The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1852: Tan Zong Electric Monk

Chapter 1852

"Creation is distorted, steel is no longer steel, the sanctity of machinery is succumbed to the will of unnatural flesh, malice from outside is like its second skin, these are not the will of the great creator, these creations Nor is it driven by the source, they will not be recognized by Mekhan, but only heretics by him! So he sent us to root out these abominations, and send the things that pollute them back to the realm of unreality where they should live, I need to fulfill a sacred mission!"

The chant came through the shoulder teleporter, and Nassau Mastenbrooke sent a burst packet at the same time, keeping the cathars and armed servitors on.

At this time, half of the bunker hall was burning. The crackling sound of electric arcs, the screaming sound of lasers, and the roaring sound of explosive bombs were mixed together and rumbled, and then amplified by the surrounding walls, forming a huge sound wave.

The armored cavalry servants lined up to expand their range of firepower. The energy weapons of the cathars made a pleasant sound when they were released. The red pirates' chaotic space fighters directly used the wreckage on the ground as cover, shooting non-stop, and the guards The catechist was smashed from head to toe. ,

Yet the warriors of the Omnissian were indomitable, still trying to drive the enemy out.

A quick click of a heavy bolter came from not far ahead, and the splashing bullet casings harvested a row of cathars. Nassau Mastenbrook hid behind an armed servant, but it suddenly shook After a moment, it stopped.

A large hole opened in its front, and biosuspension gushed out of it, and the surrounding flames licked its joints.

The death of the machine enraged Nassau Mastenbrook, who leaned over the body and fired a shot with the converted beam.

A precise shot knocks an armored giant to the ground.

The conversion beam has two fire modes, one is continuous fire, and the other is a pulse-like explosion mode. The former does not require energy storage and can be used as an ordinary weapon.

But Space Marines can do more than just shoot.

With cover from bolter fire, a small squad of Space Marines charged.

Cavalry fighter servants turned their turrets, trying to clamp the space marine's body with hydraulic clamps, and the arc claws cracked through the armor, tearing off large pieces of demon flesh or ugly armor.

But the agility of the space fighters was brought into play at this time, most of them dodged the clumsy attacks of the servitors,

One of them split the iron cavalier's chest with a chainsaw sword, then tore the heart out of the armored chest, and let out his anger, then another servant was pierced by the chainsaw axe, and was torn from the track base After landing, the remnant body of the machine servant was thrown into the middle of the battlefield, and was quickly torn to pieces by the bomb.

More and more Chaos Space Marines began to fight in melee, the cathars were gradually exhausted, and the number of armed servants began to decrease rapidly. Their firepower was no longer enough to completely offset the enemy's combat advantage—although they had already eliminated enough for them There were many enemies, dead Chaos Space Marines strewn about the floor, at least twenty or thirty of them, they were of various colors, mostly red, but they all wore hideous trophies.

Nassau Mastenbrook hasn't been cornered yet, though.

"Friend of Yuanli, you need help."

With a steady voice echoing in his communication equipment, a group of strange people rushed out from the hidden door in the hall.

They are a group of behemoths, and they are also militant monsters who sang the hymn of source power and painted circuit lines all over their bodies, and they are also fanatics who dedicate their bodies to the belief of the Trinity of the Mechanical Cult.

Eighteen lightning monks, or to be more precise, thunder and lightning monks rushed into the battlefield, led by a tall warrior named Shi, who was also one of the very few friends of Nasu in the cold world of Radium Guard 2.

As a sub-order under the Mechanic Order, the Electric Monk is not in the chain of command of the Skitarii most of the time. Their basic organizational form is the Brotherhood, and the members of the entire Brotherhood are connected through a highly developed source power loop network. And connected with each other, Shi's brotherhood is called "Tanzong". It is said that its history can be traced back to the time when the ancient Terra and Mars just established contact, but now there is only a small branch of them, curled up in the On a small moon of the distant Maelstrom.

The concept of Tanzong is very unique, because there have always been doctrinal disputes between the electric monks (dharma body electric monks) and stick monks (thunder and lightning monks), and even a brutal "conductor war" broke out because of this. Although the electric monks of Tanzong seem to belong to the stick monks, their ideas are completely different from those of the two sects.

The Buddhist monk believes that all beings in the galaxy are just dim ghosts in the light of Omnissian, so it is necessary to share the glory of Omnissian to all creatures and machines through them, whether they can bear it or not, while the stick monk believes that only use In the eyes of the Omnissian, only those who are useful can keep the bioelectric current flowing in the body to maintain survival. Therefore, the thunder and lightning monks have devoted their lives to extracting life energy from other creatures in the galaxy, especially the bioelectric energy that maintains life activities. . (Simply speaking, one likes to discharge and the other likes to store electricity)

Tanzong believes that mortals cannot claim their own will as divine will, and the meaning of Omnissaiah will never be uttered from the mouth of mortals. , There are laws and there are lawlessness.

Therefore, Tanzong rejects any teachings and regulations imposed by the outside world, and only serves the source and release and accept are also within a single thought, use when you should use it, and store it when you should, just like their teachings It is elusive, and at the same time, they also have a special name for Yuanli—Vatican.

Therefore, the monks of the Tan Sect often chant: the Tan Hua is eternal, and the Brahma mind is immortal.

In addition, in terms of structure, there is also a big difference between the Tanzong and the Thunder and Lightning Monk. The Thunder and Lightning Monk often exists in the structure of a Brotherhood. Brotherhoods or camps are divided, and they all have their own ceremonies and ceremonies to worship the divine source power and Omnissaiah, but the structure of Tanzong is more similar to the Sangha of religious groups, and its members are completely equal in status, Only the person who leads the people to perform the ceremony is called the presiding officer.

Master Shi is now the host of Tanzong.

The acquaintance between Shi and Nasu was also due to the movement of Nasu when he installed the source power equipment on himself. Afterwards, the two weird people had a subtle friendship reaction. Nasu also helped Shi repair their sect for free several times. source engine.

When the electric monks of the Tan sect appeared, the electric current also began to dance in the air above the battlefield, making a "hissing" sound.

Personal second set, don't take it seriously

(end of this chapter)

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