The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 609: Secrets of the 1st Legion

"We have entered the sphere of influence of the planetary gravitational well!"

The interrogation priest turned around, walked over the bridge, and stood behind the helm.

The mechanic quickly cast a glance at the interrogation priest, and after knowing his arrival, he turned his attention back to driving the Savior.

"How far is it from Vera Three?"

The interrogation priest asked that there was metal in his harsh voice.

"About 25 million kilometers, your priest."

Ericon nodded.

"Communication station, contact the battleship of the Star Knights to see if they respond."

The interrogation priest then strode towards the communication station.

"Here is disturbed by a part of the asteroid belt, my priest, but I think...Yes, we received a signal and the other party agreed to the communication request.

The liaison officer breathed a sigh of relief. Every time when the pastor approached, they would be very nervous.

Ericon then turned on the main communicator.

"This is the Angel of Redemption. I am the interrogation priest Ericon Goldberg. Please answer."

The interrogation priest stopped and waited for a while, but he only received a blast of static noise.

"Communication station, are you sure we have a strong enough signal to get in touch?"

Ericon Goldberg asked, there was an impatience in his metallic voice.

"Yes, Lord Pastor, we—"

The recovery of the communications officer was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"This is the Unbound Soul. I am Lothar of the Astral Knights. Welcome, Lord Erican Goldberg, the interrogation priest of the Dark Angel."

An unfamiliar voice suddenly came from the intercom of the communication station.

"Hello, brother of the Astral Knights, I hope our sudden visit will not cause you any trouble."

"In fact, we were really surprised, because our battle group was on a mission and we didn't know in advance that you would also visit this place."

A weird smile appeared on Ericon's face.

"No, we are not here to visit."

"Oh? I don't quite understand what you mean."

"We are here to meet with Commander Soshyan Ariksha of the Astral Knights. I have a few questions to ask."

"Huh? But... how did you know that the battle group leader is here?"

Before Ericon could answer, the voice on the other end of the communicator suddenly became tense.

"You have been following us!?"

At this time, the tense voice of the Occupy Master resounded on the console.

"Report! The opponent's Void Shield and Weapon Array are activated! And they have begun to lock us!"

"Brother Lothar, don't be nervous, we are not malicious."

In response, the interrogation priest said to the communicator in a gentle voice:

"We just want to talk to the commander of the Soshyan War."

At first, the communicator did not reply.

After about three minutes, Lothar's cold voice came.

"The captain is not on the ship, he is on the ground."

"Then can I visit him personally, with only five people, and our ship will stop on the track."

There was another silence afterwards.

But this time the interrogation pastor was not in a hurry, he knew that the other party must be in contact with the ground.

After about ten minutes, a response came.

"The captain agreed."

"thank you very much."

Turning off the communicator, the interrogation priest turned and left the command deck, and said to a soldier wearing a burqa next to him:

"Gather five people and follow me to the flight deck."


In the gorge on the ground, Soshyan is standing next to a hill of green-skinned corpses, and a soldier is burning the corpse mountain with a flamethrower.

The air was filled with a strong **** smell and the spicy smell of spores, so that many people's breathing filters were blocked. The soldiers were doing their best to deal with the battlefield, but the green-skinned corpses were too many and too broken.

Not far away, the wreckage of the original starship was still smoking, its main frame had been roasted black, and the surrounding structures had become scattered parts and fragments.

Turning off the communicator, Soshyan's face became very strange.

"The dark angel is coming."

"It's those **** again!"

Talos snorted, making no secret of his contempt and insult.

"How did they find the door?"

"According to Lothar, the other party should have followed us very early."

"Fuck! Their stalker habit hasn't changed for ten thousand years?"

"Why do you think they did it?"

Feeling the heat of the flames around him, Soshyan took Talos to the edge of the battlefield, so that their conversation would not attract the attention of others.

"At least not for me."

"I know that."

To be honest, Soshyan is very unfamiliar with the Dark Angels. He has only seen some information and records about them in the battle group archives, but the First Army is known for its mystery, and there is no public information. What happened.

However, he knew that when the arrogant rebellion broke out, the First Army had been entangled with the Eighth Army, basically running through the entire process of the rebellion.

Therefore, Talos should be very familiar, or know them very well.

"That's why I asked you, wanting to see your opinion."

Talos was silent for a while, then whispered softly:

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the fallen angels."

"Fallen Angel?"

Soshyang thought, the mysterious coat of arms that appeared in the battle of New Badab suddenly popped out of his mind. It seemed that it was the sign of the fallen angel.

"What is the fallen angel? It's just the rebels, is it worthy of them to be so persistent? If you remember correctly, almost every legion has apostasy. In ten thousand years, how many sons of Giliman have fallen into darkness without seeing the limit. Soldiers hunting all over the world?"

"Che, do you really think they are just trying to hunt down the traitor? They are just trying to cover up a big lie."

Talos looked at Soshyan and said in a serious tone:

"But you must not show what you know in front of those bitches. Those **** are very neurotic."

"What is that big lie?"

"I can't tell you, it's probably only related to the destruction of Caliban and the original body, but their organizational structure itself contains huge secrets."

"How to say?"

"The organizational structure of the First Legion is very different from all other legions. Their main body is called'Six Wings', which should be called Six-Wings in Tera. They are Dire Wing, Hurricane Wing, Raven Wing, and Steel Wing. , Flame Wing and Dead Wing

, And the command layer inside the six wings is not solid

Definitely They also have at least two secret command layers on top of the six wings. These command structures are piled up on top of each other. They are not senior veterans of the First Army. You can't figure out what they are. Who is directing whom. "

Soshyang thought for a while, but couldn't grasp the key.

"Is this a secret?"

"Forget it, it doesn't count, I know the story of Gilliman splitting up the legion, but do you know that after the splitting of the first legion, their subgroups are still able to hunt down traitors all over the world in a unified pace."

"There is such a thing?"

"If you can understand it at the beginning, but 10,000 years have passed, don't you think it's strange that those subgroups are still carrying out the order to hunt down fallen angels when they were founded?"

"What do you mean... Although the First Army seems to be split, in fact they still retain a secret command layer and control all the sub-groups?"

Talos smiled noncommittal.

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