The streets of Hennington are surprisingly quiet tonight, except for the sound of gunfire and police whistles in the distance.

Shadow ghosts shuttled through the dark alley without any obstacle.

The homeless, drunkards, addicts, and gangsters who used to roam the streets and alleys have all disappeared, and they are scared to come out by rumors of pollution monsters.

Intensive gunshots came from the broken quilt area, and the shadow ghost hid in the dark corner and peeked out.

A bunch of huge lampposts covered one wall, and more than 20 police officers formed a semicircle to hold their guns, and the black muzzles formed a wall of death.

They pushed a tall humanoid monster against the wall.

The light fully exposed its appearance.

There should be two people apart in height, purple-black deformed heads, dense black bags that bulge, and some black bags are cracked and small black horns appear.

A mouth that is not closed, full of fangs, and the black saliva in the roar flows down the corner of the mouth.

The monster's cheeks have several pieces that resemble black scales, and there are two prominent and huge black-gray eyeballs in the wide eye sockets.

One of the eyes has been shot and the blood is blurred.

He was wearing tattered and dirty clothes, and there were black lines on the two exposed black arms, like blue veins, and his palms also turned into purple-black claws at this time.

This respectful face is a bit unbearable.

Simon was secretly shocked, the bigger the mutation, the deeper the pollution.

The police kept firing, and bullets were shot at the pollution monster. His body was torn out of blood holes, and black blood with a stench flowed out.

The howl of the tainted monster.

It was forced against the wall, with no way out.

Simon was secretly shocked. This polluted monster was shot so many times that it still didn't die. Its vitality was really tenacious.

The ghoul he met a few days ago was not even qualified to carry shoes for this polluted monster.

The pollution monster screamed in pain, it kept rushing forward, but it was still forced back by the bullets, leaning against the wall, and being shot in turn, it lost its ability to move.

The targets of the police officers' shooting are the hands and feet of the pollution monsters and other non-vital positions. It seems that they want to capture the pollution monsters alive.

It should be the research institute in the inner city that wants to study pollution monsters, which is not uncommon.

Simon knew that in the medical school of Victoria University, there was a research laboratory for the study of pollution monsters.

At this moment, there was a roar in the dark night, and a figure jumped out from the grass in the dilapidated yard and rushed towards the front line of the police officers.

Under the light of the lamp post, you can see that it is a monster that is also seriously polluted.

It was very fast, instantly approaching the edge of the police front line, and waving both hands, the police officer on the far side didn't even have a chance to react, his left abdomen was slashed by sharp claws, and his large and small intestines spilled out.

After killing a person, it didn't stop, and it swung its paw at the nearest policeman.

Just as the police officer turned around, the gun hadn't been lifted, his face was slashed open by sharp claws, his entire face was torn apart, and his brains flew out.

Only then did the other police officers react, and they all retreated, raising their guns and shooting.

In this life-and-death crisis, the police officers' marksmanship was a bit substandard. Twenty or so people shot together, and most of them didn't hit the pollution monster.

The pollution monster was shot, and blood spurted out, but the pollution monster didn't back down. Those big gray-black eyes flashed with crazy killing intent, and rushed towards the police team. The police slapped.

At this moment, one person stood up, it was Sheriff Kaisha whom Simon saw during the day.

She raised her gun to shoot, and shot the pollution monster in the eye.

"Don't panic." Sheriff Kaisha calmly organized the panicked police officers and re-formed two gun lines.

At this time, Sheriff Kai'Sa was sweating coldly on his forehead, forcing himself to remain calm.

The pollution monster that was hit in the eye did not die. It got up from the ground and rushed towards the policeman frantically.

Sheriff Kaisha was the first to shoot, and then the other policemen also fired immediately. After calming down a little, the shooting skills of the policemen became much better.

After the first row shot, the second row followed, the polluting monster was hit and fell to the ground, and the smelly blood water polluted a large area.

