The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 1111: Evil Wind and Evil Rain (Part 1)

The sudden storm swept the battlefield of Attica, causing everyone to be caught off guard. Some troops who had not yet been involved in the storm could only retreat to the rear, and even left their heavy equipment and armored vehicles, and retreated to their own defense lines in a panic. .

This also made it impossible for everyone present, not even Soshyan himself, to analyze the situation on the battlefield, or to speculate on the location of the enemy troops and the direction they were preparing to attack.

Are the enemies also destroyed by the storm?

Or are they lost too?

Or is it all because of them?

Many Imperial Army veterans and officers have experienced a psionic storm—a terrifying weapon often used by the foes of Chaos, but this storm is unprecedented—although the storm did not cause a plague, and there was no element of uncleanness and desecration. Nor can the soldiers' hair stand on end and horrific nightmares are staged in their minds.

But the destructive force of nature alone is scary enough.

It's just unparalleled pure rage, pure energy, void, and yet if one can perceive it, then the power of the warp is in it, and that's a quality of the warp.

But the worst case of all is to be separated from the army.

Arash, the second company commander of the White Church, happened to be one of these unfortunate people. At that time, he was leading the company to attack a bunker held by the Black Legion. As a result, the storm came, the visibility of the entire battlefield was less than three meters, and the communication was completely out of order. Can only fight alone.

Despite the scouring of the storm, Arash climbed to the heights with difficulty.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was as dark as night, but the countless thunder and lightning turned the darkness into a flickering silent film, and the continuous thunder almost deafened him, causing him to be involved more than once during the difficult trek. In the mud of landslides.

With the light of a few lightning bolts, Arash tried to record the topography in the vicinity like a camera shutter.

And in the last flash, he also saw some moving figures

Enemy soldiers on the high slopes came across Arash by chance. When the vision returned to darkness, they opened fire on the second company commander. Countless red lasers and bombs pierced through the darkness and torrential rain and attacked Arash. Come.

Arash hurriedly fell to his knees, hoping to use the **** to provide himself with some cover.

Another round of shooting came, and the enemy army of about six people, two Space Marines, and four servants, was approaching step by step.

The Space Marines all held their guns in one hand, and the other hand grabbed the stone while walking down the muddy slope, while those mortals were slower, the two were about eight or nine meters apart.

In the darkness, more and more red lasers came flying.

Arash pulled out his pistol, and the red laser marked the enemy's position in the dark. Amidst the enemy's fire, he continued to wait, and then fired violently in the direction of the laser.

Afterwards, he moved to the left unexpectedly by the enemy, which was a very clever move, because the **** that provided him with cover had evaporated during the enemy's shooting, and the scorching laser shot made the falling rain drop instantly. There was a fog.

Lightning flashed, and in the flash, Arash saw a robust Chaos Space Marine standing before him.

Maybe he was going to sneak up on where Arash was just now, or accidentally walked too fast on the downhill.

The two almost collided.

Arash was quicker to react, giving him a shot before the enemy could react.

The stinking, profane armor-clad corpse of the enemy tumbled, crushing Arash in the mud.

Arash, who was trapped by the corpse, was involved in the landslide. He hurriedly pushed the corpse away and tried to break free, but it was too late, so he had to be carried down the **** with his head down with the corpse in the mud.

Finally, after falling twice, he struggled to stand up

He was covered in mud now, but fortunately the heavy rain washed away the mud on the eyepiece, and the bullets struck again behind him, but apart from the clearly visible red laser in front of him, his world was silent—except for the low vibration in his ears.

He lay beside the corpse, which did not have any primary weapon, but he saw an ancient plasma pistol pinned to the corpse's waist, pear-shaped grip wrapped in layers of chainmail and leather, pearls under the barrel and silver trim with twisted markings.

The blue light indicates that the gun is fully charged.

The dazzling electric light fell on Arash, at first only one flare, then a second, and a third rose into the sky from the hill of ruins in the torrential rain.

With the help of this strong light, he could see the dark ruins and the vague rainstorm, and twenty meters away, about nine enemies were attacking him along the trail.

Probably the enemy can see him too.

Afterwards, the enemy opened fire. Although the surroundings were still silent, there were only low vibrations in the ears, but the surrounding area was already stirred up by lasers and bombs.

A bomb slid through a broken stone wall beside Arash, and the five-meter-long bunker collapsed.

Arash hurriedly fell into a ditch, and now countless noises surrounded him, thunder, and the sound of firing intertwined like the howling of a group of barking hounds.

He stood firm, lying on the back of the bunker, holding a bolter in one hand and a captured plasma pistol in the other, and began to fight back.

Bullets from bolters are sacred, and plasma from captured pistols is evil, but the Emperor should forgive him as long as he can kill.

Arash fired at the two closest enemies, knocking them down in one fell swoop.

One of them collapsed in a twisted manner, falling into a patch of gravel, and the other, face down, slid across the muddy ground and plunged into the turbulent water.

During the exchange of fire, Arash moved left and right, dodging in the bunker smashed by the scorching rain of bullets.

When he regained his footing, he stretched his arm to the side of his head and fired again at the enemy.

He saw two enemies approaching, but the dense debris blocked the angle of his shot, so he adjusted his position.

The enemy fire came, he opened fire violently, the bomb pierced the shoulder of one of the enemies surrounded from the left, and then a bomb exploded the bunker in front of him, forcing him to hide behind a new bunker .

The shards knocked against his armor, making a ding ding dong ding sound.

Although it is likely that he is surrounded by enemies, Arash is not afraid and continues to fight.

He walked through the ruins and returned to his bunker position just now, making the enemy think he was still there.

When he got up, he saw that the enemy was violently firing at the bunker where he was just now, so the double guns fired violently, killing the three enemies who were firing at the empty position in an instant.

At this time, the light of the flare was gradually disappearing, and the thunder and lightning in the storm once again used its fists.

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