The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 473: Obliterate

   In the passing thunder light, a huge figure roared forward.

   "Long live! Night...the emperor!!!"

   At first, Soshyang thought that the shaking of the deck was just another turbulence caused by an explosion. The explosive ammunition still exploded in the fragile part of the Star Fort. Only after it appeared, did he know what had happened.

   This is a giant silver-gray metal, only a little smaller than the **** beast in front of it, dragging a heavy footstep and roaring to challenge.

   "What a blasphemy! I will end you, traitor, I will end all of you!"

   Soshyang never expected that Macarion would appear!

   Now he, wearing the Astral Knight's badge and painting, his left arm is a multi-tube fusion, and his right arm is a huge lightning claw.

   "Is this fearless!"

   Adriana Willets squatting behind Soshyang made an excited voice. This was the first time in her life that she had seen the oldest hero in this legendary empire.

   Soshyang was about to reply when he saw a sneaky figure emerge from the bunker, and immediately shouted:

   "Macarion, right!"

I saw a red pirate rushing towards the Dreadnaught Mecha with a sword running high and flowing like water, but the war machine turned around on his torso axis at an unimaginable speed, and fired an invisible but hissing fire from the multi-tube thermal cannon. High heat hissing.

   The red pirate’s armor was cooked and scattered in a single heartbeat, the joints evaporated, the empty armor melted into mud on the deck, and any biomass no longer existed.

At this time, the air in the center boiled under the invisible heat flow, and the temperature indicator on the Soshyan helmet display began to climb morbidly. The huge multiple thermal cannons on the Dreadnought mech were enough to blast the tank into one. The mud is just beginning to warm up now.

   Encouraged by the emergence of war philosophers, the astral knights doubled their attacks, and Astarte in the red armor continued to die.

  Talos felt the strength he had just recovered, and he retreated to the wall, lying prone on the deck and grabbing his broken breastplate.

   At this moment, the two fearless mechas stared at each other with almost absurd calmness.

   "Hell beast, it's so sad."

   Macarion roared, and the **** beast approached step by step, making the same mechanical noise as Macarion's body.

   The gaze of the nun in the distance was placed on the sarcophagus embedded in the new body of the war philosopher. It was carved with the scene of Macarion when he was still alive, but the logo of the legion was erased.


   At this time, the only word the **** beast said so far.

   The next second, the power whip blasted, and the two war machines began their due diligence when they were summoned back from the moment of death.

   The battle before him took place in two worlds at the same time, and Talos, who had recovered his senses, could not be sure which one he really saw.

In reality, in the corner of the painful and shaking visual shadow, two giant armored beasts tore each other with their rotating claws and heavy iron whips. Tao Gang was torn apart by the heavy iron claws, and the armor shattered. Blocks are flying all over the sky, making those fighting in the field as if they were in a dead world shrouded in a blizzard.

   Neither of the two deceased who were bound saw or felt this.

  From the perspective of the soul, two warriors were duel in their proud armors, one of them for protection and the other for destruction.

   Their sword blades staggered and fought until the swords on both sides were broken, and then evolved into an armored iron fist and pure power struggle.

  Talos watched the two fearless mechas tear each other to pieces, and saw what the deceased saw.

   But in Soshyang's view, the result of this duel is likely to die.

  Although the power of the **** beast has been weakened a lot, Macarion still has difficulty defeating it, and it will only destroy each other if it is reluctant to fight.

   He has no good feelings for this former Eighth Army war philosopher, but after all, the other party is here to help him, and he can't sit back and watch the fall of this ancient soldier.

   "Almin, wait until the plasma cannon is fully charged."

   "Okay, sir, you can make a shot."

   "Okay, listen to my password."

   Plasma Cannon is the only weapon Soshyan has that can threaten **** beasts, so he must try it.

   Then he ran out from behind the bunker.

A red pirate fired a retaliatory shot at the sudden appearance of the Terminator. In order to resist the explosive bomb, Soshyang would slightly sideways to the right, and then the bullet hit his shoulder armor-the shock spread across his shoulders. , And remind him not to make mistakes.

   The bomb bounced off Soshyang’s shoulder armor and hit an instrument twelve meters away.

   At the same time, the **** beast whose torso was almost torn beat Macarion back and realized that a threat was approaching.

   The chill deep into his bones flickered and jumped in his consciousness, echoing in the thoughts of the star warriors who were in a state of high excitement, and everyone couldn't help but shudder.

   Where does the chill in some people's hearts come from?

   This is the purpose of Soshyan, this is a bold guess.

   He imagined that although the **** beast is fearless, but it has been traumatized so much, the power source supporting it up to now must be the power of the subspace.

   As long as the subspace force is blocked, it is likely to lose power immediately.

   Further, the driver of the **** beast has been highly integrated with the subspace, so the gray marrow power may directly erase the opponent's consciousness.

   Destroy things in the chaos and void with the power of nothingness...

   Soshyang will shield the **** beast's thoughts and motivation, just like he has done countless times in the past.

   This is a gamble. If the power source of the **** beast's reality is still intact, then all Soshyan's guesses will be fatal.

   But at this moment he has no choice. Huron has arrived and he has no time to delay.

   After Soshyang's mind calmed down, the Hell Beast raised its multi-tube cannon and aimed at him.

   Even without thinking, Soshyan knew what would happen after the weapon was charged.

   But this shooting will never come.

   Macarion roared forward, and the lightning claws stubbornly grabbed the opponent's hot-melt cannon.

   When the weapon was restricted, Soshyang had rushed to the two fearless side, his palm slammed on the chest of the **** beast.

   Not long ago, he had discovered that he had the ability to partially liquefy metals, but this was his first attempt.

  The terminator's hand armor quickly liquefied, carrying the symbol of the mysterious green light flashing into the broken armor of the **** beast.

   In the next second, the anger that was burning in its eyes was replaced by blankness, and then it began to wailing sadly-this is also the last sound this beast will make.

   Soshyang penetrated its weak mental defenses and entered the monster's mind, only to find that the opponent's mind was full of endless noise and chaotic colors, as if thousands of souls were fighting to control him.

   It took him another second to drive those noises out of the **** beast's brain.

"It's now."

   Confirming that the **** beast has been unable to move, Soshyang let out a low growl, pulling his hand back.

   He may only have a few seconds, and the **** beast will recover soon.


"Roger that!"

   The fully charged plasma cannon buzzed in Armin's hand, and he kept his shoulders still to stop the vibration of the weapon.

  Only in the blink of an eye, Soshyang moved away from the **** Almin immediately pressed the activation button on the gun body, releasing a group of burning anger.

  The white-hot plasma passed through the air, burning a trajectory different from the chemical composition of the atmosphere of this world, filling the air with a smell like rotten vegetables.

   But when the plasma hit the target and the metal skin of the **** beast turned into slag, the smell was quickly replaced.

   Almin remained in the position where he fired, standing on his feet.

   The behemoth did not yell, and while the plasma eroded its armor and continued to burn its internal organs and machinery, it also made no sound at all.

   It did not wield a power whip or raise a weapon, or even turned to face the attacker.

   This is not just an acceptance of its destiny-it is welcoming death.

   When Almin finally relaxed, a strange silence filled the empty field, only a little sound of the enemy retreating from a distance.

   The giant beast stood there motionless, the big hole in its torso looked almost comical, and Soshyan's figure was standing on the other side of it.

   Finally, it shook and dumped to the side.

   Soshyang lowered his head and glanced at his left hand, the hand armor had been restored as before, and he nodded immediately.


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