The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 458: Shadow Symbiote

Realizing that he was facing a disciple of the evil **** Nurg, Soshyang pulled back and Kopras pulled his weapon back—its shape had been condensed into a long sword with jagged edges, blood. It kept dripping from its teeth and blades like weeping.

"Your death has been arranged."

The jagged long sword slammed forward, and Soshyang dodged and chased after the opponent.

At this time, the door of the hall suddenly opened, and dozens of plague warriors dragged their foul-smelling trails into it slowly-they all had characteristics similar to those of those they were loyal to, curved and swollen supernatural sicknesses, on the once-excellent armor Covered with dirt and corrosion.

As soon as the plague warriors appeared, they began to shoot with their guns. At the same time, more subspace creations also poured out from the altar, slaying together with the interstellar warriors and nuns.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Soshyan twisted to avoid the strange weapon, and then caught the moment when his opponent's defense was wide open.

So he rushed forward, and all his will and the reaction achieved through years of training were all integrated into this rush.

But the opponent flashed aside at a speed that was completely incompatible with the body shape, and his body shape and movements seemed to have not moved at all except for the missing moment.

A black afterimage remained in the original place of Copras, dissipating in the air like an indentation.

Soshyang missed a hit, and the opponent immediately counterattacked.

The sword changed again—now it was a black mace, and its heavy head was covered with sharp spikes, like an explosion frozen like a dark night, with flames falling behind it.

Soshyang's sword caught up with the blow, but it was still too late.

The impact shook him back several steps, and he felt that his sword arm was under the shock wave of the counter-shock, and his bones seemed to be broken.

"Good job."

Soshyang let out a low growl, and the creatures squeaked and slid away to avoid him.

An invisible cold wind gradually enveloped the hall.

Kopras was already only five steps away from him, holding the nail hammer high on his head with both hands, and the dark pits in his eyes were unmoved.

He turned his neck and shoulders slowly and casually.

"Are there unreachable people here?"

Kopras asked softly, when he stretched his limbs, a chill suddenly flowed through his body, making him feel very painful.

He hasn't felt the cold or warm for many years, let alone the pain.

"Where are they hiding?"

Years of experience told him that this phenomenon can only be caused by the soulless.

And the effect is so obvious, there should be more than one.

But Soshyang didn't answer, he just swung his sword to smash the opponent's fallen mace.

"There are no secrets in the subspace. I can see your heart and your destiny. My dear father has handed over your ending to me! You will never leave here alive! You will never see it alive. To the collapse of this hypocritical empire!"

Soshyang felt the cold wind blowing over his limbs, and stepped forward silently, his sword held high.

Kopras moved, so fast that it didn't seem to be true—the shadow and oily smoke dragged behind him again.

Soshyang wanted to capture him, but the black mace suddenly smashed into his chest.

But he just shook, his legs were motionless-the Terminator armor resisted the blow.

The world around him began to shatter, becoming smaller and smaller, becoming a boundless pit that pulled him into it.

But he couldn't see it at all, and the only sound was the muffled thunder heard in both ears.

He couldn't feel the sword in his hand at all, or the broken pieces of his armor.

"Use me, use me, use me... free me."

A whisper lingered in his mind, it was a magic book hidden on his waist.

But Soshyan rejected it.

"Do not."

The next moment, the world began to roar at him through sounds and colors, a sound that can deaf and a light that can brighten the blind.

He can see it.

A figure stood five meters in front of him, the black ink on the armor twisted and scattered into the air, the mace in his hand flickered and transformed into other shapes, and then changed back again.

Many creatures with swollen limbs, ulcerated skin, and beast faces swayed behind him, and the chaotic and disorderly fighting fire would light up the vault from time to time.

Kopras' mouth suddenly split, and blue smoke and tiny flies emerged from between the yellowed teeth as they breathed.


He swung the black mace on his head.

At that moment, Soshyang thrust forward.

The heavy Terminator was just like his skin at this moment, without feeling at all, his speed even broke through the sound barrier, hitting the opponent directly in the loud noise.

The tip of the long sword just pierced into the lower part of the edge of Kopras' breastplate, and the blade trembled and cut through the armor, flesh and bones, and plunged into the power backpack behind the opponent.

Suddenly, a ball of flame burst out from the Sacred Flame Sword, and the flammable chemicals mixed with the exploded energy overflowed from the cut power line.

The flame quickly swallowed Kopras' body, overwhelming any wailing of pain and surprise.

But he himself did not feel the heat at all, only the boundless chill, which dragged his fallen soul into the endless darkness of despair——

Then his chest exploded.

Kopras fell backward, and the flames and flying sparks evaporated the blood before it reached the ground.

Soshyang stepped on the opponent's chest, drew out his long sword, held it with his backhand and thrust it down.

The tip of the sword rushed into the foul-smelling mouth and inserted through the head into the polished stone surface.

Soshyang stood and stopped for a second, swaying, trying to suppress the cold hollowness.

The battle unfolded beside him, and the creatures became staggered and dull, their limbs and tendons trembling as if some key connection had been severed.

Afterwards, an invisible cold wind blew across the hall, and green flames suddenly burst from the fallen creatures.

The astral knights took advantage of the victory and chased them, hacking and slashing the creatures, even if they were being torn to pieces by the wind of death at this time, and the plague warriors were also defeated after the death of the leader.

Adriana Willets had been hunting down a Nurgle Spirit riding a fat maggot before, but unfortunately the opponent finally escaped back to the subspace.

Now she is walking among the fallen, guarded by her sisters on both sides.

The nun's power armor roared, and some damage to her backpack did not affect her actions.

Before walking to Soshyang's side, she stopped and shot a explosive bomb into a trembling body composed of broken muscles and a half-pulled human figure.

Soshyang kept his head down, the black weapon still stopped in the plague warrior's hands, constantly changing shape and smoking black smoke, like newly-forged iron.

"what is this?"

"This thing is called the Shadow It is said that it was made by the whispers. It is also called dead skin. It is very dangerous, but it is very valuable in that place, and a small piece of it is worth a lot of money. , Such a big piece, Huron is really rich and powerful."

Talos was one step ahead of the nuns. He picked up the fallen bone box, then picked up the twisted material with a sword, put it back into the box, and then closed it again and bound it with a chain.

"I have time to deal with it later."

But Soshyan was not listening.

In his chest, his heart beats in a cold melody-the melody of the collision of swords.

Slowly converging the power of the gray marrow, Soshyang drew his sword from the rapidly decayed skull of the plague warrior.

The corpse of the Chaos Interstellar warrior immediately slid aside, the broken power armor began to decompose, and the flesh and blood attached to it was scorched and shattered into fly ash, and then it was raised by an unnatural wind.

A screaming wailing faintly heard in the wind--

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