chop can still calm down, which makes Senjumori Wu very depressed, no wonder Konoha Village will become weaker and weaker, there are such weak people, it is strange to be strong, when you dare not break, you must suffer from it.

“Well, I have my own considerations for this matter, now the ninja world has been calm for so many years, the rest of the big villages have no intention of provoking a war, how can we Konoha do this kind of thing, the will handed down by the first generation of adults is for the peace of the ninja world, we can’t disobey the will of the first adults, and Uchiha is only living in a small grass ninja village now, can’t compare with us Konoha, if we don’t move them, Uchiha won’t take the initiative to take action!” Ape Fei Ri glanced at Thousand Hands Sen without a glance, and said lightly, but a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Thousand hands Sen Wu, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but it was not good, it was all involved in the first generation, even if he was in the big disobedience, he did not dare to refute it, snorted coldly, and said, “Three generations of Hokage, you will regret it one day!” After speaking, he didn’t care about the gloomy face of Ape Fei Richo, and left directly angrily.

“Without Uchiha, now there is a thousand hands, it’s really…” Sarutobi turned gloomy, silently inhaled the cigarette, and wanted to spit out the sulking in his heart. _

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