The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 401: Raptor VS Flying Eagle

Lukovus squatted on the broken battlements and looked at the sky.

He could hear his brothers eating the corpse of the spirit race behind him, but he himself did not participate in it.

He had eaten their meat before and did not force himself to repeat this experience, because their blood was thin and sour, and their skin was not as salty as human flesh.

The leader of the Eye of Weeping Blood was not sure where these spirit races came from. Although he kept vigil against the sky and refused to enter the ground, he did not see any signs of alien landing craft.

However, they continue to appear, here and there, moving behind broken walls, or appearing on the spire of a fallen tower.

The prison's fortress stretched for several kilometers in all directions, and he knew that his birds of prey could not cover all the ground alone, even though he tried very hard to drive them away.

What puzzled him the most was that Alien didn't seem to send the number he expected. Originally, they had enough ships to deploy an army on the ground.

On the contrary, he witnessed the spirit group entering the prison to slaughter the hapless criminals and imperial jailers.

So he was thinking, the propeller on his back wailed sympathetically.

Suddenly, a blood eye lifted his head from the meal, and the bird of prey breathed slowly, sucking in unhealthy air through the mouth grille, and another breath of mist.

"I see something."

Said the blood eye.

"More spirits?"

Lukovus stopped thinking and asked instead.

"One shadow is in another shadow, there."

Bloody eyes pointed to the protruding part of a dilapidated stone building.

"...There seems to be a lot of things."

Lukovus turned his head and looked around, and immediately felt his throat sore that it seemed to split.

A spirit race is kneeling on a wall 200 meters away, holding a crescent-shaped sword in one hand, and huge eagle wings rise in an arc from the shoulder blades.

Along with the howls resounding through the sky, four more winged figures appeared there, everyone squatting on top of a broken tower or a broken wall.

"Weeping Eyes."

Lukovus whispered to his relatives.

"Finally, found some prey worth hunting."

In the way of warriors of the Ada Ling tribe, there is a special tribe named Xiangying, which is a warrior that emphasizes high mobility and represents the hunting bird in the ancient Ada legend.

The ancient Adas believed that the souls of the murdered Adas would enter the flying eagle and hover over the killer's head. Therefore, the flying eagle became a symbol of trial and crime.

The flying eagle fighters are equipped with complex flying wing equipment to allow them to enter the winning point of the battlefield and provide fire support. Their flying wings are composed of vibrating feather-shaped discs and small anti-gravity levitation equipment connected together. The speed of their flight makes them look like a blur of color.

Like the howling banshees, Xiangying sacrificed defense to gain mobility, and their armor could only withstand minor damage.

The weapons of the Xiangying are mainly pulse laser guns with a high rate of fire. They have become good at dealing with light infantry. At the same time, it is worth noting that they are also equipped with cleverly designed grenade launchers fixed on their legs, allowing him to fly. Time can bomb the enemy.

In addition, they will also be equipped with wire-wrapped grenade (a type of grenade used to paralyze electronic devices and energy systems) to paralyze vehicles.

Facing the provocation of the raptors, the eagles screamed and screamed, and the blade of the blade was used for the blade.

The Eye of Weeping Blood rushed into the air on the roaring thruster, and in the process of chasing the prey, the dirty exhaust gas filled the sky.

The spirit races wearing sky blue battle armor responded to the hateful screams with their own battle commands-every cry was a piercing and contemptuous cry.

This is an ugly battle.

The spirit race first ran away, and the birds of prey chased them.

Most aliens are equipped with slender cone-shaped laser rifles that emit radiant energy.

They need a certain distance to use them, and the Raptor hit back with a short-range blasting pistol in the sky, and the sound of crashing and slashing desperate wailing sounded through the sky.

The first to fall from the sky was Zek the Raptor.

Lucfors heard the sound of death—choking mouthwashes and cracking throats from **** lungs, followed by the spiral of engine stalling.

Seeing Zeke's body fall on the uneven ground, Lukovus felt a pain in his tongue and a fishy smell in his mouth.

Since the first night of Tyra's siege, Lukovus has spent many twisted years with him.

Seeing such a noble soul hurt by the alien filth, he spit wildly with anger.

The spirit race leaned back, and the eagle's wings vibrated with the melody - she flipped in the air and dived like a bird of prey.

Lucfors followed her, the engine roared, and the smoke he exhaled contrasted with the opponent's sliding.

Every time, what he cuts with his paws is nothing more than air, and this strange **** jumps to avoid, arching and flying.

"Damn it!"

The Raptor let out a frustrated scream that he could no longer contain.

Either her tilted helmet with a crown ruptured her eardrum, because she completely ignored it, and the spirit race flew higher, spinning in the air, with the blade dragging a ball of electric fire.

Lucifers with Weeping Eyes chased her, his sharp fangs screaming like an engine of protest.

In the end, Lukovus caught him with a sudden shift and grabbed the alien's wings from behind.

The claws split the alien forging material, and with another shout, she twisted her body in the air, picked up the sword and tried to counter the raptor.

Lukovus drew her sword away, and the free hand tore off her helmet, grabbed her by the throat, and held her high in his arms.

Another precious second passed.

"Good night, my dear."

He said to her face, licking her **** face with a pierced tongue in the disgusting eyes of the alien girl.

Then Lukovus smiled and let go of her, letting her fall from the sky, becoming the mirror of Zeke's shameful death.

When the alien corpse fell to the ground, Lukovus also fell heavily to the ground.

He walked up to her and noticed the blood seeping from several of the other's armor joints, and then the bird of prey rolled the body of Xiangying with its claws.

Her slanted eyes were as lifeless as sapphires, staring up at the gray sky.

Lucfors noticed that she was wearing a smooth red gem on her chest. He once heard the raptors of the emperor's son call it the "Soul Stone."

Then he tore the gem from the armor of the spirit race and swallowed it whole.

Lucfors hoped that her immortal soul would enjoy its fate and live forever in his intestines.

At this time only heard a bang, and a heavy object fell behind Lukovus.

He turned around and found that the birds of prey were planted from the sky one by one, with blood spraying into the sky.

Lukovus realized that something had destroyed them.

"Soul hunter."

Lukovus opened the communicator, and the prophet's voice was defective due to the distortion of the distance.

"I heard it, Lucifers."

"Weeping Eyes are dead, I am the last one."

He heard Talos snorted vigorously.

"I'm sorry to hear this, brother, would you like to-get up with us?"

The bird of prey raised his head, and dark clouds gathered above him—he could feel something fast approaching him.

"No, I can't leave for the time being, something is coming, Talos, take care of yourself."

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