The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 90: Angelica's request

   Anjelica blinked her big beautiful eyes, and Soshyan once saw that there seemed to be stars twinkling in them.

   "As a commander of Astarte, you seem to care about the lives of mortals unexpectedly."

   "Our mission is to protect mortals. A warrior without a sense of mission will do nothing."

   "Like the sacrifices made by your battle group?"

   Soshyang lowered his head slightly, finally no longer expressionless on his face, but a look of sullenness appeared on his face.

   "Inquisitor, I don't like your tone, especially when talking about those sacrifices."


  Angelika immediately condensed the expression on her face, and gave Soshyang a standard sky eagle salute.

   "Believe me, for the sacrifice of the astral knight, I grieve more than anyone else."

   Then, she took a deep breath and said sincerely:

   "My hometown, Wawen Coast, you may not remember that name, but you must remember the other name...Vida Three."

   The name Soshyang certainly remembers that it was the desperate fight of the Astral Knights' battle group that saved the planet from the sickle of the dead in space.

   It's just that he didn't expect that he would encounter a judge from Vinda No. 3 here.

   But he didn't intend to exchange the so-called kindness for anything.

   "This is our duty, just like you have to run for the emperor throughout your life, so there is no need to have any special thoughts, judge."

   "I just pay my due respect to an empire hero."

   Talking, Angelica lowered her arm.

   "So, your purpose of coming to this ship is nothing more?"

   "I received another call to solve another one hundred thousand urgent incident. I must leave Wallistad immediately to deal with it."

   An informal majesty floated from her face, Soshyan guessed that no matter what she was called to do, it would definitely give her a secret sense of pride.

"and then?"

   "Then I want to send an official request to you and your battle group, hoping to get your attendance in the next operation."

   Soshyang frowned, she was still very young, maybe she didn't know what she was asking for.

"This is impossible."

   Astral Knight’s battle captain shook his head and said:

   "Our mission in Wallistad has been completed. The battle group has its own plan next, and we urgently need to recruit new recruits."

   "I know this request is very unreasonable."

   Anjelica admitted:

   "And I also know that the situation of the Astral Knights is very bad now. You have been confiscated from the monastery fortress, and you have lost most of your recruitment points.

   "You should have your own team to carry out the task. We are the ultimate weapon. We are only used when absolutely necessary. So what is this task, we need our assistance."

   "Sorry, I can't say."

   "Then I can't help. I can't put the battle group on an unknown mission."

   "If you agree, I will tell you."

   She corrected it sharply.

   "I can actually say it, but I won't, at least until I am more convinced of the details of this operation."

   Then just like that, Soshyang suddenly became curious.

   "You don't even know the details of the mission?"

   "This is a confidential regulation."

   Once again, pride flickered in her words, and she felt honored and delighted to be called because of such an important event.

   "So I hope you don't reject me."

   "Where is the area of ​​this operation?"

   "The Armageddon Galaxy."

The name    made Soshyang hesitate, but in the end he shook his head.

"Our next target is the planet Nathan 4. Considering the tides in the subspace, from the storm star field to which Armageddon belongs to the solar star field to which Nathan 4 belongs, it is also possible in the case of conventional subspace navigation. It takes two standard Tyra months, and you may be able to summon other warbands nearby after you arrive."

   Anjelica frowned, which made her look unexpectedly noble.

   "But you are the first battle group I encountered after receiving the call."

   "We don't even have enough numbers."

   The inquisitor's eyebrows curled up.

   "I have this feeling... We call this the sixth sense, do you know the word?"

   "I know what it means, but we can't simply let the battle group invest in your unpredictable cause just because you have a certain premonition..."


   She had a taste of the word.

   "Yes, this is it."

   Then, she nodded vigorously.

   "I trust you, I trust your group of fighters."

   Soshyang nodded his head to show respect, hoping to relieve the sting of his words.

"I feel honored for your attention. The judge and the Star Knights are honored for the confidence you have placed in us, and hope that we will meet again in the future... But with all due respect, we have other responsibilities. In places close to other galaxies, you will also give the same trust and respect to other star warriors who will participate in your next mission."

   She narrowed her eyes, as if Soshyang had deliberately said something unreasonable.

   "Captain Soshyan, are you always so formal?"

   Soshyang felt that the other party really likes to ask strange questions.

   "Yes, it has always been like this."

   "This is annoying, you know."

   "I can only apologize."

   She grinned suddenly again.

   "It's hard to believe. At first I thought you were the best to persuade, but I was wrong."

   Soshyang didn't think of this, and couldn't see how it could be true.

   But thank goodness she didn't continue to pester.

   "Then when you collect enough new blood, will you be able to respond to my call? Our mission may last a long time, one year or even several years."

  After thinking about it again and again, Soshyang nodded.

   "If you still need our assistance at that time, my warband and I will consider responding to your call."

   Angelica's eyes flashed.

   "Then I look forward to the next reunion, Captain Soshyan."

   When Angelika's shuttle left the Spark, Soshyan finally determined that his affairs in Wallistad had ended.

   When he returned to the bridge, Thor was already waiting there.

   "Nothing else."

   Soshyan said to the instructor of his battle group.

   "But she has a request for us."


   There is a clear look in his pale eyes.

   "What is her request."

   "I hope the battle group will assist her in her next mission, but our primary goal now is to obtain new blood. Since the World Engine Battle, we have not increased a single recruit."

   Thor nodded.

   "Since you have a decision, do it according to your own ideas."

   Soshyang came to his commanding throne. All the officers and technicians on the bridge saluted him. Brother Lothar stood beside him with his sword hilt in his hand.

   "Fleet target, Nathan IV, start the subspace engine!"

   "Subspace engine warm-up, ten, nine, eight, seven, six——"

   Along with the unique tremor of the battleship, the huge cruiser and the frigate around turned into the void together.

   "...Two, one! Start!"

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