The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 483: Unlucky Talos

"You can do this, I'm afraid it is not your own strength, right?"

So far, Huron has been cautious not to let anger destroy his voice, but after mentioning that group of people, his voice sounded like it was soaked in poison.

"I'm very curious, you spent a few money buying the wild dogs of the Eighth Army, Commander Soshyan?"

Seeing Huron's slightly annoyed look, Soshyang actually needed to force himself to not show any pleasure.

Well, to be honest, he was actually happy.

"Buy? Do you think it is necessary? Maybe they just want me to cut off your head, or all of your subordinates expect so. After all, who likes to serve a leader who is half incompetent?"

Soshyan's words made Huron smile again.

"Tsk tusk tusk, you are the commander of the imperial battle with the most powerful mouth I have ever seen. If there were people like you on my side in Badab, I might not need to do it. After all, your mouth can defeat those Imperial bureaucracy."

Soshyang scoffed at this.

"Well, let me introduce my soldiers."

Huron said with an irresistible arrogance, and pointed his hand at the group of soldiers behind him.

But the scratching of the soles of Soshyan's boots and the ground interrupted his speech.

"This is unnecessary. I don't care about the names of your slaves. You asked to meet with me. Now that the meeting is over, what are you going to say."

This angered the Red Pirates, and a soldier stepped forward, breaking their unequal formation.

He wore a purple and red armor, which looked extremely unmatched.

"I am not a slave!"

He sipped at Soshyang.

"When we were fighting on the battlefield, you weren't even a sperm, kid!"

Soshyang squinted and looked away from Huron.

"One of your dogs is crying, I think you should change to a better whip to discipline them."

Huron commanded the soldier to return with a simple gesture, and the soldier hesitated to obey.

"Before the formal negotiations, do you want to appreciate the opening ceremony?"

Soshyan didn’t realize what the other party was talking about at first. He didn’t know until Talos reminded him by communication that Huron was referring to a popular ritual among the Chaos War gangs. The champion of the battle group fights alone.

In fact, this tradition is also present in the loyal Astarte.

After all, to Astarte, prestige is everything, and no currency is worth the same as prestige.

Originally Soshyan intended to mock and reject this opinion, but when Saul spoke to him, he immediately nodded in agreement.

The weepers didn't know what was going on. He hadn't even entered the Star Castle yet, so he had to wait a little longer.

"Listen to you, all heroes who are hiding in your shadow, who will come out to challenge?"

The soldier who spoke earlier stepped out immediately, and Huron briefly introduced it.

This man was named Urminsk. After the Horus Rebellion, he was known to many war gangs as the swordsmen of the Third Army. He also owned a small war gang, but lost it in a certain conflict. In the end, Huron accepted him.

The stifled stars shined on his shining plastic steel armor, which was covered with many carefully decorated jewels, as well as the delicate baby skin that was peeled off.

There is a purple slit on the visor of the swordsman's old helmet, which emits a faint light.

Afterwards, Urminsk drew out a gorgeous power sword, with the same metallic tone as his armor, and waved the sword to Soshyan. There was a delicate glow from under the topped helmet grille visor. sound.

"Who is going to come and die?"

The soldiers behind Soshyang immediately talked in a low voice.

They all wanted to participate in this duel, but when Thor stepped forward, everyone stopped talking, because everyone knew that no swordsman among the astral knights was more deadly than him.

Saul was about to draw out his long sword, but was blocked by Soshyang's raised arm.

"I don't want to waste the time of my strongest fighter yet."

Soshyan's tone was full of contempt.

"Brother Charlotte, isn't it?"

Although wearing a helmet, Talos blinked in surprise at Soshyan.


Soshyan pointed to the tall figure standing in Urminsk.

"kill him."

He has his own plan. Although Thor must want to be a traitor, he is also a swordsman of the Third Legion, and the opponent will definitely detect Thor and Lushu in the fight.

Currently he has no plans to expose Thor's identity, let alone expose it in front of the traitor.

So only Talos is the only one. He is not very confident that other fighters can defeat this chaos champion-Armin is still too tender, and Mark is better at commanding and making decisions in the field, not a duel.

Thor's breath was hidden between Soshyan's breath, and it sounded slightly dissatisfied.

He wanted to fight this duel, and wanted to make the sword bloody, but he was a sane person after all, and he immediately understood Soshyang's intentions and obeyed the opponent's will. ,

As a result, everyone in the astral knight focused on Talos.


For this reason, Talos had no choice.

"Who is this?"

Huron looked at Talos who came out of the queue curiously. From this person's walking posture, he always felt something was wrong.

It seems... quite familiar?


"Charlos, the think tank of our battle group."

As soon as Soshyan's words were spoken, Huron immediately let out a surprised voice, as did Urminsk, but Talos felt like he was about to vomit blood.

what is this? He felt that Soshyan was teasing him.

"If that's the case, let's add another rule to not use witchcraft."

Huron's smile looked like a knife.

"Yes, speak with a Soshyan waved his hand and agreed calmly. Talos wasn't sure if the cheap war captain was planning to kill with a knife.

The Prophet stepped forward and drew out the power sword. The silver blade was dyed violet under the dim light of the illuminating ball above his head.

When he saluted Urminsk in return, the swordsmen of the Third Army remained silent.

And Huron suddenly spoke again when the two were getting closer:

"Ulminsk has killed fifty-four warriors with swords in a one-on-one duel. How many have you killed, think tank?"


Talos replied softly, and the Red Pirate suddenly burst into laughter.

Urminsk didn't care about this, and quickly took hold of his sword. The unformed demon's claws stroked his battle armor, and the mask made of amethyst on his chest had eyeless eyes staring coldly.

The painful spirit surrounds his own head, like a crown radiating a bleak dim light.

"Please enlighten me."

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