The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1366: Not a paradise, but a battlefield

A group of builders with only welding techniques handed down from generation to generation, and a group of collectors of cattle and horses in the dark and bottomless mines for all generations, must be in the cold, suffocating, dark, dangerous, and dying deep space. Survive in the universe-this is simply an impossible task.

The unfinished spacecraft was named "Hope" by passengers without tickets.

But when the Hope set sail, even the base leader who made the decision, that is, the first captain, could not see the slightest hope in the eyes.

They are just driven by their survival instinct, and they want to be as far away as possible from the blazing mother galaxy.

Just like the fish who first landed, he didn't have any ambitions, and didn't know that he was about to embark on the road to conquer the entire planet.

It's just that the poor worm who was defeated in the fierce competition in the ocean was forced to fly far away.

Sure enough, in the first one hundred years, the unfinished, tattered, and stumbling Hof Hope suffered dozens of extinctions and lost most of its population and resources. It almost became a piece of water floating in the icy universe. Iron coffin.

Even if they have the ability to jump between galaxies instantly.

But the galaxies they arrived at were all lifeless and even murderous at every step.

It takes a lot of material and energy to start the traversing engine that has not yet been repaired.

Most of the time, the passengers of Nozomi could only shuttle back and forth between planets full of storms and radiation, and at the expense of life, they could collect fuel that would allow civilization to move forward.

Fortunately in misfortune, when the last hope of Turan civilization is dying like a candle in the wind, the last straw-magnetic fluid technology, continues to shine and advance by leaps and bounds. In just a hundred years, it was completed. An impossible leap on Turan's home planet for a whole thousand years.

Magnetic fluid technology was originally the strength of Turan civilization.

In order to build Nozomi, the top magnetic fluid technology experts of the entire Turan civilization were gathered on the satellite base.

When the spacecraft is bombarded, torn, and eroded by interstellar dust, cosmic radiation, stellar gravity, and stellar storms, it becomes rusty, riddled with holes, and even shows signs of disintegration.

The few experts and scholars on board have no choice but to bet all their hopes on magnetic fluid technology.

And the new materials and elements they discovered in the vast sky, as well as the various magnetic fluid materials on the Nozomi, under the bombardment of cosmic radiation and stellar storms, exhibited all kinds of strange new characteristics, all of which give magnetic fluid technology. The hurricane forays has opened up new possibilities.

Finally, when the first hundred years were about to pass, the Hundred Hope was about to collapse, and the last hope of the entire civilization was about to extinguish, a brand-new, complex and sophisticated brand-new nanostructure appeared.

In the past, magnetic fluids consisted only of microstructures in the order of countless nanometers. They did not have the slightest intelligence, nor could they include complex structures such as "drivers, signal receivers, and robotic arms."

In essence, it seems that the magnetic fluid, which can be changed into many forms, can be formed into a structure as desired, and exhibit different characteristics, is still just a magnet.

However, the brand-new magnetic fluid can already use the fine structure of the nanometer order to form complex structures such as "drivers, signal receivers, logical thinking circuits, and robotic arms."

The subtle changes in the magnetic field can also be used to allow these complex structures to perform mechanical movements on the micro level, thereby interfering with the world on the macro level.

In this way, the magnetic fluid has changed from the original "liquid magnet" to a nanomachine that can automatically absorb energy, continuously copy and assemble its own components, and automatically complete instructions.

From this moment on, the passengers on the Hope no longer have to personally manipulate the magnetic fluid.

You only need to enter rough and vague instructions, such as "repair the hull", "collect energy", "change molecular structure, strengthen bulkheads and armor, and resist stellar storms."

As if the magnetic fluid possesses life, it can accomplish its mission with quality and quantity in a way that the Turan people did not expect.

No, it is no longer appropriate to call these new materials that seem to have intelligence and can replicate themselves as "magnetic fluid".

Passengers on the Nozomi named it "supermagnet".

I hope it will enable Turan civilization to surpass the limit of life and the limit of civilization.

With the help of supermagnets, Nozomi's voyage is getting smoother and smoother.

The traversing engine is also close to completion, outputting more ancient information with a history of hundreds of millions of years.

It includes a navigation map.

A mottled picture emerged in front of Meng Chao's eyes.

He remembered that there were similar things in the ancient ruins of Dragon City.

It is a huge metal plate, densely engraved with the coordinates of countless galaxies, and arrows are drawn between the coordinates.

