The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1132: chaotic will

The holy fire burned between the flesh and blood, burning the red line, but the evil magic energy also erupted at the neck, and dispelling the holy fire also stimulated the proliferation of flesh and blood, extending more red lines.

The red thread was entangled with the knight's sword, making him unable to move an inch. The rabbit-headed demon began to fight back. The evil magic energy gathered on the left hand, and the sharp claws stabbed directly at the face of the white-clothed youth.

But an invisible hand was immediately grabbed by the arm. It was Simon. He shot in an instant and controlled the demon's arm.

The rabbit-headed demon roared angrily, the evil magic energy on his arms fluctuated extremely strongly, the hand of spiritual power was eroded and dissolved continuously, Simon increased the output of spiritual power, and the rabbit-headed demon roared, tearing off the hand of spiritual power.

The sharp claws turned towards the white-clothed youth, but at the same time, the rabbit-headed demon felt a terrifying edge.

It was the shadow ghost. He approached when Simon pulled the rabbit-headed demon's arm, and the sword of disintegration shot almost at the same time as the rabbit-headed demon's claws.

This is an attack carefully planned by Simon. The previous spiritual hand was just a foreshadowing. The real attack came from the shadow ghost.

The rabbit-headed demon is now in an attacking state, and he obviously doesn't have time to turn around to defend, so the only way left for him is to fight the shadow ghost with a sword.

The rabbit-headed demon did indeed choose this way. Its claws slammed towards the white-clothed youth, directly forcing the white-clothed youth to retreat. When it was about to turn around, the disintegrating sword slashed at his waist.

The hair on his waist solidified as hard as a steel needle, like wearing armor, and the evil magic energy flowed on the hair, making the hair tougher.

The disintegrating sword slashed on it, sparks flashed, and the hard hair broke instantly. The disintegrating sword slashed into its body, and it cut half the distance of the body in an instant.

At this time, the rabbit-headed demon forced the young man in white back, mobilized the magical energy in his body, and turned his flesh into a red thread to intercept the disintegrating sword.

The power of disintegration rioted, the red line was broken on a large scale, the sword of disintegration kept cutting the flesh and blood, but the cut flesh was linked by the red line.

The rabbit-headed demon's arm rotated 360 degrees behind him, waving its claws to grab the ghost's head.

Simon's mental power grabbed his arm in advance, and the rabbit-headed demon roared: "You clown, I'm going to kill you."

The Rabbit-Headed Demon was very angry at Simon's repeated blocking, but before it could finish speaking, a huge axe came out of the air. The blade of the axe almost split his head.

At the same time, the shadow ghost slashed with all his strength, cutting his waist open, and his upper body fell down, but immediately red lines rushed out of the wound on his lower body, instantly connecting together, pulling his body together.

The Shadow Ghost didn't give him a chance, and swung the sword of disintegration again. As a result, its lower body moved strangely, and suddenly kicked the Shadow Ghost out with a heavy kick.

In an instant, the upper and lower body reconnected, it grabbed the handle of the axe to pull the axe out of its head, and Simon used mental power to impact its soul.

At this moment, a pure white chain burst out, wrapping the rabbit-headed demon's neck.

This is a chain of holy light.

The other end of the chain is naturally in the hands of the young man in white. There is a 20 cm long pure white long cone on the holy light chain in the hands of the young man in white. He inserted the long cone into the ground.

"Help me contain it." The young man in white shouted.

Then he ran, the holy light flowed in his hands, his hands were thrown out, and a holy light chain flew out from each of the two holy lights, grabbing the hands of the rabbit-headed demon.

As usual, fix the chain to the ground.

The rabbit-headed monster struggled violently, Simon interfered with his mental power, and the shadow ghost supported him, preventing it from breaking free.

By this time, the rabbit-headed demon had been locked by seven chains of holy light.

"Get out of the way." The young man in white roared.

The shadow ghost immediately withdrew, and the eighth holy light chain instantly bound the body of the rabbit-headed demon, and then slammed into the ground.

Eight chains of holy light locked the rabbit-headed demon in the most central position from eight directions. The strong holy light actually suppressed the evil magic energy on the rabbit-headed demon.

The holy light on the young man in white suddenly fluctuated and connected with eight holy light chains. The holy light on the holy light chains fell down to the ground and flowed on the ground. In an instant, the ground within the range of the holy light chains turned pure white. On the pure white, a magic energy circuit appeared, and it merged into a white magic circle in an instant.

As soon as this magic circle came out, the rabbit-headed demon became frightened and struggled more violently. The evil magic energy rushed outwards, trying to erode it.

Black spots slowly appeared on the pure white magic circle, and even the chains of holy light were gradually turning black, and the power was weakening.

"Eight locks to clean the devil." The young man in white roared violently, and the pure white magic circle immediately burst into the sky, and the pure holy light enveloped the rabbit-headed demon.

The rabbit-headed demon is a dark creature, and the holy light is its absolute nemesis. The extremely rich holy light is the deadly poison that is eroding and purifying its body.

Its body was rotting. In just a second or two, the bones were exposed, and even the bones were slowly cracked.

"No, no, no, I'm going to kill you, great lord, please lower your supreme divine might and send these blasphemers into the dark and invincible The rabbit-headed demon roars in the sky When it got up, black fire burned on its body.

This evil fire is not preventing Holy Light, but burning his body.

Simon opened his spiritual eyes and looked over. He was shocked and found that the soul of the rabbit-headed demon was on fire, and then a terrifying aura that made his soul tremble emerged from the rabbit-headed demon's soul.

"This is……"

"It is sacrificing itself and wants to communicate the existence behind it." The evil **** of Montenegro said solemnly.

"Kill it, be sure to kill it." Simon started instantly, and the shadow ghost threw the sword of disintegration directly, turned into a black light and shot through the holy light, stabbed into the body of the rabbit head demon, and collapsed. The power of solution exploded, disintegrating part of its body.

"Damn, that holy light weakened the power of the disintegrating sword." Simon's expression was ugly, the disintegrating sword was also an evil magic outfit, and the holy light was also a nemesis for it, not to mention such a strong holy light environment.

"Templar, it is performing an evil ritual, stop it." Simon roared.

At this moment, that terrifying aura reappeared, and a pure chaotic will emerged from the rabbit-headed demon's soul. As soon as it appeared, the holy light like maggots on the tarsal bones of the rabbit-headed demon was instantly extinguished, the rich holy light was swallowed by the darkness, the holy magic circle dimmed, and a large area of ​​darkness swallowed the pure magic circle.

This chaotic will spread outward, crushing everything. Simon's soul was terribly despised. He tried his best to block it, and the burst of mental power no longer retained, but he still couldn't stop the chaotic will, and hallucinations appeared in his eyes.

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