The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1496: Wanyan Burning Collection

"Wait! What is that!"

In a cry of surprise, the Blackheart Cabal samurai discovered that the fire from the explosion of the gunships did not behave as they should.

Instead of quickly disappearing in the air, the explosion formed a vortex of flames. I saw a yellow-orange tornado revolving back and forth around a rune sword, and then lifted into the air with a certain being.

Only seeing Soshyan, who had an angry golden mask on his face, stretched out his arms, held the sharp sword lightly, and made a slashing gesture soothingly.

At this moment, the diamond of the Yanyang Sword changed from transparent to orange-red, like a burning flame.

"Damn! Shoot!"

Pulses shot out at him, but they were all swept up in a strange firestorm, as if they were soot mixed in the wind.

Then the long sword fell and the killing began.

A long flame blew out in an instant, as if a giant dragon streaked overhead, directly turning the 300-meter-long and 50-meter-wide space in front of Soshyan into a scorched purgatory.

When Soshyan landed, Veronica also appeared beside him, surrounded by a pale green shimmer, gently holding the Heart of Avalon by his side.

Although she came out of the fire, she was spotless, and her clothes were so clean that there was not even a speck of dust.

"Don't let them run away, keep the queen rewarded!"

Although Victor's pursuers were frightened to death by Soshyan's sword, Victor's terror was also deeply imprinted in their hearts, so they immediately organized a new attack.

The gunboats landed one by one, and a large number of Cabal samurai jumped from the gunboats and went straight to the two of them.

Suoshyang clenched his sword tightly, and calmly confronted him. First, he slashed a speeding motorcycle with a contemptuous swipe. The thing suddenly burst into flames, and then pierced a swipe with the tip of his sword. Dracula's chest with a whip.

Then, in the eyes of all the Dark Eldar, the flames that swirled around Soshyan seemed to have turned into a pair of huge wings, enough to make him fly high like a soaring eagle.

At this time, a gunboat spewed out a turbulent plasma flame, which devoured Soshyan, and the other gunboats followed suit, shooting a continuous stream of bullets.

The flames that revolved around Soshyan turned into a sky-high prison flame, but he didn't even burn a single hair, and he even smiled in the flickering and roaring flames.

The next second, he lunged at the enemy, the gleaming sword evaporating the upper bodies of dozens of Cabal warriors in a whistle of flames.

Unable to see and the heat was overwhelming, the other cabal warriors backed away in fright, but they were doomed to have nowhere to go when they landed.

The swirling flame was like a soaring phoenix, drawing a burning trail behind Soshyan. Many Dark Eldar found that their weapons had misfired due to overheating, and the explosion even tore their palms off together. .

Only the flame tornado screamed loudly, its power was so strong that even the sturdy armor of the gunboat was melted.

Soshyan raised his hand and struck another sword, and it went straight into the ground several meters deep. In a hissing sound, the flame wave spread around like a wave, instantly burning hundreds of lives.

Those furthest away hurriedly fled, but just being touched by the flames would scorch their skin, their armor and skin stick together, and their eyes burst under the unbelievably high temperature.

"Tell Victor and let him do it himself."

Soshyan walked up to a Dracula, reached out a finger and pressed it lightly into the other's forehead, and its skull crumbled like tissue paper.

Then, the flame tornado swirled and spread out, and the flames licked the surrounding buildings continuously.

Then Veronica fell, and in a hissing cloud of steam, she descended beside Soshyan.

Originally, Soshyan didn't expect the Yanyang Sword to have such terrifying power. When Veronica wrapped the two of them with strength before falling, he accidentally sensed some kind of signal from the long sword to him. .

Or something similar to the so-called application scheme in Mechanics.

It is no wonder that the true Phoenix King can only be regarded as marrying the Eternal Queen. This is not only in the political sense, but the Eldar guess that they have left all this behind.

Soon the crackling sound of the flaming tornado began to fade, but Soshyan turned to look to his right as more aircraft filled the sky.

Victor's pursuers were far more than that.

Soon, a luxurious throne of suffering appeared.

In a sense, it was more like a huge sedan chair, dragged forward by some sort of gargoyle-like flying beast, with many natural disasters surrounding the throne.

But Soshyan didn't care, his attention was focused on the Throne of Suffering - the slender figure in the throne, quasi-qun said.


Soshyan shouted, opening his arms in a magnanimous manner.

"Finally, are you coming to offer your loyalty?"

The Comorian overlord Victor just snorted and leaned back on his gorgeous cushion again.

"What qualifications does a thief have to show here—"

"A thief? Is there a better word to describe yourself in this Comoros?"

Soshyan interrupted, the eyebrows under the mask arched slightly.

"Look at the sword in my hand, look at the power I have, even a blind man can understand that what is mine is mine."

Victor's face twitched, but his smile didn't fade.

"What about your Empire and Lord of the Carrion, Honorable Chapter Master?"

"That's what Veronica and I have to think about."

Soshyan sighed and waved.

"But we don't have time to discuss this with a lowly slave. The only position suitable for you in the royal court is the royal clown. Of course, it has to be a trainee at present."

Victor's eyes were bulging with anger, Soshyan really poked at his sore spot, how hard it was, and even more salt!

This bastard's mouth is even more vicious than himself!

Seeing that the other party was about to eat people, Soshyan smiled smugly, and pointed to a pile of charred corpses piled up around him.

"I've eliminated hundreds of these little Are you planning to send more, little slave Victor?"

"Ah, so that's the game we're playing."

Victor suddenly restrained his anger, leaned forward from the backrest, and placed his hands on his thighs at will, but even this lazy movement gave him a certain oppressive temperament.

Then, he smirked indulgently.

"Your Majesty, look who these are?"

On a gunboat, several people were pressed to the edge. Veronica looked at it and found that it was the world of the Ark of Lost Light and several prophets and howling banshees of the Ark of Ibilis.

Victor laughed, and suddenly snapped his fingers, and a poor stunted creature staggered out from behind the captives, holding a serrated knife in his hand, and saw it directly in the screaming screams. The head of a female warrior, at the same time a samurai handed a plate.

The guy just dug his brain out and put it on a plate, then a second, a third—

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