The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 574: The New God

Your conversion is welcome. "

The baby waterfowl nodded lightly, and didn't care whether they were sincere or held resentment.

Sixty-three blood angels slapped their blood-colored sword wings and flew to the top of the statue of the Storm God at an altitude of several hundred meters. Sixty-three intersecting sword prisons covered it, wearing away the aura on it little by little.


"Witch! Blasphemous witch!"

"This is our freedom of religious belief. You have no right to interfere. You are violating human rights!"

Although the sixteen strong martial artists were terrified under the guidance of inertial beliefs, they did not dare to say anything more.

But the reaction of hundreds of thousands of believers below was much more violent than theirs.

Dense figures came to kill the blood angel on the statue of the God of Storms, some with arrows, some with swords, and some with submachine guns and individual bazookas shooting at the four-winged blood angel in the sky.

Some black-haired and yellow-skinned believers saw that the attack had no effect, and saw that the blood angels looked similar to themselves. They regarded them as weapons of war for the country, and tried to stop them with weapons of law.

It just doesn't get any response.

The blood angels stared at the tall and majestic statue in front of them, without looking down, allowing them to curse and attack.

However, the crimson illusory domain wandered around, and whenever it faced an attack, no matter if it was an arrow or a bullet, there would immediately be a tiny red sword energy leaving the ocean, beheading those who attacked below.

"Kill! We will be reborn in the Lord's kingdom of heaven!"

The tragic casualties did not slow down the crowd below in the slightest. They shouted all kinds of fanatical slogans and gathered towards the statue, trying to defend it with their own strength.

Nature is useless.

Even if the moth is desperate and abandons everything, it will never try to extinguish the burning bonfire, it will only increase its fire.

Others are not their parents, and they will not be moved by their death in the slightest. Let alone tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of millions of people attack, they will die under the flying sword energy.

Anyone who tries to attack the blood angel, anyone who tries to enter this sword prison that covers the idol,

The body turned into powder and dissipated without a sound, without causing any waves.

Slowly, the fanatical crowd calmed down. Looking at the blood angel whose sky was as cold as metal, and the crimson sword prison in front of which tens of thousands of believers had been buried, they felt chills all over their bodies.

Like flames, like ice, how can their personal will, no matter how pious their beliefs, change everything?

The beliefs of the Storm God believers under the fanatics fluctuated immediately, the devout believers experienced a small-scale regression, and the formal believers' piety experienced a large-scale regression.

Human beings are such magical creatures. When they are devout, they are really devout, and the speed of change is so rapid that even they themselves cannot control it.

Kacha Kacha~

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of believers around, the aura of the statue of the God of Storms hundreds of meters high was worn out, and a crack appeared between the eyebrows.

The cracks quickly expanded to the whole body, as dense as a spider's web.

Pausing for a moment, like a mountain toppled, the statue of the God of Storms collapsed into pieces of rubble, and marble blocks the size of a human head fell like raindrops and turned into gray powder in the red sword energy.

The halo of belief in the storm that had enveloped the city for three years disappeared, and the hearts of all believers became empty.

The white dust that covered the sky was swept away by the red storm of sword energy, and something new appeared on the spot.

It is a statue as tall as a person, shining with a red aura of faith.

He is ordinary, exposed to the sun and rain, not as tall and majestic as the God of Storms, dressed in commoner clothes, with blood-colored pupils in his fuzzy face looking down at the long sword in his hand.

It is a long sword with a length of 1.2 meters and the standard is the same as that used by the blood angels. There is a prismatic crystal on the hilt of the sword, and a straight scratch in the middle of the sword, which almost cuts it in two.

The waterfowl baby led the four-winged blood angel behind him to the ground, and said to the sixteen martial artists who followed carefully: "This is the blood god of our lord. From now on, you need to study the teachings of the blood church carefully and walk along the path of our lord. Bring beauty and peace to the people of the world."

"Yes! Your Excellency Angel!"

The sixteen barbarian warriors knelt down respectfully and prayed in order according to the prayers given by the baby waterfowl.

"You were born from blood, and you hold the power of blood!"

"You will clean up the corruption of the world and build your heaven on earth!"


As they prayed, slowly, a faint aura of faith was born on these people, and they became shallow believers of the blood god. The speed was so fast that even the baby waterfowl was a little surprised.

After careful observation, she immediately knew.

The strong generally have a certain ability to control their own spiritual power, and they can hypnotize themselves to make themselves believe that they are devout followers of a certain god.

These strong men who can survive in the world controlled by the gods are even more proficient in this life-saving skill.

Although their faith is extremely weak, their spiritual power is extremely strong, which is roughly equivalent to the power of faith provided by about a thousand devout believers, which can be regarded as a small supplement.

"very good……"

The baby waterfowl nodded in satisfaction. She could feel the joy that Faith Ocean brought her through. The ignorant and chaotic Faith Ocean instinctively got close to the creatures that helped expand her, and gave her more affinity.

Although it was only a faint trace that could only be observed with the best of observation, the meaning of it made the sixty-three blood angels look excited.

"Okay, you go to the city to maintain order now, large-scale riots are not allowed, and those who violate the order will die."

After they finished a round of prayers, the baby waterfowl ordered again.

The sixteen barbarian martial artists obeyed their orders respectfully and spread out in all directions, relying on their past prestige to appease the restless people in the city.

The angels, baby waterbirds, did not leave. They stood on two sides in front of the statue of the blood god, with bloody sword wings behind them, like cold fighting machines serving the gods.

Three days later, dozens of planes that were below the speed of sound and had no effect on the military division came to the center of Hexi. Heavily armed soldiers landed by air, armed with heavy artillery and light tanks, and quickly spread out in all directions.

A helicopter protected by layers landed in front of Baby Water Bird and the other blood angels, and He Donglai and other high-ranking army officers walked out of it.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Angel, for helping us recover Hexi."

He Donglai came to the baby waterfowl with a flushed face, extremely excited in his heart.

This is the first time that the retreating Blue Star humans have regained their homeland, and it is still within his garrison range.

The baby waterfowl opened its eyes, and the two pairs of bloody wings fluttered slightly behind it: "Take over this city for me. The church only needs faith, and will not establish a church administrative organization, but you must not interfere with anyone's belief in the God of Blood."

"Also, ordinary people and barbarians who have committed heinous crimes can be judged, but they must not be slaughtered on a large scale. They are also future believers of the blood god, and they are absolutely equal to each other without any discrimination."

She reached some agreements with the high-level officials of this country in her own name.

He Donglai's face straightened: "Don't worry, as long as the church does not force others to believe in it, as long as it is not an official cult, our country is willing to respect any individual's belief. This is a basic right of citizens."

"As for the barbarians..."

He hesitated and said: "As long as they can abide by the laws of the country, I guarantee that they will be treated equally."

In the past, due to language problems and the hidden danger of individual powerful barbarians integrating into human society, they have always exterminated barbarians and did not accept any large-scale surrender.

But now, in order to obtain the support of the angels from the other world, all of these can be compromised. Anyway, these places are originally territories that are difficult to recover without using nuclear bombs.

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