The lives of the two sides are consumed rapidly in this confrontation, and everyone knows that the army that can withstand more casualties will surely win.

In this regard, Tutu Cotton Candy has no doubt that he can win.

There are land reforms, doctrine bonuses, and a player commander who is not afraid of death. Just ask, is there an army in this world that can compete with the Blood Sea Guild army in terms of ability to withstand casualties?

The blood sea guild poured countless efforts into the army and did not disappoint her.

Eighty-two soldiers were killed in a company, and more than 200 cavalrymen in a large group died in battle. After the battle loss rate exceeded 40%, they finally collapsed.

"Those who retreat will be cut!"

Zhou Yingzheng was not reconciled, and led his own soldiers to kill three or four deserters one after another, but there was nothing he could do. The cavalry attacked quickly and fled quickly, even if they wanted to find the supervising team.

Although he knew full well that he was able to escape after losing 40% of the battle, the soldiers under his command had exhausted their lives.

In the past, it would be nice to be able to achieve 30% of the battle damage without collapse.

The front of the company's army was suddenly empty, and the cavalry all over the ground fled in all directions in panic. Even the world's famous generals would never think of reorganizing them in a short time.

"Blood sea wins!"

"The people are victorious!"

The remaining soldiers of the first company survived the catastrophe, cheering loudly, and under the command of Tutu Marshmallow, they entered the difficult sixth company position from the flanks.

Compared with the cavalry, the besieged county soldiers had almost no morale when the casualty rate reached more than 10% or close to 20%, and they collapsed immediately after they suddenly found themselves surrounded.

"Run away! The rebels are coming!"

"The cavalry lords are gone!"

The county soldiers fled in all directions in horror. The players of the first company and the sixth company took the opportunity to reap a lot of battle results. Instead of chasing after them, they gathered together to kill other battalions that were entangled.


The collapse spread rapidly in all directions like snowflakes. After the 5th and 4th companies were rescued, all the remaining county soldiers lost all hope. No matter how much Yingzheng and Dutou tried to coerce and lure them, they stopped fighting and fled in all directions like crazy. .

In the end, when the blood sea soldiers came to kill them, the officers didn't care about shouting any more, dropped their gorgeous official robes, and fled faster than the soldiers.

There are broken soldiers all over the mountains and plains, scurrying around like headless ants, desperately staying away from the Tutu Cotton Candy Department.

After killing a large number of soldiers quickly, the blood sea soldiers could only stare blankly at the broken soldiers around them, not daring to disperse to pursue them.

Tutu Cotton Candy sighed: "The cavalry is a good thing. If there are cavalry chasing and killing them, the five thousand people will be here today."

"How can it be so easy? There are no horses in the south, and it is too difficult to raise cavalry."

Yujie Ziyu, who has been a sister and teammate for hundreds of years, gave her a blank look. The cruel battlefield around them seemed no different from their daily breathing.

She continued reporting:

"In this battle, our troops killed 15 players, 221 soldiers died, 328 were injured, the loss was close to 30%, individual companies lost nearly 50%, seven The company system has collapsed, all the commanders died in battle, and they must be repaired in the rear for several months before they can continue to fight."

"In terms of battle results, more than 1,300 enemy infantrymen, 200 cavalrymen, and 1,520 prisoners were annihilated, with all kinds of knives and guns, 30,000 catties of food, and 106 horses."

When it came to casualties, both of them fell silent.

Fifteen players lost more than ten years of cultivation, and one or two native Golden Core monks died completely.

There are also two hundred and twenty-one people who died in battle. Over the past year, they got along with each other day and night and developed feelings for each other, so they never saw each other again.


Tutu Cotton Candy said slowly: "After publicizing our policy, the captives were released with five copper coins for tolls. They took off their military badges, took seven days of military rations, and immediately retreated to the rear with all the horses."


To the surprise of the soldiers, these rebels did not treat them cruelly, but gently propagandized to them the policy that everyone has land, everyone has clothes and food.

The sincere and sincere words made these landless tenant farmers yearn for it.

The officer hiding among the rout was terrified and furious, but he didn't dare to speak out at all.

If it was just words, it would not be enough to be trusted. After defeating them, someone asked them if they would like to join the army, and those who did not want to get travel expenses home, which were distributed on the spot.

Many farmers were moved, but they still didn't dare to join the army, and they didn't want to join the army to work hard, so they ran home directly.

After the war, less than a thousand soldiers were recruited by the general officers and soldiers. The morale of each was low, and most of them were captured.

If it weren't for the government's forced arrest, not many people would be willing to serve as soldiers, because they would have neither honor nor dignity nor appropriate financial treatment if they were killed at any time.

This is also the reason why the army of feudal society collapsed so easily.

The news of the defeat on the front line was quickly passed on to the superior officer of the Dagan army, which really caused outrage.

When the son of the great general of the Chaozhu Kingdom, Huang Degong, the head of the chamber in command of the Left Route Army, looked angrily at Sun Wang and Zhou Li who were kneeling on the ground below with their hands bound, and cursed: "Trash! Five thousand people can't beat you!" Two thousand people, and cavalry, what are you doing for food?"

Zhou Li lowered his head, knowing the general's temper well, he dared not make the slightest quibble.

Sun Wang struggled, and said in pain: "Xiangzhu, it's not that the brothers don't have to die, and I, Sun Wang, don't think there is any wrong command, but our strength is not as good as others, and there is nothing we can do!"

The military leader surnamed Ou beside him also snotted and said with tears: "Master Xiang, this gang of rebels is too weird. I saw with my own eyes that half of the troops died, but they haven't collapsed yet and are still fighting." , they are not humans, they are ghosts..."

50% of the battle damage has not yet collapsed?

The generals around were shocked, and their faces were full of disbelief, which violated all their combat experience.

"It's nothing more than being incompetent, and you dare to confuse the crowd and shake the morale of the army."

Huang Degong was furious: "Come here, take this person down and behead him. Pass the head to the camps and let the soldiers know what will happen if they are afraid of fighting and incompetent!"

"Lord, spare your life! I have been wronged! Forgive me..."

The military master surnamed Ou was pulled out of the military tent, and he calmed down completely after hearing a sharp scream.

The generals in the account felt a chill, this was the first senior general to die in battle.

Huang Degong looked around and said coldly, "Zhou Rang."

"The end is here!"

A middle-aged general wearing a saber came out respectfully.

"Take your two thousand cavalry and your useless nephew, and catch up with the fleeing rebels. If you can kill them, kill them. If you can't kill them, wait for the arrival of the big army."

Zhou Rang's face relaxed, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, General, the final general will definitely be heartbroken, and he will not hesitate!"

After finishing speaking, he led Zhou Li out of the army account in a murderous spirit, and the voice of the owner of the chamber holding back his anger and questioning Sun Wang was faintly heard in his ears, and Sun Wang replied tremblingly.

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