The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 633: Conversation of the lonely

"You lied to me, Iskander."


   She whispered softly, her dark, deep eyes met Kayang's gaze.


   The long imprisonment has made it more and more difficult for him to distinguish the boundary between reality and dream. Sometimes he will also wonder whether he has just rotted in the dark.


   But he knew that it would never be the case. In fact, compared to what will happen in the future, quietly rotting in the dark does not seem so bad.


   But now, he enjoys seeing Nefertari even in his dreams.


   "You also lied to Itzala."


   Silence says everything, Kayang's heart is like an open window to her, there is nothing to hide, so he just looked at Nefertari, and she looked back at him.


"In the numbness, my people created that new god. We call her the great thirsty man. Her first cry burned our empire, and her first breath drew our souls away. She grabbed those souls in the dark, and it still remains the same.....So I dedicate the souls of others to her, their pain healed my wounds, and their wailing before death was my help to Anmeng Lullaby, this is my destiny, even if I have escaped so far, I understand what loneliness is, Kayang, I can also perceive the loneliness of others, your soul is too lonely, one day you will be because of it. dead."


   "I am not alone."


"Your former albinism instructor is dead, and that person doesn’t know why he wants to follow you. The idiot with a brain problem is also dead. Only the fallen one who was enslaved by you with witchcraft is still alive, and one is almost clothed. Kill the demon in your beast skin."


   The silence returned to Kayang's lips again.


   "I still have you."


   Hearing this, the Dark Spirit Race smiled.


   Nifitali was born a few centuries ago, she even lived longer than all the brothers in Kayang, but for an Ada, she had just passed adolescence.


"Yes, you still have me, but please don't pretend that it is enough. You are not a human being, even if you still retain human emotions... You are a weapon, you should be born with your brothers on the battlefield. , This is your inherent instinct. If you lose it, you will be useless. That's why you welcomed Huoquan and Uliwan to join. That's why you insisted on saving Farkus and his men. That's why You must obey Abaddon’s orders, your heart is polluted by loneliness, and brotherhood is the only purpose for your creation."




   This is not the first time Kayang has heard of this. Such a dialogue between the two is very common.


   "You started resisting, and finally you started resisting the loneliness that plagued your heart, but is that enough?"


   Every word she said fascinated Kayang deeply and fascinated her.


   Then, the Dark Spirit Race lightly leaned in, fiddling with the crystal claws in his hands, making a faint knocking sound.


   "Is that enough?"


   She asked again.


"You were born for brothers, and every weapon needs to be used, don't you? There is no one to command you now, Kayang, the emperor no longer gives orders from the throne, ordering the children to conquer the planet in his name, The one-eyed king no longer looks at the abyss of the soul sea, asking you to fall with him, and Abaddon does not need you anymore. He has the capital to trade with Aliman."


   "I am my master."


"It's so frank, stupid pride. I'm trying to persuade you to seek unity, but you think I urge you to accept slavery, unite, and join a more meaningful group... When you shake off the shackles of the past, you truly become free."


   "I am free."


   She stood closer, and anyone else who dared to touch Kayang like her at that moment would be ruthlessly destroyed.

   But she belonged to him, his Niftali, so he allowed her to gently brush her cheeks with the fingertips that still had sharp blades in her gloves.


   At this moment, there is no desire between the existence of two different races, and some are just innocent and selfless closeness.


   "If you are really free."


   She embraced Ka Yang by the neck and whispered softly.


   "Then you will no longer dream of wild wolves."


  Kayang's blood became cold.


   "Do you know what you are?"


   Qianzi shook his head speechlessly.


"You are a samurai far away from the battlefield, a student who has lost a teacher, and a teacher who has no students. You want to survive, but living a lifeless life is no different from death... If you continue to live like this, Let alone gather without resistance, one day, you will become like other dead people standing in your shadow, or even worse, you will become another Itzara, your most cherished and pitiful one Itzala (Sister of Kayang)."


  Kayang gritted his teeth, but his heartbeat became more intense. Itzala was the only softness in his heart except for Nefertari.


   Nifitali turned a blind eye, smiling and continuing:


"Poor Itzala, floating in the life-saving water tank, staring at the grave where she is buried, never knowing what hope is... But she has a reason to be Aina Misis, otherwise she can only As a mortal accepting the fate of dementia and premature death, why should you step into an eternal prison?"




   "Shhh, one more thing."


   Her eyes caught Kayang's gaze.


   "You are changing, I can feel the surging of your soul, you know, taking refuge in Abaddon won't let you completely get rid of the wolf in your dream, but they can."


   "They...they are too mysterious, I can't believe them."


   "Just wait and see."


   Nifitali’s smile disappeared, she retracted the crystal claws, and then gently licked the sweat drops Kayang left on her fingertips in a very elegant manner.


   "That's it, we will see you again."


   She whispered The eyes of the two met for the last time, but she refused to communicate anymore and turned and flew away.




  Kayang opened his eyes, but it was still dark.


  Death silence, enveloped him, only his slight gasp.


   Suddenly, he noticed his side, turned his head, and looked at the darkness on his right side.


   "You are here again."


  Darkness and silence still pervade.


   "Has that secret been discovered by him?"


  Kayang seemed to be talking to himself.


"my choice?"


   He let out a bitter laugh, just like the cry of an owl in the dark night.


   "Do I still have a choice?"


   Then, his face suddenly turned aside, and his brows squeezed.


   "Are you sure you really need to do this? This will only deepen his suspicion. He is not stupid. With so many things connected together, even an idiot should see the way."


   More than ten seconds later, the imprisoned Qianzi wizard sighed slightly.


   "It's okay to listen to it, I respond to the call, and you better remember to fulfill your promise..."


After    said, he lowered his head, seeming to fall into a new round of deep sleep.

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