Wandai Cheng asked very skillfully: "You must be very tired, Chabashira-sensei? The same set of content needs to be explained to a few students every twenty minutes, and it needs to be explained continuously for four hours."

"In such a low-efficiency situation, why not gather everyone together and explain it like a special test on an uninhabited island, or explain it according to the class? Wouldn't it be much more efficient?"

Facing Wandai Cheng's question, Chabashira's expression didn't change much, she still had that cold look, I don't know if it was originally a cold and arrogant character, or if there was a secret in this special test: "This is an arrangement by the school, and naturally there is a consideration by the school.

"The reason why you don't have too many doubts about the rules of this special test is because the three of you have excellent analytical and comprehension abilities.

"But there are some students who can't keep pace with you in this regard, understand? Then this way of separating and gathering a few people is needed for private detailed explanations.

"In this way, when they don't understand, they can ask as many questions as possible, and they can get as detailed an answer as possible."

Shiina seemed to be in a daze, not knowing whether he was listening or not, and didn't respond at all, while Wandai Cheng and Ryuuen smiled contemptuously at the same time.

Longyuan couldn't accept this kind of funny reason at this meeting: "Hey, stop joking, even in class D at the back of your crane, there are many students who can't understand the detailed rules, there are other efficient ways.

"For example, according to what Bandai said, according to the class, you, the class leader, bring everyone in Class D together, and if they have any questions, they will raise their hands and you will answer. This efficiency is higher than it is now. ?"

Chabashira's eyes became even colder, and she glared at Longyuan without any politeness: "Although it is said that this special test will not deduct points for students' 'attitude' when taking the test."

"But this is not the reason why you are arrogant and domineering in Longyuan. As a teaching staff, I have the right to record your bad behavior in Longyuan. This will have some impact on you in the future, can you understand?"

After scolding Longyuan's attitude, Chabashira began to explain the arrangement again: "The school arranges it like this, because there is a reason for the school, you don't understand it is your business, don't question it. 35

"If you do it your way, and the four classes are separated from each other, it will be difficult for the students to know directly who is the other class member in the same group as them.

Longyuan didn't care about Chazhu's reprimand, and his attitude was even worse.

Wandai Cheng also criticized the overly funny arrangement: "Isn't this a joke? No matter how it is arranged, as long as you send the list and glance at it, you will know who is in the group with whom? It is necessary to divide the time. Location, explain one by one? 99

"Chabashira-sensei was still drinking water just now, and he explained it for four hours in a row. He was very thirsty and tired, right? Doesn't this fully explain the school's problem?

At this time, Chabashira had no time to care about Wandai Cheng's teasing about her drinking water, but put her hands on the list that was handed out earlier: "I forgot to tell you, the list can only be left here, and You can't take pictures, you can only keep it in your mind after you have seen it, and the list cannot be taken away."5

Said to be a supplement, in fact, it is also telling Wandai Cheng and others that the reason why they are not divided into classes is because the list cannot be taken away and cannot be photographed.

Let Wandai Cheng raise his eyebrows playfully, Chashu was treated with this attitude by the students, and he didn't even reprimand, but chose to protect the list first? It seems that he has already had a vague insight into the mystery of this special test!

The reason for explaining without class is because the list must be kept on the side of the class guide? Is it necessary to keep the list secret? You only need to ask the whole class, and you will immediately know the list of each of the twelve groups.

Therefore, it is not necessary to keep this list secret at all, but the school has this kind of rule, isn't it just a direct hint to everyone that this group list hides a big secret?!

Therefore, this extremely inefficient way of explaining is actually a faint reminder to students that they must catch the group list, read and think more, and crack the secrets inside!

Just when Wandai Cheng came to a conclusion, the conference room door was slammed open, a graceful figure rushed in, and he greeted him energetically: "Little Saegi~ it's finally over, let's have a drink. One drink! Keep stating the rules, and I'm dying of thirst!"

The three of Wandai Cheng couldn't help but look, but found that it was Class B's guide Xingzhigong. It seemed that Xingzhigong had finished all the instructions, officially got off work, and came to meet his best friend for a drink.

Moreover, he was already so big, and he was almost like a little girl, pushing the door and rushing in, it was hard to imagine that this was done by an adult.

But it was Chabashira's indifferent face and words in response to this energetic, "Star Palace, the explanation is not over yet, and how many times have I said it? Don't call me that title!

"Eh?" Hoshinomiya was a little disappointed, but his expression was very playful, and no matter what Chabashira said, he didn't change: "Why is Xiao Sae so indifferent? We've known each other for ten years~"

· · Flowers · ·

"And what about the presentation, it's already nine o'clock, and it should have ended!

Chashu looked like he had a headache, and didn't want to communicate more with Hoshinomiya. Who would have thought that Hoshinomiya ignored Chashu and went directly to Wandai Cheng: "Hey! Isn't this Bandai classmate? 55

"The teacher is so sad, the contact information I left for you last time, you didn't contact the teacher once! 35

When Ryuuyuanle was watching the play, Shiina seemed to suddenly come back to his senses. Before, he didn't care about Chabashira's explanation at all. He was basically emptying his mind, and his left ear went in and his right ear came out. Now that Star Palace approached Wandai Cheng, he immediately turned his head and tightened his grip. Keep an eye on Wandai Cheng and Star Palace,.

Not panicking because of Hoshinomiya's playful words, Wandai Cheng made a very calm and well-founded excuse: "Teacher Hoshinomiya, last time you said that our Class C group returned from the uninhabited island.

"If any classmates feel uncomfortable, I will contact you, but after that meeting, all the classmates in our class are quite healthy, and there is no need to bother Teacher Xingzhigong.

Hearing this was the reason, Shiina breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it wasn't the teacher-student relationship she imagined.

It can only be said that if she reads too much, she can't help but think too much. Just now, when she saw that the Palace of Stars was so close to Wandai Cheng, Shiina instantly recalled several taboo stories of teachers and students that she had read.

Wandai Cheng dealt with it well on the surface, but in fact, he secretly looked at Chazhu and Hoshinomiya, and he did not forget.

During the special test on the uninhabited island, Class C adopted a zero-point strategy. All members except Ibuki returned. At that time, Hoshinomiya approached Wandai Cheng, and some did not chat a lot.

In the end, he tried to see the poor, and faintly showed his disgust for Chabashira Sae and Class D.

Wandai Cheng still has a fresh memory of such maliciousness. There must be some old grudge between Xingzhigong and Chazhu, so now seeing Xingzhigong calling Chazhu so affectionately, Wandai Cheng feels that there must be something hidden in it!

Chabashira's response to the Palace of Stars was neither salty nor light, making it impossible to tell whether the relationship between the two was good or not.

However, Chabashira's performance was a bit estranged, and even regardless of Xingzhigong, he left on his own, making Xingzhigong a little surprised, but he quickly suppressed the surprise with a smile: "Then Bandai classmates, and Ryuuen classmates, Shiina-san~”

"Teacher went out to chase Xiao Sae first~ You should also go back quickly." Chang.

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