The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1468: Shadow Showdown

Casting a brief glance at the "garbage" he kicked away, the Phoenix Lord suddenly accelerated, passing through the conspiracy's queue like a streamer, and dozens of heads flew up at the same time in the next second.


Marathi also knew that those people alone could not stop a Phoenix Lord, and there was a shortage of high-level combat power, so she ordered Veronica to be transferred at the beginning of the raid.


And she tried to get people to find Infreni who was lost in the battlefield. Maybe she was the only one who could stop the Phoenix Lord.


However, Yin Fu Lei Ni is still in a dazed state. She was suddenly hooked up by a strange god. Before she could react, there was already a raging war around her.


At first, she wanted to find a place to hide and observe the situation, but as the firepower of both sides gradually increased, she had to get out of the hiding place, the ruins of a collapsed VIP room.


As soon as the result came out, she fell into a chaotic communication, all kinds of consciousness and voice kept coming into her mind, she tried to get information from the chaotic whispers, but it was useless.


Ordinary minds would be quickly driven mad by such exchanges, but now Infreni seems to be able to divide a part of her consciousness into this task.


But then a group of people found her—


Victor had a deep love for Infreni and sent his strongest killer to take her life.




With a loud shout, Infreni suddenly kicked the neck of one elite Cabal warrior, then wrapped the whip around the neck of the other, breaking it with force, and kicking the battle-hardened elite towards his stunned companion .


Now, she seems to have endless power, and her speed and reaction are dozens of times that of the past.


Then, she fell to the ground like a cat and sped towards the remaining guards.


The sluggish killers are only now reacting from their shock, shouting angrily and trying to shoot to stop Infreni.


The Daughter of the Shadow hit them like a bolt of lightning, and her every punch and kick was driven by rage, until the last killer fell to the ground and died, and none of them managed to hit Infrene.


But the fight attracted more killers, who rushed over fiercely, and one of them tried to shoot Infreni with a death weaving gun.


The Shadow Maiden dodged the incoming web and threw the sword she just picked up.


The weapon whirled past, hitting the gap between the samurai's breastplate and helmet.


"Oh, my dear Infreni, I didn't expect that I would end your life in the end."


At this moment, a nasty voice came, and Infreni turned her head to see the soul hunter, Valothian Sesserak, walking towards her.


The sharp blade of the Victor No. 1 was full of blood, and obviously he had already harvested a lot of lives from his family before. He greedily stared at Infreni's body, and then shook his head.


"It's a pity, it's a pity, we haven't had a happy life yet, so we have to part."


"Your death will make me happy."


Not wanting to talk nonsense with the other party anymore, Infreni waved her sword and stepped forward.


Varosian immediately restrained his smile and responded seriously. In fact, he had already realized that the current Infreni was completely different from the past, so he used all his strength as soon as he got up, and slid around Infreni's sword as if it had no substance.


Small Book Pavilion


While Infreni can slash down a circle of clumsy Cabal warriors with every swing of her sword, Valothian can always dodge every attack.


Valothian's sword glowed dimly in the firelight, and his fingertips were like blood flowing in his body or rain dripping down his arms, overflowing with energy.


Then, the Soul Hunter's wrist suddenly moved, and the sickle-shaped claws swept past Infreni's crooked head, but it still made a shallow cut, and the hot blood splashed and cut into her collar.


In the next second, the wound was healed.


Valothian Cetherac narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Dear, what happened to you?"


"I have stepped into the way of death, and this is also the way of all Ada in the future, the only way."


"Huh? Is your brain burned out?"


Valothian Cesserak has never heard of the **** of death. In Eldar mythology, Lady Haig is usually the master of aging and death, but because of Yinsha, the concept of death has actually been transformed.


"It's a waste of my strength to explain this to you. You should die."


Infreni took the lead in attacking, thrusting her sword straight at Valosian, and then slashed in an arc.


However, the Soul Hunter's speed was still very fast, jumping into the air with an astonishing maneuver, dodging Infreni's blade.


But Infreni had already expected this, and when the opponent passed in front of her, she suddenly raised her other hand.


A ball of energy collided, forcing the opponent to change his route, and then the sword in his hand also slashed in the opposite direction of the opponent's dodging.


The long sword swept over his head, hitting the belly of the surprised Soul Hunter, and in a split second, it slashed deeply into Valothian's chest, but the opponent's internal organs wrapped around the long sword as if regenerated.


"Hehe, Infreni, have you forgotten my armor—"


Before he could finish speaking, a burst of psychic energy echoed back down the blade, knocking Valothiana into the air and falling to the wet ground.


Yinfreni looked at the opponent indifferently, and naturally drew an arc with the sword and drove herself to make a circle, and then raised the sword slightly during the second circle, ready to slide over the opponent's neck.


In that next second, nothing happened.


A decapitation knife wrapped in icy power blocked her sword.




Infreni naturally knew the Lord of Mandela, she took a few steps back, away from the biting energy, and became one of the few people who could see the person's true body.


It was a thin figure with messy hair, covered with a tattered skin of an unknown creature, four arms on the torso, and mysterious runes looming on the skin.


Seemingly aware that the other party saw him, the pair of green eyes under Candurak's unkempt hair flickered faintly, followed by the whisper of a poisonous snake your head, I want it. "


The next second, the opponent split into nine in an instant, rushing from several directions at the same time, as fast as a streamer.


Infreni chose to stabilize her breath, mobilized her whole body's strength and psychic energy, and then turned the sword in her hand.


After dozens of ding ding bangs, Candurak crawled back to the ground like a hunting leopard, the black blade in his hand scratched lightly, making a harsh noise.


And Yin Fu Lei Ni took a few steps back again, and then the sleeve of her right hand suddenly fell off, and there was a shallow blood mark on her arm. There were also two cross blood marks on her snow-white back, and these wounds did not heal immediately. .


"Death... yes, the power of death..."


Candurak's hoarse voice sounded, then he stood up and slowly paced around Infreni.


"The **** of death you said...what is it called..."




"Jena...I....heard some...legends..."


Infreni blinked, and then said:


"Then maybe we—"


Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly felt a gust of wind breaking behind her. Just as she turned around, a sharp, screeching sword was already in front of her—


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