Augustine looked at the falling metal ball and instinctively stepped back.

The metal ball exploded with a bang, and the smoke of gunpowder exploded, and the power was very ordinary.

It might kill someone by being next to someone, but the explosion was several meters away from Augustine, and he couldn't be injured.

But Augustine's complexion suddenly changed, it wasn't just him, the expressions of those knights who were close also changed greatly, and they immediately retreated.

"Go back all, there is magic energy in there, the air is now full of magic energy, leave here immediately."

It is not an ordinary bomb, but a special magic bomb. Once it explodes, a very high concentration of magic energy will pour out, polluting the space within tens of meters.

Augustine withdrew 70 to 80 meters away, holding a portable magic energy detector, the concentration of magic energy on it reached a safe value.

A knight fell to his knees, his body trembling. Dark spots appeared on his neck and were spreading towards his face.

"Space is distorting, and I have hallucinations."

"Karl is affected, and the magic energy in his body is eroding his body."

A knight next to him immediately took out a demon capsule and fed it to the kneeling knight.

"We were also affected." A knight took off his gloves, and he also had black spots on his hands, which were extending outward.

"Notify the Net Magic Bureau as soon as possible, and let them come over immediately to eliminate magic energy."

"Inform the police station to block this place."

"These police officers can't leave, they're already polluted and need to be supervised."

Augustine calmly gave the order and looked at the hideous head coldly.

Is this your backhand?

Equally ridiculous.

At this moment, in a nearby house, two sneaky people knelt on the ground and made a strange gesture with both hands, which was Javier's gesture of praying to the Lord of the Green Sun just now.

These two people are also members of the Green Day Church.

The two are praying to the Lord of the Green Sun, their expressions are pious and their eyes are wild. They are loyal believers of the Lord of the Green Sun.

"For the Green Sun Church, for the Lord of the Green Sun."

The two shouted frantically, and Augustine outside heard their shouts.

There was a large box in front of the two of them. The box was an oval bomb half a meter long.

They detonated the bomb without hesitation, and the thunderous explosion overturned the entire house.

The portable magic energy detector in Augustine's hand jumped wildly, the pointer jumped to the number ten instantly, and then kept turning back and forth, as if it had malfunctioned.

Augustine turned and fled.

This is Javier's ultimate move. The previous magic bomb is just the beginning. This is the real killer move, the real death situation.

The unimaginable magical energy swept away with the explosion, and all the people present were infected with the magical energy.

Those knights are being infected by magic energy, and they are once again contaminated by a higher concentration of magic energy, which directly causes the magic energy in the body to get out of control, and the black spots spread wildly on the body and rot.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape a few steps before they lost their minds, and their bodies showed a high degree of decay.

Those policemen then followed suit.

The pain of the mutation made them scream, rotting in place, dying or mutating into monsters.

Augustine was running wildly, and he also had hallucinations. The ground under his feet became soft, the space was distorted, his body was hot, and his body seemed to be on fire.

The air also seemed to be on fire, he felt hot and surrounded by flames, it was like bathing in lava.

This is the hallucination of the high concentration of magic energy contaminating his mind.

He resisted this sense of distortion and ran out of the street at full speed.

At this time, Simon was in a stalemate with the old cat on the next door.

Before the explosion, Simon was chasing the pollution monster when he encountered a tiger-shaped monster that was seriously injured and escaped. Of course, he chased after him.

Unexpectedly, before he could catch up, a shadow flew over the roof and directly knocked down the tiger-shaped monster.

Simon was stunned for a moment, the old beast cat who got there first.

Isn't it watching a play? Why did it suddenly appear here?

The old cat of Warcraft held the tiger-shaped monster with one paw, and the tiger-shaped monster struggled, and the old cat slapped it on the ground again with one paw.

Bowing down, a pair of green eyes stared at Simon.

Could it be that the old cat has taken a fancy to the tiger-shaped monster?

This body type is too out of place.

Or is it better for an old cat?

Does the old cat attack or suffer?

Simon's mind is full of these strange thoughts.

The tiger-shaped monster was very restless. The old cat ripped open the monster's neck with one paw, and the blood spurted out.

Fierce, brutal.

It doesn't look like he's trying to get involved.

The old cat stared straight at Simon, and Simon was also thinking about whether to make a gesture with it.

It can run even if you beat it, right?

Then the first explosion sounded.

Simon looked in the direction of Fifth Avenue. At this time, the old cat dragged the tiger-shaped monster and quickly retreated, dragging a monster more than ten times larger than it, and the speed was very fast.

It was followed by a second, larger explosion, which radiated magical energy.

The old cat let out a strange cry, his whole body exploded, and after throwing away the tiger-shaped monster, he ran away desperately, and disappeared into the street with a few jumps.

The magic energy waved like a tide and pushed in all directions, and the concentration was still very high.

Simon was taken aback. Could there be another source of pollution? Regardless of the monster corpse, he turned and rushed to Fifth Avenue.

He returned to the main street and saw the knights and policemen who had transformed into monsters. Their bodies were in high rotting, and most of them had rotted into a pile of rotten released here The source of pollution, and the concentration of the source of pollution was higher than that in the well in the Xiacheng District last time.

This time, the method is more direct and vicious.

Once this high concentration of magical energy pollution spreads, several blocks around it will be polluted.

It will be a disaster, and thousands of people will be cursed with fel-tainted energy.


Wanton toying with the lives of thousands of people.

The madness of the Green Sun Church once again refreshed Simon's cognition.

The mutant knights and policemen who had not been polluted and died came towards him.

Two mutant knights, two mutant policemen.

The first to charge was a knight. His speed was extremely fast, and he brought out the afterimage. He was tens of meters away in the blink of an eye, and he slashed with a long knife.

Simon waved his knife to resist, sparks flickered, and Simon's body sank.

Contaminated with high concentrations of magical energy either died or became more terrifying.

I don't have time to play with you now.

Simon swung the magic long sword and cut off its head instantly.

Since these knights have been completely reduced to monsters, they are not worthy of pity.

He ran towards the mutated knights and policemen, and he did learn some fighting skills in just two days of study in the knight's martial arts hall.

Especially these fighting skills are displayed with the body of shadow ghosts, which is especially terrifying.

All four polluted monsters fell under his sword, he quickly entered a dark alley, crossed his knees on the ground, and began to swallow the magic energy in the air.

At this time, Simon was fully exerting his energy-eating ability. He was like a vortex, attracting the magic energy in the air.

Invisible magic energy swarmed in, forming a mass of gray, white and black airflow, surrounding the shadow ghost, and blending into the shadow ghost's body.


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