The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 600: Mareotis Cast Temple

  Chapter 601 Mareotis Casting Temple


   "Harland, you, you, you—you want to send us all to the golden throne, right?"

   Amidst a curse, the oval-shaped aircraft rapidly changed its angle of flight, began to cling to the steep black cliff, and flew upwards vertically at an evocative steep angle.

  This made the people in the cabin almost churn.

   Then, the aircraft plunged into the sulphur-filled smoke coiling around the top of the mountain, as if it was about to crash into the rocky pile of rock.

But the frightening impact never happened. Rogers was calm for a while. He fixed himself on the seat with a magnetic lock. Looking out through the panel, he immediately saw a piece of hot red magma. The ocean is undulating and swelling below, and it seems that the violent heart of this planet is boiling in this majestic mountain range.

  In his line of sight, the scene at the crater was swaying and beating due to the super high heat radiation emitted by the magma.

  Although the unimaginably high heat has been isolated outside the cabin, just looking at the molten rocks will make Rogers feel an unpleasant warmth.

   "Mareotis Volcano, the second largest volcano on Mars after Alcia."

   Hearing this sound, Rogers turned his head and looked at the chair on his left, the beige cardboard box that was about half a person tall, and said helplessly:

   "Brother Rui, can you get out of that foldable fully enclosed motorized cloaking device No. 2 first?"

"I'm here."

  Rogris immediately turned his head to the right and found that at some unknown time, the pale Crow Guard technical sergeant Rui Boronat had appeared on the chair.

  "Also, its full name is the All-Terrain Foldable Fully Enclosed Motorized Invisibility Device No. 3."

  After finishing speaking, the Dark Crow guard cast his gaze out of the window and whispered:

   "I heard that it was originally an extinct volcano. It was activated by the mechanics ten thousand years ago to serve the forge."

   "This is incredible."

  Rogris sighed lightly and looked into the distance of the crater, where there was a huge industrial facility like a city.

Seen from above, it looks like a black rose made of steel and rock rising from lava, and like a starship immersed in the exposed side of the starship, with huge gates facing outwards in the lava. With steam, a powerful piston made of shimmering ceramic steel groaned up and then fell.

  The cloud of ultra-high-temperature steam roared and roared, like the breath of a dragon.

  Rogris realized that they were raising their height to fly over this strange building.

As he gets closer, he can now truly feel the huge scale and complexity of this facility. A set of rigorously arranged water gates, overflow canals and pressure gates restrict the flow of lava, making it circulate in the system continuously, and Formed an incredible scene in the distance of the crater.

The lava flows along the flanks of the mountains into a pit several hundred meters wide, where it gathers into a vast lagoon, or a piece of hot, bubbling and hissing lava. Land and sea.

  Built on this ocean is the Mareotis Cast Temple, a great city.

  When Rogers saw those magnificent foundries-there is no doubt that this place belongs to the master of the forge, the high priest Zafarula Hatfilia.

Across the undulating lava lake with flames burning on the surface, several black cylindrical towers rise from the magma, accompanied by several pyramids with flattened tops, which are constantly spewing out fire tongues and steam. Surrounded by huge buildings.

  The winding roads, wide avenues, empty squares, wide platforms and entire industrial areas have been built in the heat of lava, seeming to challenge the terrorist forces imprisoned in the fire of this planet.

  A golden track marked a path to a majestic silver building built in the center of this huge metropolis, but as the aircraft continued to descend, the track quickly disappeared from view.

A thick retaining wall made of black stones surrounds the lagoon. The scene looks like a magma-filled crater, small nesting cities, residential areas, take-off and landing fields, runways, control towers and a huge The container port is next to the cliff of the volcano, filling the horizon behind the wall.

  Countless steel-enclosed containers spread out from the city and piled together to form a skyscraper composed of war preparations: weapons, ammunition, and supplies were manufactured in various factories on Mars to supply all the empire’s army supplements and conquests.

  The sky above the harbor is full of various types of transport planes, some are only the size of a rand, and some are close to small starships.

  These aircraft constantly take off and land on the surface of the city, forming a veritable torrent of steel and brake flames.

A forest of cranes swayed and groaned around the port, their heavy, balanced booms were carrying out complex tasks at a lazy speed, and an army of servants, stevedores, and container boats was working. Move as much cargo as possible into the cargo hold of the carrier.

  Suddenly, the aircraft tilted again and flew towards a landing platform in the city. On a metal boom with its tail end protruding into the magma, a red-lighted mechanical teaching sign could be seen.

  Looking out through the variable steel plate of the picture, the scene began to ripple due to the high temperature.

   "I heard that in the late period of the Great Expedition, a quarter of the imperial power armor was produced here. I don't know if it is true or not."

  Ruy's words reminded Rogers of the purpose of his trip.

The    battle group is now a waste of time, and many combat brothers even wear faulty power armor to fight. This is his dereliction of duty as a technical sergeant.

  But, on the other hand, the huge secret in the battle group is also pressed in his heart like a huge stone.

  On this trip to Mars, Soshyang also asked him to let him know more about active metals. Perhaps the important task of solving the mystery of gray marrow in the future is to be shouldered by him.

   Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing.

  This was immediately caught by the dark crow guards with keen senses.

   "Rodris, what's the matter with you? Is it because the logic course in the temple was suspended, and the Lord of the Forge was worried about it?"

   "Go! I have made up the exam, okay!"

  At this time, the inner wall of the aircraft once again became opaque. As they descended through the hot airflow, the hull began to vibrate and kept making sharp noises.

   "Damn it! Have they ever hit a ship here?"

Harland Alucard, who was close to the cockpit, once again started to complain about Leuk but his worries are reasonable, the technology from the celestial dragon Sergeant, once the vehicle is turned on, he will become as crazy as the green leather.

  Everyone’s current location, once an accident occurs, there is a high probability that there will be no survivors.


  Leuk Lugo, who is in charge of driving, turned his head, his face was flushed, and on the right half of his face, a pair of silver tattoos was shining

   "I mean, has anything fallen into magma before?"

   "A ghost knows it!"

  At this time, he hadn’t spoken before, but Uwe Monroe, the tech priest who was responsible for guiding the four Astartes, suddenly spoke:

   "There have been a few times, so you had better not think about this kind of thing."

   "I knew I was here!"

   Harland complained in a low voice that the noise from the aircraft engine had changed from a low roar to sharper, and the propellers on both sides sprayed out flames to correct the flow direction of the airflow.

   Obviously, the pilot ran into trouble in the process of lowering their spacecraft onto the landing platform.

  (End of this chapter)

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