The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 436: Between the real and the virtual

Just as Soshyang was mobilizing for war, the six scout transport ships had already returned to the airport of Hell Iris. However, when Huron sent people to greet them, they found that there was no living person on the transport ship, only muttering. The machine servant.

In the end, the Chaos Interstellar Knights found the captain and the officers on the bridge, but they were all skinned and nailed to the bulkhead, forming a double-headed eagle.

And below them, there is a line of words written in blood.

[The traitor will eventually die in disgrace]

"What does that mean?"

Seeing this tragic scene, Huron laughed blankly.

"It means..."

And his deputy, the wizard lord Garon Sulet, who was born in the word bearer, spoke up, and took the data board that the soldiers had found earlier, thinking about it.

"It means some kind of malice."

Through the wide soft crystal porthole of the transport ship, Huron looked at the planet below which had been ravaged by the subspace wind, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"The style of this astral knight... is not like an empire's battle group at all, but close to the puppies of the Eighth Army."

"But depending on the situation, Faith Freddy and the others should have been wiped out or captured."

"This is not surprising."

Huron walked to the eagle emblem made of corpses and looked at it with admiration.

"Even if it started with this kind of mistake or accident, it is now completely unforgivable, but I won't waste too much power on them, it's not worth it."

Huron immediately summoned the communications officer with a gesture.

"Issued a hunting order to hunt all ships departing from the Nathan Galaxy."

"Then our goal?"

Garon Sulet asked.

"From this move, it is sufficient to show that the Vicious Divine Power and Griya must be in their hands, otherwise they would never do such a provocative move... But since they did, things would not be so. It is easy to end. I want them to perish with their planet in wailing. I want them to be cursed by my own people, cursing them for bringing bad luck, and not giving them the chance to lie in secret and bite me back."

Huron smiled cruelly, and the huge metal claws slowly swept across the line of text on the bulkhead.

"Want to provoke me? Want to design an ambush that a fool would be fooled? I'm not Fren's green skin."

"So, is it a personal grievance?"

The wizard smiled openly.

"Of course... I will kill him, I will torture him personally, slowly."

At this time, a heretical mechanical priest who was inspecting the bridge operation table suddenly made a surprised voice.

"Holographic projection, a signal from far away... how is this possible?"

As soon as Huron brows away, he walks past him and walks towards the holographic projection platform.

"Connect it."

When Huron stepped onto the holographic projection platform, a burst of light bends and surges in front of him, and the formation of many images disappears, reappears and fades, just like patches of light on film.

After that, a figure suddenly appeared there, the same size as a real person, facing Huron.

He was wearing a silver-gray power armor, his face was shrouded in a helmet, and other figures squeezed around him. It was a mass of mutilated phantoms, unable to distinguish any details.

"Good morning, Captain Huron, Guardian of the Maelstrom."

The smile in the voice was obvious, and his name easily evoked Huron's anger.

"Ah, this should be Captain Soshyan? Good morning, I just decided to crack you up."

Even with his chest burning with anger, Huron still had a smile on his face, and even the tone of his answer was very soft.

"Tsk tusk tusk, you lose your temper, great, respectable, loyal, leader Truf Huron is angry, it's really scary."

The other party's frivolous tone once again made Huron suspicious, this was not like an empire's battle commander at all.

On the contrary, it is more like some Chaos interstellar warriors, such as the Eighth Army that Huron hates most.

"You are not Soshyan, I don't know who you are, but your tone makes me annoying, so I will open your mouth, peel your skin, and chop your head."

"This threat really made me tremble. If you had the courage to tell the Minotaur and the man-eating sharks in Barbuda, it would be great, maybe they would be scared."

"You have been trying to irritate me."

Huron's voice was almost whispered.

"What are you thinking? What are you going to do? Let me guess? There are only more than 20 poor bugs left in your battle group. You have stolen things that should not be stolen. You were discovered by the owner, just like a thief. , Shivering in the dilapidated room."

"It's not called stealing, it's called snatching, it's the way the strong dominate the weak, what do you think?"

"Your words are as ridiculous as your strength."

"It's as ridiculous as you think you can do something?"

"We have nothing to argue with, you maggot."

Huron intends to end this meaningless scolding war, because the technical sage can't track the other party's signal source at all, and his mouth does not seem to be as powerful as the other party.

"I just want you to know that I will pull your hearts out, I will put your heads on spears, and I will crush your planet."

The person in the shadow raised his head slightly, and even through the helmet, Huron could feel the other person smiling.

"Then you come, we will treat you well, just like the wild dogs you sent."

At this time, the afterimages behind the opponent became clear.

Those were six figures nailed to the cross. They were almost torn apart. They didn’t have a whole piece of skin on their bodies. Some of them even had their eyes and ears cut off. There was the worst one. He is also a powerful subordinate of Huron.

In the picture, Faith Freddy's limbs were cut off, his eyes and mouth were sewn up, and his chest was nailed into a metal sky eagle emblem.

Huron unconsciously took a step towards the holographic shadow, as if he was about to knock it to the ground or twist the other's neck.

"Astral Knights, you made a serious mistake."


That group of light and shadow hissed.

"When you join them, this is not a mistake."

"Do you think I care about them? No! I never care about losers! You can deal with them as you please, this is my punishment for them, but you remember that you will only end up worse than them!"

As he said, he tore the imager with one claw.

The picture disappeared after a while, leaving only the opponent's mad laughter reverberating in the bridge.

No one spoke, no one dared to stimulate Huron at this time.

After more than ten minutes, Huron's violently ups and downs chest slowly calmed down.

"Master, these pseudo-emperor running dogs must want to provoke you and make you attack recklessly. Maybe there will be an ambush somewhere—"

"It won't be like this."

Huron shook his head, interrupting the wizard.

"It won't be like's too obvious, so obviously kids can see they don't want to irritate me."

After another glance at the Sky Eagle emblem on the wall, Huron smiled grimly.

"In the face of an enemy that is countless times stronger than them, they repeatedly want to anger each other. This suicidal act is really what they want? Maybe I thought that before, but now I I don't think so. It has only been a week since the transport ship set off. It is impossible for the empire to assemble a fleet that can fight us in such a short period of time."

"Master, what do you mean..."

"They want my mind to be as simple as yours, to be intimidated by the imaginary ambush, to become cautious, to become cautious, in order to get more time to live."

"This... is indeed possible."

"True and false, false and true, they want to delay time, they think they are smart?"

Huron grinned.

"Then they should be prepared to'receive' us."

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