It is like the power in the dark, the bait or guidance thrown by the new beings who have just stepped into the sea of ​​stars.

The discovery of the navigation map made the ancient Turan people ecstatic.

Besides, they have no choice.

Although supermagnets have incredible and magical functions.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Sufficient material and energy are needed to allow the supermagnet to exert its most powerful power.

The ancient Turan decided to make a desperate move.

Gamble everything, collect a lot of fuel at any cost, and follow the guidance of the navigation map to make an ultra-long-distance jump in an attempt to find a brand new habitable planet.

Meng Chao already knew the next thing.

The ancient Turan people succeeded.

They really traversed billions of stars and came to another world—in the vast dark universe, they found a brand-new habitable planet with an atmosphere and liquid water, shining brightly.

But they also failed.

Perhaps it is because the engine has not been repaired 100%.

Or perhaps, when they hurriedly escaped from the home galaxy, the ancient Turan people had no time to think about how to make the mass so large and the structure relatively fragile, only suitable for spacecraft floating in a gravity-free or low-gravity environment to land safely. To the surface of massive planets.

In short, Hope plunged into the depths of the earth's crust in another world.

The spaceship and the land of another world had had one time, no, it was countless close encounters at a negative distance.

A large number of equipment on the ship, including the traversing engine, are deeply embedded in the rock formations.

No, saying "inlay" is not precise enough.

Because of space overlap, these complex, sophisticated, and extremely robust devices are perfectly integrated with ancient rocks on the molecular level. All functions have been lost, and there is no longer the possibility of repairing even a tiny bit. .

Compared with equipment, the loss of the crew is more serious.

Many crew members overlapped with the hard rock at the moment they crossed.

Every cell and even every gene chain that make up the flesh and blood is perfectly, precisely, and evenly embedded in the rock, turning into a bloody, delicate three-dimensional specimen.

There are also some crew members who are very lucky or extremely unfortunate, and they have no pain in the moment of crossing.

They desperately discovered that they had been "sealed" in the depths of the rock formations.

The corridors extending in all directions that originally led to all areas on the ship are now blocked by a block of rock walls that are as hard as iron and extremely thick.

Even if they racked their brains and thought of a way to blast the bulkhead, there was still a block of cold rocks behind the broken bulkhead.

These crew members can only slowly die from suffocation and starvation.

After a long time, the people who sculpted the rock would find their deformed and distorted corpses and the blood stains they left after they crashed into the rock wall.

However, a crew member who can die within a day or a few days is still considered lucky in a sense.

There are many crew members who seem to be unscathed.

All kinds of rock powder, metal dust, and radiation from the universe at the moment of passing through, have invaded their bodies that have not yet completed their reorganization.

In the days to come, they will suffer from various diseases and aberrations, be tortured, and die in a terrible way.

The dead are gone.

The living still drags the scarred flesh and blood, painful but firmly walks on.

After all, they have been drifting in the dark universe for too long, and have tasted the disaster of extinction countless times.

Since hope is here.

How could the Turanese be stingy with the final sacrifice?

This time, the goddess of luck seemed to be on their side.

Nozomi hits the crust of another world, not only inflicting heavy damage to the spacecraft itself, but also destroying the stability of the rock formation in the other world, causing countless gaps in the rock formation that lead directly to the ground.

After countless attempts and shed the blood of thousands of warriors, the Turan finally climbed out of the cracks in the rock through the road paved with the corpses of the warriors and came to the surface of another world.

However, what appeared before their eyes was not a peaceful, peaceful, peaceful, milk and honey paradise flowing everywhere.

It is a battlefield filled with volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, monsters and viruses.

——The phenomenon of space overlap and mass increase caused by the crossing is not limited to one time and one place, but it will bring earth-shaking changes to the magnetic field of the entire planet.

The dramatic changes in the planet’s magnetic field have triggered intense crustal movements and extreme weather.

Volcanic eruptions and large-scale and high-intensity earthquakes have brought ancient bacteria and viruses that have been hidden underground for thousands or even hundreds of millions of years.

These ancient bacteria and viruses, with the help of floods, spread to the entire Turanze.

The animals and plants that originally lived here, on the one hand, were infected by ancient bacteria and viruses, and mutated into monsters and demonized plants one after another.

On the other hand, because of volcanoes, earthquakes and floods, they lost their homes and food sources.

Deformed, mutated, hungry monsters and demonized plants, their ferocity has naturally increased a hundredfold.

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