Facing Dudu's increasingly cold eyes, Master Yang didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and told everything about the rebels before.

He gritted his teeth: "General, my Yang family also has people in the county. I will pay you two taels of silver. You help me teach these rioters a lesson!"

Afraid that this group of big soldiers would ransack his Yang family regardless, he warned cryptically.

Dutou didn't care about his small thoughts, and said with joy: "Are you sure that the rebels recruited soldiers here and distributed food to these rioters?"

"Indeed there are."

Master Yang saw something, and quickly said: "Master Jun, we have agreed, no matter what you want to do, we have never said that these rioters are rebels, and something will happen in the future..."

"Hahaha! As long as you have it! I deserve to be rich!" Dutou laughed, and his voice suddenly turned cold: "Old Yang Xiang, I will lend you the heads of these rioters."

Master Yang was astonished and said in disbelief, "What do you want to do..."

The waist knife in Dutou's hand pierced his heart, revealing the blood-stained silver tip, leaving his words in his mouth, turning into a vague voice of ho ho.

He sneered and said, "Two taels? What can two taels of silver do? It's not enough for the brothers' wine money. You, an old villager, are to blame for the riots!"

"Come on, kill these rioters for me, and confiscate their property!"

"Yes! Dutou!"

The surrounding soldiers responded in unison, and flooded into Yang Town with great joy, cutting down anyone they saw, dragging the women into the room, and searching for money from boxes and chests.

"What do you want to do? My Yang family is a good citizen!"

Young master Yang just took his servants out, and what he saw was this kind of terrifying scene, he shouted tremblingly, the servants behind him felt his legs go limp.

Responding to him were dozens of weapons that surrounded him, chopping these domineering servants into meat paste.

The peaceful Yangjiaji fell into hell, countless people screamed, and the house was on fire.

A personal guard behind Dutou was a little uneasy, and whispered: "Master, did this matter go a bit rough, it would be bad if the superiors blamed it."

Although this kind of thing has been done a lot before, they are all villages and towns with real rioters.

At worst, it was close to each other. Now it is a bit abrupt to kill a villager for no reason.

Dutou was not angry, and said casually: "Xiaodao, you don't understand, the superiors are very dissatisfied with the people of the three counties for daring to join the rebellious army, and these foolish men and women dare to take advantage of the rebels. Damn it, no one can find fault, and it's not unrelated that my Liu family is in the county."

"What about this villager named Yang? He said there are people in his county. I don't know if it's true."

Dutou's expression turned serious: "There should be something to do with having such a large piece of land locally, but it's just a small landlord, so it shouldn't matter much."

He thought for a while, and said with heartache: "After the Yang family's property is looted and half of it is given to Yingzheng, you send it yourself, and then pick a few good-looking girls, but leave the best-looking ones to me. "

"Yes, master."

After the soldiers left, the formerly lively Yangjiaji turned into a dead black charcoal world, wisps of green smoke curled up from the ruins of the houses, carrying some flames.

This incident did not cause any disturbance within the Dagan army. This shrewd Dutou got a good reward through his connections. Although he didn't get promoted by one rank, he was half a rank.

This is the norm in feudal armies.

The feudal army with low status and lack of strict order and glory is no less a disaster than the rebels. As long as the court officials are not offended, Chu, who urgently needs to win over the army to counter the rebellion, The king will not punish the hearts of the soldiers.

They enjoyed it, but they suffered from the leader of the vanguard. After chasing for a few quarters of an hour, they didn't even see a hair of the rebels, but they were so tired that they were out of breath.

"Stop! Wait for the cavalry to come! Spy on the horses and keep an eye on them."

He was annoyed, but had to stop and rest.

The cavalry is delicate, and it is not something that he, the forward leader, can transfer at will. He can only wait for his superiors to transfer from other places after asking for help.

It may not have been possible in the past, but this time the Shangguan should not block it, and they can also see that there is no cavalry to catch up.


After waiting for a while, a cavalry battalion appeared in the smoke and dust, and five hundred cavalry galloped over like the tide and waves, which made the faces of more than a thousand infantrymen in Sun Wang's army turn pale with fright. install.

"Mr. Sun, is the enemy ahead?"

The square-faced cavalry battalion was asking questions on horseback, without dismounting to salute, and their attitude was far from respectful.

Although Sun Wang is the leader of the army and he is only the commander of the battalion, the status of the cavalry is not comparable to that of the infantry.

Sun Wang didn't feel annoyed, and said bitterly: "Zhou Yingzheng, this group of rebellious rebels are half a mile ahead, they won't hold back, if you entangle them, I'll be right there."

"a piece of cake."

The cavalry roared past, and soon out of the sight of the forward infantry, they quickly approached the fleeing army ahead.

The smoke and dust behind him and the loud noise made Rabbit Cotton Candy immediately know what was coming from behind.

"Battle formation!"

The assembled battalion of 1,728 people slowly gathered, with swords and shields in front, pikemen behind, and archers in the middle of a circle of spiked turtle shells.

The maneuverability of horses in short distances is far superior to that of infantry. After waiting for a moment, a group of more than 500 cavalry rushed straight towards the position. Using the momentum of the horses, the swords, guns and armor shone coldly, like rolled steel. Chariots in general.

Many barbarian soldiers couldn't help trembling with fear, their hands and feet were weak, as if they were facing an irresistible natural disaster.

Tutu Cotton Candy immediately sensed the change in the army's morale, and said loudly: "Everyone, don't panic, as we have said before, light cavalry are weak rabbits in front of tight infantry positions!"

"If they dare to come, we will kill them all!"

"The sea of ​​blood is victorious! The people are victorious!"

The long-term training and political education allowed the barbarian soldiers to slowly regain their composure, and once again returned to the mountains to be invincible, pushing down the self-confidence of countless small tribes.


Coming at high speed, it seemed that they were about to charge to the death in the next moment. The five hundred cavalry drew an arc 20 meters in front of the infantry formation, and passed the soldiers' eyes, as expected, they did not dare to charge at all.

If it is a light cavalry with good riding skills, it can also shoot a wave of arrows at this time to destroy the infantry and damage morale.

But even the cavalry who can do this on the grassland are elite, and these five hundred cavalry don't have this ability.

Leading his subordinates to turn around, Zhou Yingzheng was shocked. He still maintained a tight formation under the charging cavalry. This group of rebels was indeed much more elite than the soldiers of the imperial court.

At this time, Tutu Marshmallow Candy coldly shouted: "Let go!"

Hundreds of arrows flew out from the battle formation of spiked turtle shells, covering the tails of the cavalry passing by, causing dozens of casualties and falling off their horses, causing these cavalry to slap their horses and flee quickly until they were within a hundred meters away. Dare to stop.

Zhou Yingzheng was in shock, he couldn't believe it, archers, how come there are archers when you meet a random rebel, isn't this what you should have in the protection of the central army?

They didn't dare to get close, but they fixed their eyes on the spiked tortoise shell battle formation. As long as the rebels dared to disarm the battle formation and escape, they would usher in the devastating charge of the cavalry.

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