This pollution monster is still breathing, and it is not dead yet. It is a bit unbelievable that this life is strong.

The police officers breathed a sigh of relief, and Sheriff Kaisha immediately divided the police into groups to take care of the two polluting monsters.

When Simon thought it was over, there was a noise from a house not far away, and there were lights shining in it.

A pollution monster smashed into the wall, and it was covered in blood and ran frantically on the street, rushing into an alley and disappearing.

And a third pollution monster.

What's even more surprising is that a man in a trench coat followed by a strong figure, chasing behind the pollution monster and disappearing into the alley.

His speed can actually keep up with the pollution monster.

Is it...

Simon immediately sank into the darkness, chasing the direction where the pollution monster and the man in the trench coat disappeared.

When Simon arrived, he happened to see the man in the trench coat holding a large-caliber revolver, and the faint red lines on the revolver actually glowed faintly.

The gunshots sounded, and a bullet with an orange-red flame hit the body of the pollution monster. The pollution monster's back exploded instantly. The flames illuminated the roadway, and blood and water mixed with minced meat were scattered all over the place.

The pollution monster was knocked two or three meters away, its back was scorched, and a wound the size of the mouth of a bowl appeared, almost blowing its body through.

Magic weapon.

The shadow ghost leaned against the corner wall and merged with the darkness, preventing the man in the trench coat from discovering it.

The large-caliber revolver just now was definitely a magic weapon.

Can ordinary pistols emit light?

Can an ordinary pistol almost pierce the body of a pollution monster with one shot?

Neither can the Bohning Python revolver.

It was simply a hand cannon.

Simon was sure that it was a magic weapon.

A magic weapon is actually a magic item. It is a weapon that uses magic energy to explode with powerful destructive power.

Ordinary people can't use magic weapons at all, and when magic weapons are used, there will be a large concentration of magic energy fluctuations, which means that there will be magic pollution. Even if ordinary people hold magic weapons and bombs, there is no difference. .

The man in the trench coat can use magical weapons, and his identity is ready to be revealed.

Commonwealth Knights.

Knight is a status and a legal profession recognized by the federal government.

Represents a person who can use magic energy.

But there is a difference between a knight and an extraordinary.

An extraordinary can be a knight, but a knight is not necessarily an extraordinary.

Here is another type of person involved. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Magic Warrior.

In the last century, in order to allow civilization to continue, the high-level human beings conducted inhumane human experiments.

That is: artificial creation of extraordinary people.

In other words, man-made use of magical energy to pollute humans.

This inhumane experiment did not increase the number of superhumans, but gave birth to another kind of human who uses magical energy.

Such people are magic warriors.

A magic warrior can even be compared to a superhuman.

The last century was the stage for the extraordinary, and this century, the magic warriors appeared.

Different countries have different methods of cultivating magic warriors, but the core idea is to use scientific methods to contaminate human beings with magic energy and have a physical quality that surpasses that of ordinary people.

Magic warriors can be said to be a type of people who walk a tightrope on a cliff. They can't absorb the magic energy in their bodies like the extraordinary, and their bodies are being polluted by magic energy all the time.

The magic energy in their bodies is like a bomb from time to time. Once the magic energy warrior bursts out, it will be contaminated with magic energy in an instant and mutate into a polluted monster.

Although they have abilities beyond the reach of ordinary people, they cannot enjoy the lifespan of ordinary people.

The average lifespan of a magic warrior is only forty years.

The higher the concentration of magical energy accumulated in the body, the more polluted the body, and the shorter the lifespan.

The end of magic warriors is usually tragic, and most of them will mutate into pollution monsters and be killed.

Therefore, the management of magic warriors in various countries is very strict, and the concentration of magic energy in the body of magic warriors is checked regularly every month. Once a certain standard line is reached, the magic warrior will retire, engage in other non-dangerous occupations, and take an anti-magic potion all the year round to ease the time for the explosion of magic energy in the body, so that he can live for a few more years.

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