The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 418: Lagging shipbuilding progress

The main structure of the Nathan 4 airport looks like a pentagonal shape, like a pyramid.

Or, to be precise, a great pyramid with five corners on three small triangular pyramids.

It is made of polished and smooth metal, which may be called beautiful, but it reminds more of a strict and precise structure. Its designer is said to be a certain great sage who cast the world's Griffin IV.

According to the windows and doors, it can be seen from a long distance from the planet. Through a large number of passages and orbits, various facilities are connected to each other, including the surrounding area of ​​auxiliary equipment and barracks, which are as large as a town. Majestic, in a non-casting world is already very rare.

What's more rare is that although it has been built for more than five hundred years, it still looks like a brand new one, as if it had just been built.

At this moment, it is between the planet and the star, bright sunlight hits the sun surface of that magnificent building, and the other two sides are shrouded in dark brown shadows, and its perfect geometric form is revealed.

Inside, a banner can be seen everywhere, fluttering and dancing in the artificial wind, such as on golden pillars, shiny silver canopy poles, and spotless street lamps.

The patterns of those flags represent the Nathan IV, as well as the holy human and the guardian of this place, the Astral Knights.

In the core area of ​​the railway station is the residential area and meeting area of ​​the management. The climate is pleasant and the gardens are scattered, which looks lush.

In the gap of the garden is a pond, and precious water flows in it, sparkling.

The sprinkler irrigation facility fills the air with mist, countless small rainbows appear out of thin air, and leaves swing with the wind.

"Company commander, why did this call you?"

At this moment, two tall figures are walking under the flying flag.

They passed through the cool shadow of a magnificent arch and turned into an inner courtyard. The wide steps in front of them seemed to be a ritual avenue leading to a temple.

More flags are hung on the walls of the courtyard, and there are other vehicles as far as you can see, as well as humans who appear as small as ants.

An escalator with ceramic pedals runs silently on both sides of the steps.

Seeing them appearing, working on the lawn, the servants in uniform bowed their heads.

Ustad walked up the steps, followed by his deputy.

After stepping on the last step, Ustad, who was already the second company commander, took off his helmet and took a deep breath of unfiltered air, feeling the heat and light falling on his face.

"Really and beautiful place."

He couldn't help sighing.

"Yes it is."

But his new lieutenant, the former Soul Drinker's squad leader, Mosenli had neither patience nor interest in this place.

Ustad’s company was made up of soul drinkers and astral knights. He has been working hard to integrate the original two warriors of different systems. The appointment of Mosenli as the deputy company commander was one of his efforts.

Although the opponent sometimes seems impatient and impatient, his rich experience in tactical guidance has also helped Ustad a lot. Generally speaking, their cooperation is still very pleasant.

It only took them a minute to get to the top of this tall ladder. If they were any ordinary human beings, even if they were very strong, they would be a little bit out of breath after climbing this step.

However, they have not even changed their breathing rate.

The spacious entrance is located on the marble platform, and further ahead is an open space. Natural light illuminates it through the holes in the ceiling, and some low voices of conversation reverberate inside.

Ustad entered through the wide entrance. The square gate itself was a landscape, and the beam at the top of the entrance was thirty meters wide.

Some visitors are scattered in this vast interior space. Around the hall are niches, forums, pedestals and exhibition stands.

Seeing the majestic interstellar warriors appear, the mortals stopped talking and cast awe in awe.

Mosenli enjoyed these gazes, but Ustad focused on his task.

A team of uniformed servants hurried towards them.

"How can we help, sir?"

"I am Ustad, second company, company commander."

He briefly introduced himself.

"I'm here to find the priest Loken and the supervisor who built the dock, or any high-level official who works related to the airport dock."

"They are all here."

A servant immediately replied that he was obviously getting information from some kind of data system directly connected to the retina, and Ustad could tell from his slightly tranced gaze that he was verifying those names.

"Can you invite them?"

"Bishop Loken is debugging the weapon system, and the dockmaster has a meeting all afternoon..."

The servant answered with some fear.

"Is it urgent?"

Ustad carefully considered what he wanted to say, but it was not the words that expressed his intention, but the hesitation before he spoke.

That kind of hesitation was mistaken for silence by the other party, and the subtext of that kind of silence was: I am an Astarte, and I am wearing armor, fully armed, and still trying my best to be polite.

"Yes it is."

In the end, Ustad chose the simplest way.

The servants ran away eagerly, and then they waited here quietly.

Five minutes later, the person they wanted to meet appeared.

"I can assure you, sir."

After a brief understanding of the other party’s intentions, the manager of Sweat Dockyard said:

"The workers fully understand the importance of those warships."

Soshyan sent Ustad here. The task is actually very simple. It is to let him know the progress of the construction of the warships in the orbital dock.

Because according to the report given by Loken a month ago, the current progress is 30% slower than expected!

The reason is very complicated. Loken only cited factors such as materials, engineering difficulty, and equipment debugging, but he couldn't talk about human issues.

According to Loken, he had quarreled countless times with those "pigs", but there was never a solution.

During this period, workers went on strike and there were insufficient manpower.

After understanding this Soshyan once came forward to coordinate with the planetary governor, but a month later, things still haven't changed much.

So he sent Ustad to convey his will and understand the real situation.

"In that case."

Ustad thought for a moment, then came up with an idea.

"Let's go and take a look at the scene."

Then the shipyard master took them to the construction area

Entering here, Ustad feels like he has entered a huge melting pot, this place is noisy and busy, and those giant semi-automatic cranes and cranes that look like four-legged Titans are transferring large quantities of goods to the large transportation parked in the open space. Tool.

In the microgravity dock farther away, several warships with their keels were lying quietly in it.

Ustad carefully observed everything in front of him, while Mosenli beside him seemed to be tired of the work. He just stood aside and watched the small spaceships flying around like dragonflies above the pond.

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