The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 752: The Broken Army

Surrounded by densely packed enemy troops, the surrounded officers and soldiers were extremely pale, their legs were weak, and they had no fighting spirit.

In the face of four times the enemy, they can still maintain morale, which is something that even the emperor's personal guards may not be able to do.

The military leader immediately sensed the change in morale in the army, and he sternly said: "Those who retreat will be executed immediately! All family members will be demoted to slavery!"

The severe intimidation made the surrounding soldiers regain some composure.

The sound of jingling fell, and the black crowd pressed up, the swords and guns reflected cold light, and the shield was as strong as a wall.

"Kill! For the sea of ​​blood, for the people!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

The soldiers shouted fanatical slogans and collided with each other, and blood bloomed instantly. There were not many casualties on the side of the sea of ​​blood, but hundreds of soldiers were killed and injured by the surrounded soldiers. A familiar comrade in the past.

Looking around, there are dense figures all around, and no friendly troops are seen, and he and the surrounding comrades are completely plunged into darkness, without a glimmer of hope.

The battle formation around him continued to collapse, and he would die in the next moment.

"I'll wait for my wish!"

"Forgive me!"

The soldiers immediately collapsed, crying and throwing down their weapons, and knelt down on the ground.

"You dare! Supervisor team!"

While the general's lord's personal guards slashed wildly at the fugitives around him, killing dozens of them, but the fear brought by this still did not exceed the pressure brought by the enemy.

Under the pressure of life, the always obedient soldier broke out, took a knife and slashed at the army master's personal soldier, stabbing him in the face: "I'll fuck your mother! You are cruel, why don't you go up, why do you ask me to do it? "


The army lord's personal soldiers looked angrily at the soldier who dared to fight back, seven or eight long knives came at the same time, and angrily chopped the rout soldier into meat sauce.

But this kind of killing chickens to warn monkeys did not awe the crazy soldiers. Instead, the defeated soldiers around them were aroused, and they rushed to the dozens of soldiers of the army lord and entangled with them.

This is inside the army formation,

The soldiers outside who were not supervised had already dropped their weapons and surrendered, allowing the blood sea soldiers to rush in. In a blink of an eye, they came to the center of the barracks and saw the soldiers who were killing each other.

"The survivors will not be killed!"

The blood sea soldiers roared in unison, killing all those who blocked the front and those who dared to hold weapons, and wiped out all the remnants of the enemy within half a quarter of an hour.

From the start of the battle to the end, it took less than thirty minutes.

From the perspective of Zhao Shi, who was riding on a horse and staring at the enemy cavalry ready to charge at any time, it was a wave of black armor and blood flags rolling forward, encountered some resistance, and quickly swallowed up the resistance after a moment of delay.

It's not just the proud sheep and sheep here. In front of the spears, flying snails, and Wuye, the enemy's Fourth Army's forces collapsed in a short period of time, and the frantic and desperate rout spread backwards, continuing to rush behind Originally, the complete front was maintained, leading to more routs.

In a death situation, no matter how angry the generals are, no one is willing to continue to support them, and they frantically flee in all directions.

"This is impossible!"

Huang Degong yelled in disbelief: "How long has it been? Less than a thousand people have died. Why are you running away? Come on, kill these people who are greedy for life and fear of death for me, and continue to fight for me!"

The supervising team barely kept the order on top, but was scattered by a large number of routs in a blink of an eye, and finally joined the ranks of routs.

There are crazy routs all over the mountains and plains. People's emotions are easily affected by the collective consciousness. In the end, even if the routs do not spread, the complete system will collapse automatically.

No one wants to continue fighting when they must die.

Only after a while, the rout spread to the vicinity of Huang Degong's general flag, and soldiers directly under him joined the rout every moment.

Not far away, several blood sea companies in a neat formation noticed the situation here, and rushed to the central flag regardless of the broken soldiers along the way.

"The thief gets his way in a moment."

Huang Degong smiled bitterly, drew his sword and put it on his neck, with a trace of blood flowing out: "My Huang family has been favored by the emperor, I don't want me, an incompetent person, to lose the army and lose the general today, and I have no face to live again..."

"Master, no!"

The bodyguards around him were shocked, and regardless of his struggle, they took the sword away from his hand, dragged him with several tall and healthy bodyguards, and ran towards the horse.

"Let's go! Go to Junzhu Zhou! Young master, let's go see the master, the master will find a solution!"

Immediately, regardless of other things, he chopped off the rout soldiers around him, and joined Zhou Rang's 1,500 cavalry who also looked anxious, and fled to the distance.

Zhao Shi, who had been watching Zhou Rang's cavalry all the time, moved at this moment. The thousand cavalry under his command turned into a bolt of lightning and shot at Zhou Rang's cavalry who had been delayed for a moment. Fog smoke cloud.

Struggling and roaring, Huang Degong, who wanted to die for his country, felt a chill in his heart, and relaxed all his strength so as not to delay his guards from taking him away.

"Go! Don't care, don't care about anything!"

Zhou Rang roared, regardless of the front, the rear, even his nephew, and the guards fled to the distance beside Huang Degong.

It's fine if you lose the battle, if even the son of the commander-in-chief dies here, the lives of their entire clan will be lost!

"Surrender! I am willing to surrender, spare my life!"

Zhou Rang's reckless fleeing collapsed the cavalry who were under tremendous pressure under the flashing flying sword. They fell off their horses and knelt down to surrender.

Judging from past fugitives, this group of rebels did not have the practice of killing and surrendering, but would give money instead, so who would fight to die.

The flashing red jade flying sword paused, and retracted into the scabbard around Zhao Shi's waist.

Of Zhou Rang's 1,500 riders, only more than 500 escaped, and the rest stayed here.

The only regret is that the number of old players is too small, and it is already very difficult to draw a thousand people from the whole army to build a cavalry battalion, and it is impossible to add a thousand more cavalry in an instant.

The cavalry should be trained quickly.

Zhao Shi silently watched the cavalry soldiers who surrendered, especially those at the grassroots level. The cavalry behind them dispersed, followed the fleeing soldiers, and forced them to land.

Thirty minutes later, Ouyang Wu reported: "This battle defeated 20,000 people, killed 1,200 enemies, and captured 15,000 people, including 923 cavalry soldiers."

Not many enemies were killed, but most of the soldiers surrendered because they lost their will to fight when they could not see hope and fear.

Zhao Shi was slightly injured and said: "Leave a company to cooperate with the militiamen from the three counties who came later to guard the prisoners. After a period of political education, they will be sent back to their original places, and they will be absorbed into the Blood Navy voluntarily."

Before, there was no condition to accept the transformation and drop troops. Now that this area has been cleared, we can start.

"Remaining troops, come with me and wipe out the enemy's reinforcements 40 kilometers ahead."


Commander Zhao Shi's cavalry continued to charge forward after a short repair, and would hold back the enemy's reinforcements.

The infantry of the third division with a slight loss followed closely behind, with high morale, and their inner beliefs became more and more firm under the continuous victories, and the newly formed troops had a military spirit.

Under the guidance of science, we are on the right path and have continuously won victories.

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