The nun who was found shrank involuntarily, and then immediately felt ashamed of her rude voyeurism.

   "Sorry, I'm just... I'm not..."

"It's ok."

   Soshyang shook his head.

   "I didn't close the door properly."

   Adriana Willets nodded, and walked into this small church.

   Soshyang looked at her, his superhuman perception told him that the nun in front of him only wore a pair of cloth shoes and a robe, and inside—

   "Are you praying to the great father of mankind?"

   Looking up at Soshyan's nun, there is still some moisture remaining on the ends of her hair, and her shiny eyes look quite attractive when she doesn't have the fierceness on the battlefield.

   Of course, for mortals.

   Soshyang nodded silently.

   "But I see you—"

   She wanted to find a suitable adjective, but found that she could not describe the state of Soshyang at the time.


   Finally, she was ashamed of herself for saying such simple and rude words.

   "The point is our heart, not our limbs, isn't it."

   Willets thought for a while, and then felt that something was wrong.

   "But shouldn't we respect the emperor sincerely from our hearts to our actions?"

   "Yes, but our actions are not manifested by bowing, but by destroying the enemy. The soldiers' limbs should stay in more useful places."

   After thinking about it, Willets decided to end this topic with strong theological controversy. After all, her theological examinations often only pass.

   Like Soshyang said, she also prefers to take action.

   "Captain Soshyan, how long have you served the emperor?"

   This place is different from the hall. The hall has a temperature control device that can maintain a suitable temperature. It seems that the temperature here is unusually low.

   Just standing there for a while, Willets got goose bumps all over his body.

   Although she was trying hard to control her body, Soshyang still caught the subtle shaking of the other party.

   "Go outside and talk, it's cold here, Sister Adriana Willets."

   Before leaving the chapel, the nun suddenly spoke:

   "Just call me Anna, Captain Soshyan."

   Soshyan walked to the church hall, bathed in the bright yellow light, but he couldn't feel any warmth all over his body.

   He just unknowingly fell into that state of almost suspended animation.

   "Sister Anna, what can you do with me."

   Adriana stopped behind Soshyang.

   "Nothing, I just pray here, and then..."

   "From the moment the transformation was completed, I have served sixty-two years."


   Adriana froze for a moment, and Soshyang looked back at her.

   She was not short at first, but in front of Astarte in the Terminator armor, she was still very petite. The contrast between the two was like an elf in the forest and a fully armed knight.

   "Your previous question."

   "Sixty-two years..."

   She had never been in contact with Astarte in the past, but she had only heard of the many deeds of these legendary fighters, and knew that they had an unusually long life, almost immortal.

   Can look at Suo Shiyang's face, she still can't believe that this person is actually the same age as her grandfather.

   "About the astral knight...what is the world engine that the Inquisitor Quanter said?"

Soshyang was not in the mood to tell a story with a little girl, but the other person's curious eyes suddenly touched some of his memories that had been silent for an unknown period of time, or even the memory was not even considered a memory that was floating in the dark corner of his brain. Fragments.

   In the dazzling afternoon, under the mottled shadow of the tree, a figure holding a book in front of his chest with both hands, the same gaze.

   The memory bubble shattered instantly, and Soshyang's only patience was exchanged for it.

   "That was a war that almost perished us..."

   After half an hour, Adriana's curious eyes turned into regret and admiration.

   "It's a pity, so many warriors...I apologize for my reckless question, Captain Soshyan."

   Soshyang shook his head without saying anything.

   At this time, his communicator rang.

   "The captain of the battle group, is about to arrive at the outer node of New Badab."

"I know."

   After speaking, he said to Adriana:

   "It's coming to New Badab, you and your sisters should prepare as soon as possible, although the enemy is unlikely to take the initiative to help the Unbound Soul——"

   "No! We won't stay on the ship! We will also participate in the battle against Hell's Hitomi Fortress!"

   When it comes to fighting, Adriana's original ladylike temperament disappears instantly, and she becomes a fierce and combative female warrior.

   Soshyang looked at her, and after a few seconds, nodded, then turned and walked towards the church door.

   "Then call your sisters as soon as possible."

   When Soshyan left, Adriana Vilec also left the church and went to the armed forces room.

   Inside, the nuns have gathered together and began to wear power armor.

   Adriana's appearance did not cause any commotion, but Feliza, who was closest to her in the team, seemed to be aware of some abnormalities with Adriana.

   Many fighting nuns in the monastery don't like Felisa because she rarely expresses emotions, never screams because of injuries when fighting, and never expresses joy when she chants every day.

   Many people think that she is flawed, and her will is so cold that she is not much different from the servant.

   Only Adriana Willets stayed close to her all the time, and they almost talked about everything.

  While wearing power armor, Adriana noticed that the other party was observing herself.

   "What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

   "It's nothing, it's just that someone has just notified me that I'm going to New Badab."

   Felisa's pale face was frowning tightly.

   "I already know, are everyone ready?"

   "It's all ready."

   The power armor of the nun is relatively simple and light, so it doesn't take much trouble to wear it.

  After finishing wearing Adriana walked to the servant in the front row and lowered her ornately decorated pistol in front of the servant.

The machine servant immediately took out a copper cup with a handle and poured a small amount of holy water on the weapon. Then, with the sound of metal clicking, a few blessed parchments were continuously discharged from its lipless mouth. .

   "Something disturbs me, Anna."

   Felisa suddenly spoke, and the frown under her hood tightened.

"Astral Knights..... Those Astarte monks are all silent and frighteningly cold. I can't feel passion or faith from them. They are like empty metal. They are also deliberately avoiding them. We, many places do not allow us to set foot, and more importantly...the speed of their sailing is really amazing, as if the subspace is helping them."

   Adriana glared at her.

"Be careful, sister, the servants of the throne have their own wisdom to serve his name. They may have different personalities and behaviors from mortals, but that is their culture. We have no right to question them, let alone doubt them easily. They, they shed no less blood for the emperor than us."

  'S stern tone made Felisa stunned, and then she looked at her friend's face curiously.

   "What happened just now?"

"Nothing happened."

   After pressing the brand of loyalty on the weapon, Adriana greeted the nuns:

   "Sisters, the time has come to punish the heresy! This time we will fight side by side with the Order of Astarte, and remember the moment of glory! For the emperor!"

   "For the emperor!"

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