The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 912: The sky has changed

"Sir, the enemy has heavy weapons!"

"I am not blind!"

As soon as Stryker finished speaking, a nearby tree suddenly fell down-metal shrapnel exploded the bark behind the colonel.

"It seems that there are not many people on the other side, and the firepower is suppressed!"

The Katachan soldiers raised their guns and started shooting. They either squatted or lay down and shot a bow-shaped barrage toward the dense woods. The dim groves were suddenly illuminated by lasers and tracer shells.

Stryker opened fire while observing his position, then waved his hand, and the team immediately formed a commando formation.

"The enemy's position is in front, but you can't see them in this position. This may be an ambush, but I don't know what it is."

Realizing that the other party was talking to himself, Patat blinked and said:

"Call for support?"

"We're all around here!"

"It would be great if you could see what was shooting at us."

"Stop talking nonsense, let your people bring the flamethrower to the side!"

Patat waved his hand behind him, motioning for the soldiers to come with the flamethrower.


Stryker yelled and gestured to the soldiers to disperse in front of the target.

"Come to a barbecue feast!"

The soldier pressed the trigger, and a volcano-like liquid fire shot toward the dense forest like a horizontal fountain of flames.

Afterwards, the Katachan soldiers used large-caliber live ammunition weapons to fire from left to right.

The trees and huge ferns in front of them burned, and some plants were ignited instantly, as if gasoline was flowing in their bodies, and some withered like dust.

About 20 seconds later, a large area of ​​woods in front was burned down, allowing Stryker's team to clearly see the area 60 meters away.

Suddenly, there was silence all around, and even the bullets fired at them were gone.


Stryker took the telescope that Patat had handed over.

"It seems we..."

The autofocus dial on the telescope whirled, and soon Stryker saw what he wanted to see.

"Fuck? What is this? A temple? But it seems to belong to the empire."

What Stryker saw was a triangular building covered with armor, and there was a symbol of Mechanical Education on it, but some weird pillars were erected around it, and there were many blood-stained skulls on the building, making it more like a kind of The place of the pagan blood sacrifice...

In addition, all armor plates have been sprayed with the badge of chaos, with defensive nets on the periphery, and automatic slave labor installed on the bomber positions.

Stryker realized that when they approached, they must have triggered the sensor that activated the slave labor, but now it is estimated that the machine servants have died due to the high temperature-although they are hardly considered alive.

"What is this place?"

Patat saw this too, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"It's hard to say, but I feel it has something to do with those heretics, and it has something to do with my disappeared team members."

Hearing Stryker's answer, Patat was silent for a while, and then asked:

"So what's the use of this building in this jungle?"

"good question."

But it's just this problem. Now everyone in the soldiers is in a bad state, especially those militiamen, who are almost reaching their limits.

"Then what shall we do next? Sir."

"You'll know after you tear him down. Be careful. The emperor won't bless us at any time. His old man is very busy."

Stryker was obviously too lazy to think, holding a blasting pistol, cautiously approaching the building's door.

Suddenly, a low-pitched voice whizzed, and a charred automata nearby suddenly recovered and raised the automatic weapon.

Stryker fired three shots and exploded the machine servant.

Then he rushed forward, rushed into the cold blue light from the opening of the door, raised his gun and looked for the target.

But there was nothing but darkness and deathly silence. There were discarded furniture and scattered paper everywhere.

Suddenly, he noticed a dim phosphorescence gleaming in front of him, and there was still a dark room there,

The room was completely dark, and when he just lifted his foot, thousands of eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness staring at Stryker.

They all belong to the same...thing.

A huge thing revolved and appeared in the dark. It stretched out its blue and white loose and bloated body. Toxic saliva flowed out of the mouth full of sharp teeth. The gelatinous object on the black skin was trembling crazily and greasy. Greasy ashes fluttered around it like a cloak.

Just looking at each other for a few seconds, Stryker was already sweating, even soaking his jacket.

He drew back in horror and left the gate, and the monster followed him out.

As soon as they saw this thing, the soldiers lost their guns one after another and began to nausea.

Patat was also caught by the horror, unable to move.

He cried and fumbled for his gun. At this time, the transparent and greasy tentacles rushed out of the darkness, surrounded him like hugging him, and then crushed the hapless officer severely, causing him to explode like a tomato. .

The Katachan soldiers who were on alert turned around and saw the terror creation rising from the secret room and the red that was once Patat.

"Subspace Demon! Demon!"

Stryker started yelling at the communicator.

"All retreat!!!"

Colonel Katachan realized at this time that the destruction did not come suddenly.

It has been following them, and has been slowly approaching, and they were unaware, or could not notice at all, a ruthless predator, just out of sight, about to move and hide.

"Hurry up! Don't stop, withdraw back to the convoy!"

When Stryker was running, he felt his muscles all over his body cramping and tingling, there was an inexplicable chill on his back, the root of his tongue was itchy, and the gunman's hands kept shaking.

He has a characteristic that his left eyelid will always jump wildly when the psionicist is nearby, so when he is on the ship, every time he approaches the navigator, his eyelid jumps wildly.

Just then, Stryker's left eyelid jumped again.

He froze, holding the gun tightly, realizing something was wrong.

Regardless of the time the sun sets, it has completely disappeared, and the sky is full of gray clouds like solidified The ashes are galloping in the wind, beginning to appear in all kinds of weird forms, and Some crimson-colored fissures faintly appeared in the clouds.

Soon, the gray clouds began to be dyed red. This was a terrible sign that the world was undergoing some kind of abnormality that they didn't know.

Suddenly, everything was silent.

This is scary. Until everything is quiet, everyone didn’t realize that the jungle was full of noise before: the buzzing of insects, the rustling of water, the rattling of amphibians, the crowing of birds. .

Only when everything comes to an abrupt end will humans realize how painful it is to stay away from those sounds.

They slowed down and raised their ears, hoping that the sounds would come back.

"All alert!!"

Stryker raised a hand, turned slowly, and leveled his gun.


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