The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 485: negotiation

The failure of the duel caused the red pirates to lose their reason for shouting. If they were facing a chaos war gang, then they had to surrender at this time.

   But everyone knows that there is no retreat at the moment, and the negotiation is based on some reason of each side.

   In other words, both Soshyang and Huron know that each other is delaying time, but they don't know the purpose of each other's delaying time.

   But at least they all think that doing so is good for them.

   The victorious Talos moved his injured arm, then tore off a badge from the corpse, then took off the opponent's helmet, and finally took the opponent's sword-plundering the deceased's spoils has almost become his instinct.

   When he returned to the team of the Astral Knights, Soshyang immediately shouted to Huron:

   "Now is the time for business, traitor, unless you have other champions who want to die."

   "Very well, Soshyang, as a shameless thief, I think we should take the whole thing apart."

   Huron took a step forward, corresponding to Soshyang's actions.

"let us start."

   Just as the two continued their confrontation, several petite figures slipped out of the shadows.

   "Captain, it's not good.....Captain Soshyang has asked us to stand by in the central hall."

   "The chaos traitors are all cunning people. They will definitely set up some conspiracy and tricks. He will need our support."

   Willets interrupted the complaint behind him, and looked at the two groups of people who were facing each other with great curiosity.

   Actually, she didn't quite understand why Soshyang would negotiate with this big traitor. In her opinion, it would be a waste of time to communicate with these heretics even if it was just a glance. The only language on both sides was death and flame.

   When she noticed a corpse belonging to a red pirate on the ground, she immediately realized that there had just been a battle, and it should have been a duel.

   There is no doubt that the victory belongs to the loyal. This result made her feel excited, and regretted that she had never witnessed the duel, and complained in her heart for the delay of her companion.

   She wondered if Soshyang made the shot.

   But when she looked at the team of the Astral Knights, she immediately denied the idea, because it seemed that only one person in the team was injured, and there was a blood-stained helmet hanging around the warrior's waist.

   Then he should be the winner of the duel.

   Willets thought for a while, but couldn't recall the name of this warrior, because the armor of the opponent was the same as that of ordinary astral knights, and it was difficult to be recognized in the crowd.

   Looking at the two confronting each other, Viletz suddenly felt that in the void outside the broken dome of the Star Castle, the subspace seemed to be boiling.

   Its endless singing became louder in everyone's ears, as if the unrealistic essence was whispering and singing to its warrior candidates.

   The empire’s battle leader and the warlord of Chaos are the nodes where these plausible forces converge, although she cannot distinguish the true meaning from these sounds calling them.

   It seems that these primitive forces are piercing their sinister claws into the souls of the two warriors.

   But "sound" is not an accurate word here. These ethereal voices are just the impression of the mundane consciousness on the mighty power on the stage.

   Willets shook his head, wondering what happened to him?

   Why these weird ideas appeared in her head.

  Wiletz was confused by the abnormality that suddenly appeared in his body, and the negotiation also fell into a deadlock.

   In fact, this is no different from the common war gang negotiation in the eyes of fear. The relative advantages of the two sides only make it more difficult to reach an agreement.

   Soshyang has repeatedly emphasized that if he wants to destroy the astral knight's fleet, Huron must bear the extremely terrible cost of casualties.

   And Huron also emphasized that if Soshyang insists on continuing the confrontation, the astral knights will also bear the risk of complete destruction.

   Such mutual assurance that the prospect of destruction is enough to cool down the most radical minds, but Soshyang’s request still rained on Huron’s face.

   He even asked Huron to donate ships, equipment and materials, as well as the Star Fort, in exchange for their withdrawal.

   The imperial battle commander had a smirk and insisted on his asking price time and time again, as if he was quite convinced that Huron would give in to save most of his nest.

   "I will give nothing."

   And Huron answered like this every time.

   In the end, Soshyang's cunning and persistence made the warlord feel tired, so he glanced expectantly at the giant claw on his hand. The loading mechanism on the giant claws creaked around, as if he was losing patience.

   "Should I tell you what I believe, Soshyang?"

   Soshyang, wearing a Terminator, is taller than Huron. He bowed his head in a generously blessed posture, as if offering favor to a particularly favored servant.

   The red pirates were angry at this insult, but Huron just smiled.

   "Let's talk."

   Sosh Yang replied like chanting.

   "I believe you were also trapped in the storm."

   Huron tried his best to contain his anger, only to catch a glimpse of the golden eyes soaked in soul quality.

"I believe that the subspace helped you, allowing you to surpass our army at an incredible speed, and then it extended a helping hand to let the tyrant's claw inexplicably fall into your control, and finally made this raid...I believe , It is those malicious beings called gods who bring you to the heart of this storm and let us participate in a chess game between kings and to determine whose death will eventually fall. On the head."

   "Your imagination is really admirable, traitor, but I only believe in the lord of mankind. I am not interested in games of the dark gods."

   Huron didn't care.

   "Whether you admit it or not, the most important thing is that I believe you are afraid of us."

   He let the blades of the giant claws rub against each other, and Soshyang was unmoved by this, so he couldn't see the death claws shining with black light.

   And Huron's pet is jumping up and down at his feet at this moment.

   Huron glanced at him. Although his face was expressionless, he was surprised inside, because his pet showed this posture only because of one thing——

   It can't perceive the other's mental activity, nor can it read the other's thoughts.

   It is almost impossible, unless that Soshyang is a servant or a machine.

   He watched the other side unmovingly, but he didn't see anything unusual.

   "You are afraid of us."

   Huron can only continue to say:

"Because no matter how you verbally declare that we are traitors, no matter how you use your poor little expedition to harm us, we will always exist and thrive...because we are growing after every conflict As a thief, you must always worry about the revenge of the powerful master, far more than other reasons."

   Huron glanced at the other fighters as he spoke, and finally returned to Soshyang.

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