The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 59: Sol Taviz

  In the beginning, the emperor’s son was called the Third Army, and its recruits came from the noble family of the holy Terra Europa.

   The nobles of Europa at that time selected the best young members of their family and gave them to the emperor to express that they were defeated by the Thunder Warriors

After   , I apologize and pay tribute to the emperor.

   Under the lead of the Europa nobles, other noble families also sent their children to the Third Army to fight.

   It is rumored that this is the source of the name change of the Third Army, which means the emperor’s child, and the name was confirmed again after Fukun was recovered.

One difference between    and the sons of the early emperors is that the Third Army during the Unification War was willing to cooperate with ordinary imperial troops and even lead them into battle. This is a despised behavior in the eyes of other corps.

   But for this "aristocratic army", leading the "weaker" troops seems to be a matter of course.

  Before the original body and the Legion were reunited, the Third Army was known for performing tasks efficiently and often exceeding the emperor’s expectations.

  During the Great Expedition, the Third Army was often sent by the emperor to perform diplomacy and protect secret ambassadors, and some people called it the emperor’s messenger.

  The Third Army painted their armor purple to symbolize their mission, and decorated them with lightning and scorching sun patterns.

   In a ceremony for a planet to surrender to the emperor, the emperor and the third legion were attacked by rebels. The interstellar warriors of the XVI unit of the third legion died in order to protect the emperor from being hit by the spiral weapon.

After   , the emperor awarded the double-headed eagle to the Third Army as a reward for their loyalty.

Despite the reputation of the Third Legion, after recovering the moon and signing a contract with Mars, the Third Legion was destroyed: a large number of genetic seeds were lost on the way to the moon for unknown reasons, and later people discovered the Third Legion on Earth. The gene seed bank has been destroyed and contaminated by the remnants of the lunar gene sect.

  All of this caused an outbreak of fusarium wilt in the Third Army. The organs of the sick soldiers began to shrink and eventually died one by one.

   This sad situation was not terminated until the Genome Fukun returned to the Legion, but the number of the Legion has been severely degraded, and it must operate under the auspices of the Shadowmoon Wolf Legion.

   It is for this reason that Fogen and his brother Horus established a close relationship.

   When Horus announced the rebellion, Faugan was quickly tempted to participate in it and became the first group of rebellious legions. They were the first to be loyal to the legion on the Eastvan III.

   underwent a brutal purge and then participated in the destruction of three loyal legions on the Istawan 5.

  Fujian, the degenerate Primarch, committed a felony of family killing on the Eastvan 5, beheading his friend and blood brother, the Iron Hand Primarch Ferus Manus.

After the fall, the Third Legion quickly plunged into the arms of the evil spirits of Chaos. How glorious the sons of the emperor in the past are, then how deeply their depravity is now, so that many legions that are also rebels are all Shame to be with them.

   During the siege of Tyra, the Emperor's Son Army did not take part in the attack on the palace. Their target was the tens of billions of residents on Tyra.

   All kinds of crazy actions took place in the areas they invaded. When Horus was defeated by the emperor and the rebels collapsed for thousands of miles, the emperor’s son was the most complete legion to withdraw from the ground.

   Their battleship was full of slaves, and they headed straight for the new foothold, Eye of Fear.

   In this process, the Third Army also split up many small war gangs because of the civil war, but because of the pathological desire for pleasure and pain, even after the split, they were still one of the chaotic forces that attacked the empire most frequently.

   So when this person said that he was the company commander of the Third Army, the soldiers other than Soshyan had to pull the trigger subconsciously.

   "Put down the gun."

   Soshyang’s voice interrupted their desire to attack. Although the soldiers were puzzled, they still executed the order.

   He looked at this haggard face, gloomy man like a ghost, and asked:

   "Captain Sol, can you tell me the last time in your memory."

   Thor glanced at Soshyang for a while with those gloomy eyes, and whispered:

   "M31, 013."

   These series of numbers, every time one is said, the man has to take a breath, as if he has a heavy burden.

   After listening to Soshyang, he knew that his conjecture was confirmed.

   "Captain Sol, now it is M41, 912."

   Thor's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Soshyan as if he was looking at a monster.

"you guys……"

   he asked tremblingly:

   "From ten thousand years from now?"

"Do not."

   Soshyang shook his head.

   "Captain Sol, you came from ten thousand years ago."

   After hearing Soshyan's words, Saul's shoulders suddenly collapsed, and the scarce blood on his face became thinner, and it looked like a corpse that had been soaked in formalin for a long time.

   "Then Tyra must be safe, right?"

   "Horus's rebellion was ended, and he himself was destroyed by the emperor himself."

   "I knew it would be this structure. From the moment Garo successfully escaped, Zhanshuai's failure was doomed..."

   Suddenly, he raised his head.

   "Where's Hara...Fukune, what's his ending?"

   "He killed his brother, Primarch Manus, turned into a Chaos Demon, and escaped into the Eye of Fear."

   Thor immediately grabbed Soshyang's shoulder.

   "He is still alive!?"

"Yes it is."

   Soshyang did not hear any joy or relief from the other party, on the contrary he felt a strong anger and hatred.

   "He should pay for everything he did!"

   Thor almost squeezed these words out between the clenched teeth.


   At this time, another loud noise came, and the star warriors all felt the huge vibration, and looked did you do? "

   Thor also noticed the abnormality and asked Soshyang about it.

   "We installed a hot melt bomb on the bridge."

   "That's it."

   The tenth company commander of the Third Army nodded thoughtfully.

   "I knew it was its fate a long time ago, but Kumu could not find the tools, you did it..."

   "What's the situation with this ship?"

   "This is not a ship."

   Thor shook his head and told everyone a terrible truth.

"It was originally a slaughter-class cruiser, and the word bearers performed evil sacrifice rituals on it, but they summoned something uncontrollable. That thing merged with this ship, and all lives were digested by it. Dropped, and now we are in its body."

   "You said that all life has been digested by it, then you are—"

   Soshyang's words were more euphemistic, and Saul pointed his finger to his head immediately.

"It can't digest me. For so many years, it has tried everything to try to make me succumb, hallucinations, monsters, and even time stagnation, but it can't break through my inner shield, let alone extinguish my inner anger, I still have a lot of I have to collect a debt, and I will never die before that."

  嘭! !

   At this time, the heavy airlock door not far away suddenly erupted with a loud noise, and it seemed that something was hitting it.

   "It looks like it is really angry."

   Soshyang glanced at him and said to Sol:

   "We have a Thunder Eagle, you can leave here, Captain Sol, do you want to join."

   The other party did not reply immediately, but directly drew the sword on the ground, walked to the other door, and pushed it away.

   "Let's go."

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