The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1374: terrible double edged sword

There is also a very vexing problem.

The Turan people at that time had not yet found a very good way to store the mandala fruit for a long time.

You must know that this kind of genetically modulated, containing a small amount of spiritual magnets, has drawn too much spiritual energy from the spar ore veins. The nature is extremely unstable, and it is simply a time bomb.

At that time, the Turanians had not yet invented all kinds of magic medicine.

Without processing, just stacking a large number of mandala fruits together will only cause the spiritual energy stored in the fruits to produce a response similar to "resonance" or "resonance".

After the psionic agitation exceeded the critical value, thousands of fruits, along with the warehouse, and all the buildings and residents around the warehouse, were blasted into the sky.

After such accidents happened many times, the ancient Turans who were busy fighting the monster war could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​storing mandala fruits on a large scale.

In the face of mandala fruits that are full of pits and valleys, the best way to deal with them is to eat them into the stomach, and then vent them out in the form of sweat, blood and desire to kill.

Otherwise, it is better to let them rot in the wild and re-enter the ecological cycle.

All of the above factors made the Turan civilization at that time not ready to face a famine in the distance.

The horrified ancient Turanians cast their hopeful eyes on the spiritual magnet experts living in the Hope.

It is these experts who concoct the mandala tree.

They can also be said to be the last group of experts, scholars and technicians of the Turan civilization.

However, experts can't say why the mandala tree suddenly lost its harvest.

They did everything possible to stimulate the mandala tree—injecting high-concentration nutrient solutions, electric shocks, burning, genetic clipping, and even dancing around the mandala tree, praying extremely devoutly.

Apart from making the huge flowers of the mandala tree bloom more gorgeously and brilliantly, as if mocking human beings, it has no effect.

Experts can only guess that this is a self-protection mechanism of the mandala tree.

Just like humans in fishing and hunting activities, will close mountains and set up a fishing ban.

The mandala tree also needs a period of rest after absorbing underground spiritual energy for a long time and frantically producing results.

After all, psionic energy is an extremely unstable and corrosive energy.

The cells, fibrous tubes, roots and branches of the mandala tree itself cannot bear it, and there is a risk of collapse.

The instinct of survival made the mandala tree choose to "close mountains and cultivate forests" by itself.

As for the mandala trees that grew in different periods, why did they choose to "close the mountains and cultivate forests" at the same time?

Experts believe that this is because the mandala tree releases a special pheromone to let those around it know that it is time to rest.

After all, the roots of the mandala tree are deeply inserted into the earth, intertwined with each other, forming an inseparable whole.

If a mandala tree has entered a period of dormancy, the surrounding relatives connected to its roots are still drawing psychic energy.

These psionic energy can still penetrate the body of the dormant along the fused roots.

This "convergence" is a very common natural phenomenon.

Nothing mysterious or mysterious.

The good news is that after thorough research, experts have concluded that the loss of mandala trees is only a temporary phenomenon.

I believe that as long as they have enough rest and their cell activity is restored, they will start to draw energy again and bear fruit.

The bad news is that no one knows exactly when the mandala tree will rest.

Maybe tomorrow, all mandala trees will "wake up".

Perhaps, the next mandala fruit will not be conceived until ten or even twenty years later.

This conclusion caused an uproar in the Turan civilization.

Realizing that the mandala tree could not be counted on temporarily, the ancient Turan people did everything possible to actively save themselves.

They first thought of increasing the intensity of hunting totem beasts, trying to use the flesh and blood of totem beasts to survive the famine.

But the population that farming civilization can feed and the population that fishing and hunting civilization can feed are not the same thing at all.

Besides, totem beasts also depend on mandala fruit in order to thrive.

When the Turan people were facing famine, the totem beasts, who used to be ferocious and ferocious, were also looking at the mandala tree, which seemed to be extremely gorgeous, but the branches that did not grow half a fruit were in a daze.

With the failure of the mandala fruit harvest, the number of totem beasts has also dropped sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In many cases, the ancient Turan people could not wait to harvest the flesh of the totem beasts.

The hungry beasts have long since killed each other and devoured each other's flesh and blood.

All that was left to the ancient Turanians was an empty skeleton.

The way of fishing and hunting does not work.

The ancient Turans could only turn their backs and try clumsily to clear fields and grow crops.

But the spirit magnet has made the mandala tree too perfect.

Perfect enough to deprive all other crops and cash crops of the possibility of large-scale cultivation.

