The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 901: Fight aid

"Talos, the company commander of the eleventh company, needs a deputy. He is a man who is used to being loose. I hope you will help him."

Bachram was speechless. He never thought that he would be related to that mysterious company. Thinking of this, he felt his chest tighten.

He opened his mouth and wanted to ask why, but in the end he simply responded:


"Okay, go down and rest."

With great confusion, Bachram turned and left.

Until he completely disappeared behind the door, holding the data board, Veronica in a black dress walked forward.

"Throwing a bright man into a group of dark bats, what are you thinking?"

"This is Talos' request, and he hopes that the survivors of the Eighth Legion will get used to dealing with people like Bahram in the future."

"Then you see his attitude, do you still think this is good?"

Soshyan looked at the sky and nodded.


"Where is your association?"

"Talos will guide him to join."

"I always feel that you are too wishful thinking. What is the point of staying in your legion or even entering the command level? This will become a destabilizing factor."

"You don't understand. It is precisely because of people like Bahram that we are different from the traitors in the eyes of fear."

Soshyan lowered his gaze, looked at Bachram's thoughtful back in the courtyard, and said meaningfully:

"And...I can't be the commander of this battle group forever."

Veronica raised her eyebrows lightly.

"You think so highly of him?"

"What's next, who knows..."

"How are you going to get rid of the stars?"

The Pandora system had already spread to the Nathan Galaxy half a month ago, but it was not an official announcement from the Empire, but a report from the dark line that Soshyang planted there. After the Astral Whisperer’s signals were completely interrupted, The scouts of the slaying star concluded that this world was about to be attacked, and decisively left that world by boat.

Even with such foresight, in the end only a few people escaped and brought back information that the Chaos forces were about to launch an attack.

Combined with the information from Sorge, although he does not know the current situation of the platoon, Soshyang has been able to infer that this attack will be the notorious Black Legion, and Huron will also intervene. .

As for how to deal with this matter, the astral knight held several meetings.

As the person who is most familiar with the Black Legion, Kayang also participated in all the meetings, and Kayang made it clear that Abaddon had a plan to attack the platoon for a long time, because there was a stable subspace fissure, Horus back then My son once used this rift to summon a large number of demons.

But Kayang, who was still in the Black Legion, opposed this plan, because he didn’t think this rift had any big effect. Even if it were to flood several worlds with demons, it would not hurt the empire. On the contrary, the Black Legion had to carry out this plan. , It is necessary to mobilize a lot of resources, fleet and manpower.

As Abaddon's former right-hand man, Kayang knew that this kind of plan was worthless except for wasting energy and resources. Abaddon should focus on the thirteenth Black Expedition.

So when he was there, Abaddon just thought about it. When he was gone, Abaddon would no longer hold back the turmoil in his heart, and resolutely launched the Pandora War.

"He has become short-sighted and reckless, I don't know if it is due to the influence of the crying lady."

These are the original words of Kayang.

But on the other hand, Abaddon’s determination to implement this plan is not trivial. Therefore, the force invested will be very large. If the astral knight directly hits, even if the white temple is added, I am afraid that he will be affected. There is no residue left.

After all, the two battle groups together barely had more than a thousand people, and the Black Legion would invest at least tens of thousands of Chaos Interstellar Warriors in this battle.

Soshyan was not arrogant enough to think that they could be one to ten.

Since a frontal attack is not feasible, only a roundabout plan can be implemented.

First of all, everyone speculates that the empire will react quickly to this. They will not miss this opportunity to eliminate the great predators. They will definitely gather their main forces. Therefore, if the astral knights go directly into combat, they will not say that they are alone against the enemy. , But the casualties are still uncontrollable.

According to the intelligence sent by Sorge, Huron will also send a fleet to participate in this battle, which will be a variable.

But the empire didn't know this. Once the two sides fought, the Red Pirate's fleet might become a heavyweight bargaining chip to overwhelm the balance.

Therefore, in order to allow the Empire to defeat the Black Legion's fleet force smoothly, Soshyan intends to enter the game from the side and block the Red Pirate's fleet first!

After all, he and Huron are both old acquaintances, and they understand each other's fighting style better.

But even for this plan, the difficulty of implementation is still not small.

Although they have a lot of information sent by Sorge, which route the Red Pirates attacked from, when they arrived on the battlefield, and the size of the fleet are all unknown. The only thing that can be assured is that Huron himself will probably not enter the game. He mainly The job is to contain the main force of the fleet in the Empire's Demeter region.

Taking into account the relationship between Huron and Abaddon, Kayang speculated that the Black Heart King should not send a too powerful fleet, at most two or three main cruisers plus some small warships.

At present, the Astral Knights currently have capital ships such as Unbound Soul, Soul Messengers and Eternal Loyalty, as well as several cruisers and strike cruisers. The scale of large battleships is already very large, and it is more than enough to deal with this kind of fleet. It is really impossible and there are white temples. fleet.

After thinking about it, Soshyang also felt that there was no problem with the Red Pirate's As for how to intercept the Red Pirate's fleet, after analyzing the star chart of the Pandora galaxy, everyone agreed that the outer parts of the galaxy The asteroid belt will be the key. If Abaddon wants to prevent the imperial fleet from entering the galaxy, he must control the asteroid belt and keep the imperial fleet out. If the imperial fleet wants to gain a foothold in the galaxy, it must also be controlled. This complicated corridor.

The probability of the two sides fighting here is extremely high, and in accordance with the previous rules of the Red Pirates, they will definitely choose to enter the battlefield when the battle is the most intense, in order to achieve the final word.

Then their ambush location is not too far away from the asteroid belt.

After carefully reading the star map many times, Soshyang thought that the ambush of the Red Pirates was most likely to be the star of Kairis on the edge of the galaxy!

Then the final task is very simple, they will intercept the Red Pirate fleet in Kairis!

"The plan has been determined, and we will leave in five days."

Veronica nodded thoughtfully when Soshyan had decided.

"The Black Legion is not trivial. It is notorious even among our clan. There are not a few colonies destroyed by them. I am afraid this battle will not be easy."

"It's not easy, but you have to fight. In any case, you must find the flagship of the legion."

"Then... have you ever thought that not only the Black Legion will hinder you, but also your friendly forces will not wait for a strange giant ship to appear suddenly."

Of course Soshyang thought of this. It would be as difficult as fighting the Black Legion to retrieve the flagship under so many eyelids.

But no way, this is his responsibility.

"I can only act by chance."

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