Chapter 39: Bright and early

That night, Lysander dreamt of running in an endless field of snowdrops. When he woke up, he had a bright smile on his face. After all, Erin was hugging his back, their feet touching, so they can be warm during the night. 

Lysander knew that he needed to make breakfast, to get himself and Erin washed, and then for them to study alchemy. Yet, after that, they could always go back to Tine's dimension, and play in the forest, which seemed to be in eternal summer. 

"Wake up, Rin. We have a lot to do, today," Lysander said. Erin just snuggled closer to Lysander, nuzzling his nose at the back of the wanderer's neck. 

"Five more minutes," Erin said, his voice still being sleepy. 

"No, we get up now. Don't you want to visit Tine? Together with Belle?" Lysander asked. That got Erin to finally let go of Lysander, and roll around, so he could stand up from the bed. 

"Yes, let us see papa," Erin said, still sleepy. 

"Papa?" Lysander asked. Just how was Tine their papa. 

"Belle is Mama, and Tine is Papa. We are a family," Erin said, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. 

"We can't be brothers, though," the blonde added, as if in an afterthought. "Because we will marry." 

"That is a long time from now," Lysander said with a blush. Erin was getting a lot more insistent, with the whole marriage thing. 

"But you won't find someone else, will you?" Erin asked. Lysander sighed. 

"No. I doubt I can find anyone prettier, or smarter, than you," Lysander said, almost not thinking about what went pass his lips. 

"You think I'm smart?" Erin asked, his eyes wide. Sleep had left his head entirely, and now he was processing what he heard with a clear mind. 

"Well, yes. You can read, write, and tell stories. When we become alchemists, you will probably be better at it than me. You just need to learn patience," Lysander said. Anna had always told him, that he had to encourage those he loved. It was the grown-up thing to do. Erin blushed at those words, and went back in the bed, to give Lysander a hug. 

"Ok, cuddly bug, that is enough. Let us lit the fire, and wash up," Lysander said, and then patted Erin on the bag. 

"I like you too, Ly," Erin said, with a bright smile on his face. 

Lysander paused then. During his entire life, he has waited for someone to tell him that they liked him. Anna had informed him that he was her child, but she had never uttered anything else. Instead, she showed her love with the care she put forward in his upbringing. Belle, too, was yet to tell him she loved him. Not to speak at all about Tine, who Lysander met just last night. 

But Erin was different. He wanted to tell Lysander that he loved him, and he wanted to be there for him. For the wanderer, this meant the world. 

"We have to get up," Lysander said once more, when Erin was too busy nuzzling his nose in the back of Lysander's neck. "Come on. I'll make us something tasty, if you finally let go." 

"Like what?" Erin asked, ready to bargain. 

"Pancakes," Lysander offered. He had flour, and eggs, gathered from a bird's nest just two days ago. The egg was that of a cuckoo bird, so he was doing the original owners of the nest a favor, by getting rid of the bird. Sure, it would have been ideal, to keep the flour for the winter, but he felt warm inside, from Erin's words. The dragon shifter needed to be treated to nice things when he was nice. 

"Do we have honey?" Erin asked. He was yet to be told, what Lysander bought from Crystargar. 

"We have a jar," Lysander said, and Erin finally let go of him. 

"Do you know how to flip pancakes?" Erin asked, then, he puffed up his chest. "I know how to flip pancakes." 

Lysander knew how to flip pancakes, but he also wanted to include the blonde in the making of the breakfast. It would taste better if they made it together. 

"You can flip the pancakes, and I will oil the pan, and fold them with the honey," Lysander said. "But first, we wash, and change our clothes." 

"Ly, when are we going back to the Lily Pond, for sewing lessons?" Erin asked, as he began to undress. Lysander went to the small tub they had next to the sink, and began filling it with warm water. 

"How about today? We can place more logs in the fire, and close the grate," Lysander suggested. Soon, they wouldn't have to keep a fire going. For, spring would soon give way to summer. 

"After the alchemy lessons? If yesterday we needed to cut, then today, we might end up using the leaves," Erin sounded hopeful. Lysander had flipped the page last night, and saw that today, they would learn how to turn roots into powders. 

"Uhm, not quite," Lysander said. "But it is important that we learn everything we can, Rin. Baby steps, and all that." 

"Oh," Erin whined. Yet, when Lysander waved him over, he went, and got into the tub. Lysander took out a soap, and got into the tub himself. 

"Come on, let me wash your hair," Lysander said, and Erin bent, so he can wet his hair. 

After they were washed and clothed, they busied themselves with making pancakes. They ended up making a lot more, than they could eat. So, they placed them in a box, and decided that they will bring them to Tine. Belle, as far as they knew, didn't eat human food. But Tine was made of flesh and bone, at least, in his dimensional pocket. 

Lysander flipped the page of the potion's book, and then showed Erin how to regulate his mana so that he could dry the root. They spend a couple of hours drying, and crushing. The powder ended up in boxes, which ended up in a cupboard. 

Just because Erin couldn't help himself, he flipped the next page of the book. There, he saw that they would finally use the leaves and powder. To make tea, and not a potion. He pouted at that.   


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