Besides, the ancient Turan people were accustomed to gripping swords and palms that smashed the heads of fierce beasts, and they were not suitable for picking up hoes again, manipulating farming machinery, and fiddling with various medicines and utensils in the laboratory.

Breeding another crop that can compete with the Datura tree is a long way off.

The burning hunger will come on time three times or even dozens of times a day.

Until this moment, the ancient Turan people suddenly realized that there was a fatal problem in his new body, which was full of beast characteristics and seemed to be "higher, faster and stronger".

From "humans" to "orcs", they are too hungry.

There is no free lunch, neither in Turan nor in the New World.

For any power, there is a corresponding price to be paid.

It seems to be taller and more powerful, tough and strong, and its fists can blast out the destructive power of a battering ram or even a rocket.

All of this requires a lot of nutrients and psionic power to support.

Hunger knocked the ancient Turans back into shape.

No, it's worse than "returning to its original shape".

Because the ancient Turan people contained a large number of spiritual magnets.

Even if the Turans can forcefully starve.

The spirit magnets couldn't bear it.

The spiritual magnets, which lacked psychic nourishment, began to haunt the hungry ancient Turanians.

Under the influence of the spiritual magnet, the hungry Turan people tend to become grumpy, their aggression is greatly increased, their eyes are red, and their faces are ferocious like downright beasts. Everyone looks like food that can walk.

"Swallow! Devour! Devour everything! Devour all living things you see in front of you!"

Such a voice echoed repeatedly in the ears of the ancient Turan who was so hungry that he was mad.

Of course, deep in the brains of the vast majority of ancient Turans, the fire of civilization is still shining brightly.

Still have the bottom line of humanity as a smart life.

They refuse to listen to the evil voices in their ears.

Gritting his teeth, he overcomes the pain that cannot be described with pen and ink, and overcomes the hunger that washes away his internal organs and limbs like magma.

Then, they were eaten alive by the spiritual magnets in their bodies.

First, the chest collapsed, then the limbs twitched and contracted, and then even the facial features were deeply sunken, as if a huge black hole appeared on the face, swallowing everything including the brain.

Their flesh and blood disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual magnets in their bodies, as well as the cells completely encased by the spiritual magnets, grew uncontrollably like cancer cells.

Soon, they were turned into half-mechanical, half-flesh monsters, the original... Origin Warriors.

The Origin Warriors have lost all humanity and sanity.

Start to attack and devour everyone around you indiscriminately.

The mad and demonic posture is ten times more terrifying than the totem beast.

Only then did the ancient Turan people realize what a terrifying double-edged sword the spirit magnet was.

However, it was too late.

This is not to say that there is no way for them to expel the spiritual magnet from the body.

The problem is, if the spirit magnets are expelled from the body, they will become helpless wretches.

How can we continue to survive in this cruel new world?

"Since the end result of starving to the end was also swallowed by the spirit magnet and turned into a half-human, half-ghost monster, it is better to take advantage of the fact that you are still human and sensible, and make a strong vote!"

"I don't eat people, I am a person, I can never eat people like a monster, but, but the town next door seems to have a lot of mandala fruits stored, as long as we grab those fruits, we will be saved, just It can last until the mandala tree bears fruit again!"

"In this big mountain in front of me, there are still some totem beasts, including the bark and accompanying plants of the mandala tree. It's not that they can't be eaten, but they have low nutritional value and less spiritual energy, so they can't feed all of us. , if our population can be reduced by a third..."

After witnessing the tragic state of the living being swallowed up by the spiritual magnets and becoming the living dead, such thoughts, like wildfire and viruses, spread rapidly in the depths of the brains of all ancient Turanians.

There is no such thing as "breaking through the bottom line of human nature only once".

Only "breakthrough zero" and "breakthrough 10,000 times".

Once "eat the marrow and know the taste", absolutely no one can "taste it and stop it".

A very simple subject.

Suppose everyone needs to eat one steamed bun to live until tomorrow, and now there are ten people and nine steamed buns, ask, how many people will be left as a result of their cannibalism?

It would be naive to answer "nine".

Because people don't just want to live until tomorrow.

I still want to live until the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next month, next year, ten years later, one hundred years later, to live forever.

People's demand for steamed bread is unlimited.

Before they are sure when they can get new steamed buns, people will only endlessly and limitlessly kill each other until ten people, only the strongest one is left, or the two or three strongest ones who can't help each other. .

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