The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 662: Unexpected visitor

  Chapter 663 Unexpected Visitor


  Suddenly, a burst of violent artillery fire swept across the ground, blasting large pieces of rubble into the sky, blasting towards Talos in a straight line.

Although the prophet’s reaction speed was fast enough, the shock wave generated by the explosion threw him back into the ruins, but he quickly stood up with a backward roll, stepped on a flat-ended arm and let the plasma release a terrible javelin shape. The blue energy scorched a green skin that was shaken flying with him.

  But the heavy and loud footsteps told him that something bigger than Okee was approaching the breach.

  Subsequently, Talos became the first person to see it and immediately focused all his firepower on the deformed monster.

  "Green-skinned murder tank mecha!"

He shouted to the audio communication in the helmet, this giant, stomping machine almost blocked the gap alone, clumsy mechanical arms pressed against the wall to maintain balance, and artillery on both sides protected its armored belly. .

  Through the small window, Talos saw the ugly face of its Ouke driver.

The other Terminators turned their guns at the same time, and gave up the large number of green-skin infantry who stepped on their compatriots’ corpses. When this huge and heavy Ouke machine stepped through the ruins of the city wall, bullets continued to explode on it, large bricks and stones. Knocked into the air by the arms it swings to achieve balance.

  The impact of the bullet made the striding mecha panicked, but it finally steadily turned its gun to the Terminator.

  Bullets and rockets flew into the formation of the Terminators, and the flame sprayed by the flamethrower submerged a Terminator. The controller of the Terminator felt the armor soaked in the flame, but this flame was far enough to knock him down.

  The Terminator took a few steps forward against the flames, stepped on the green skin that was gradually being cooked, kicked them into the rough rubble, and continued to shoot bullets at the armored iron can.

  Only hearing a bang, a bullet hit the flamethrower spout of the green-skin murder can, causing a hot fire storm.

   "Kill it!"

  Three rockets pierced through the flames in front of Talos and grazed his head. Without even looking back, he knew that the big explosion behind him had only hit the wall.

  After that, he put away the ion pistol waiting for the energy to run out, punched his fist to the chest of another Ok, and lifted the struggling creature with his legs.

  Talos just waved this green skin, and when charging towards the green skin mech, he used this hapless man to slam its barking green skin compatriots.


   Just when the killing machine was aimed at Talos, a pulse of energy hit the side of the mecha, just breaking the balance and making it unable to aim.

  In the blink of an eye, Talos approached the murder tank at an extremely fast speed, and thrust the chainsaw sword into the rough, bare knee joints of the green leather mecha.

  As the machine loses its balance, Talos lifts his leg and kicks it to its side. The soles of his boots directly penetrate the rough riveted armor in the middle of Ok's head.

  The Fearless Mecha swayed under the heavy blow, and then the legs began to collapse and hit the ground, leaving Talos proudly standing on its fallen body, Ouke’s blood and pus dripping from his calf.

  Victory is short-lived, as a row of explosions hints at the arrival of another green-skin mecha.

Turning decisively, Talos saw two Ouke mechas stepping into the gap. On both sides were a group of smaller murder tanks, each equipped with energy claws and heavy weapons, and soot was coming from the rudimentary welded engine on the back. The cylinder came out.

  Explosive bombs hit their yellow armor to wipe out sparks, and the corpses on the ground delayed their pace.

   "Soshyan, have you gotten it right? The door is in trouble!"

  Talos chose to shout at the audio communicator.

   "It's ready soon!"

  Snip, Talos can only give orders.

   "Wade, can your plasma work!"

  "The charge has been completed!"

   "Fuck the leftmost one!"

  With the crackling of the plasma cannon accumulator, an overloaded plasma hit a mecha, and as the explosion ignited its front armor, it seemed to herald the birth of a new star.

  The burning blue flames of the rudimentary war mech fell backwards.

After   , an armor-piercing missile hit another mecha, penetrated the eyes of the mecha skull, and exploded inside it.

  Although it did not fall, the internal explosion completely burned it into a waste column.

  The remaining four still came up.

   "Infantry suppression!"

The greenskins have gathered in the shadow of their mechas, moving towards the interstellar warriors who are focused on the mechas. They let out a battle cry, machetes and axes are thrown out of their hands, making them fall on the interstellar warriors with poor accuracy. Around.

   The two teams turned their firepower at Talos’ orders, and cut the green skin supported by the mecha in a storm-like explosion of bombs.

   "Keep fire support!"

  Talos said loudly, his voice clear.

   "The first team, keep up with me."

  He walked forward, the bullet that hit the armor was bounced off, not paying attention.

  When the firepower of the Terminator squad continued to suppress the greenskin infantry, the remaining few had followed Talos and took out armor-piercing grenade and melee weapons.

  Talos rushed to the leading mecha at full speed, holding the chain saw sword high.

  The mecha tried to grab him with its clamp limbs, but the prophet avoided it as foreseeable. The blade's edge only lightly brushed the armor, peeling off a piece of ceramsite sand and fine gold.

  Talos slammed his sword at the opponent's door.

With a bang, the impact damaged the front armor of the mecha, and the pieces of yellow paint were pressed like a thin metal sheet under the explosion bomb.

   Then, at the moment when the opponent's mecha leaned forward, Talos raised his knee and slammed into it.

The violent impact shattered the pilot of the mecha. The powerful blow caused the mecha to spray metal fragments and meat sauce from behind, and the unstoppable strength and momentum caused the broken mecha to fall back to the ground.


  A rocket crashed to the ground, and the shock wave rippled outward from the point of impact, shaking the corpses all over the battlefield.

   Then, another thunder blasted through the dusty air.

The gate of the nest was opened, and Soshyang pushed a giant green skin more than three meters high covered in armor and rushed in, then kicked the opponent with one foot and from the opponent's throat. Pull out the Sacred Yan sword.

  Greenskin warlord, die!

  The green-skinned troops entrenched in the nest capital suddenly shed all their courage and began to scurry around with their heads, and then there was a chase.

After    basically eliminated the main greenskins, Soshyang established a new headquarters on the top of the nest, which was still well-preserved, and immediately began planning the next attack.

  But at this moment, a mysterious guest suddenly visited.


  In the command room, Soshyang looked at the cramped mortal officer with a confused expression.

   "Uh, that's a lady, but she doesn't want to say her real name, but she has a token of the court."

   Hearing the trial court, Soshyang seemed to think of something, but couldn't recall the details, so he responded:

   "Then take her in."

  Five minutes later, the mysterious man was brought in.

  As soon as she saw her, Soshyang was shocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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