The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1831: War of attrition and fortification

Chapter 1831 War of Attrition and Tough Battle

After breaking through the formation of the Red Pirates, the flexible White Scars battleship quickly turned around with the help of a highly modified engine, and then concentrated its firepower to attack the Blood Beast. The beam and macro cannon were submerged and completely lost power.

Corsaro didn't waste time on the lost power of the red pirate flagship, and quickly cut and attacked other warships. Although the number of small warships in the empire is not as good as that of the red pirates, the quality is higher than that of the red pirates, and the morale and quality of the captain and crew It is also much higher than the Red Pirate.

After the flagship was paralyzed, the Red Corsair's chain of command was on the verge of collapse, and was attacked by the White Scars again. Eventually many small battleships began to flee the battlefield, which triggered more chain reactions, and the cruisers began to abandon their teammates.

In the end, this naval battle called the Battle of the Dark Light Starbelt ended with Corsaro's complete victory. The Red Pirates not only lost a massacre-class cruiser, but also more than a dozen marauders. The commander of the Abomination-class large cruiser In desperation, he also activated the self-explosion system of the plasma reactor. Fortunately, Korsaro Khan personally led the team to jump gangs, broke through the power cabin in time, disarmed the self-explosion system, and beheaded the commander of the Red Pirates fleet.

Although this fleet was only the sub-fleet of the Red Pirates attacking the third theater rather than the main fleet, the war lord who commanded this battle was still greatly shocked, and immediately stopped the attack on Galen V, and retreated again. In the void.

As for Soshyan, he actually didn't know the victory of the Dark Light Star Belt. As soon as he received the news that the Red Pirates had attacked Galen 5, half of the fleet stationed in Angstrom left. It seems that they are going to the third theater for support.

Not long after the fleet disappeared, an alarm came from the edge of the galaxy, and a huge fleet jumped out of the subspace.

Being able to grasp the time so accurately, it is obvious that Angstrom still has the inside line of the Red Pirates, but this is also expected by Soshyan. Huron must have spread his eyes widely for Angstrom so much. .

The leader of this offensive is still the war lord Mogaro Calle. Although he failed last time, Huron not only did not blame him, but encouraged him. It is extremely rare to be able to bring out the main force of the fleet.

The Red Pirates are a complicated armed group. Fear and violence alone are not enough to maintain such a group. Huron also thinks that he does not have the so-called "fate of choice" like Abaddon, so he is grateful and old. Points are still an important tool for him, just like he is the head of the Star Claw Chapter, and more importantly, at least he can't find a better fleet commander than Mogaro Kalai at present.

And this time Mogaro Calle's fleet has been strengthened again, an Emperor-class battleship Death Swamp that was captured five hundred years ago, a battlecruiser, a large cruiser and more than 20 medium-sized ships added to the fleet.

Along with the fleet came 20,000 Chaos Space Marines from the Red Corsairs and various warbands.

Mogaro Calle learned the previous lesson and did not directly launch an attack on Angstrom's own star, but captured two planets and four asteroids in the outer reaches of the galaxy, and established military strongholds and temporary docks.

His idea is that since Angstrom's planetary defense has so many fighters, relying on those planetary strongholds to summon a large number of demons, advance step by step until the entire forge world is submerged.

No matter how many fighters the Mechanician has, it can't be more than demons, right?

For this reason, there are also a large number of transport ships in the fleet, which carry many slaves captured from various planets, and they will be blood sacrifice materials.

However, there were two things beyond Mogaro Calle's expectations—

The fleet that left unexpectedly came back immediately.

The Star Fort is complete.

In fact, it was nothing for the half of the fleet to return. After all, the Red Pirate fleet was still the advantage, but after the Blessing Barrier appeared, Mogaro Calle felt a little bit reluctant to retreat.

At this time, the Red Pirates had already occupied 4 planets in the Angstrom galaxy, and they were not very far away from Liuli 3. However, Suoshyan did not continue the previous defensive strategy. Instead, he let the fleet take the initiative to retake it. Lost the posture of the planet.

Seeing this situation, Mogaro Calle decided to fight first.

The second Angstrom naval battle broke out immediately between the fleets of both sides, but this time the Red Pirates were much more conservative, and even the fleet voluntarily withdrew from the planet Angstrom 4, which had just been occupied for a long time.

But there is also one more variable in the battle.


When the Blessing Barrier and the Imperial Fleet approached Angstrom 4, a sacrificial ceremony of more than half a million people had been completed, a subspace rift opened on the surface of the planet, and in an instant the entire planet was filled with claws and claws of Khorne demon.

In this case, the Imperial fleet instead began to cleanse the planet's surface of daemons, which made Mogaro Kale realize that this strategy was effective.

If the warp rifts are left unchecked, the entire galaxy will eventually become a paradise for demons, and even be dragged into the warp.

Then in this case, the offensive and defensive sides will switch. The empire must come to take back those occupied worlds, while the red pirates must defend them and continue to expand the influence of the subspace. This may be a relatively long-term battle. , but there is still hope of victory.

So he withdrew his intentions and began to order the fleet to move forward. He wanted to prevent the Imperial fleet from getting too close to the planet, so that they could not directly destroy the planet with cyclone torpedoes or other extinction orders.

The fleets of the two sides began to engage in small-scale battles, and the Imperial fleet began to drop transport ships on the surface of the planet, so Mogaro Kale also ordered the release of ground troops.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Huron very cautiously, explaining his strategy and telling the boss that he had already occupied one-third of the Angstrom galaxy, while requesting more troops to prepare for the long-term battle in the future.

But this was in the hands of Soshyan. It was foreseeable that the Red Pirates would have to deploy more troops in Angstrom for a long time.

As for the demons, although somewhat unexpected, Soshyan does not seem to be a very big deal, because Angstrom will provide a steady stream of cathars, which are more suitable and powerful against demons than mortal legions The important thing is that he must create an appearance of being very anxious about the war, give the red pirates some hope, let them, or Huron continue to invest, and let them think that as long as they invest, they may get victory.

The speed of this is not easy to grasp, but it has already made a good start. During the battle within 24 hours of landing, Angstrom's Skitarii troops lost about 800,000 troops and some heavy equipment, but the same The Red Corsairs also lost hundreds of Space Marines, and they also had to watch out for the demons they had summoned themselves, probably in the thousands.

But just pushing **** Angstrom is far from achieving this effect.

Earlier, the second batch of 200 million recruits had already walked out of the training ground, and Soshyan put most of them into the first and second theaters that were fighting in Badab.

Therefore, after learning that the new support forces around Badab, including the troops in the fourth theater, had been assembled, Soshyan issued an order for a general attack, and sent the Black Templar as his envoy, appointing Helb Lecter is the commander-in-chief of the Badab theater, setting up a front-line enemy suppression headquarters to command and dispatch combat forces in each theater.

The brutal battle of Badab kicked off the **** curtain—

(end of this chapter)

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