The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 924: Water dispute

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Standard terra calendar, 41

Extreme Star Field, Demeter Region, Pandora Galaxy, Patriarch, Red Sand Mountains

Devil's Cross is an obelisk landmark that stands at the intersection of the only way to the Macon Mountain camp, and the landmark points to the east.

When night fell, Hedgehog was looking for his officer everywhere, and finally found that Stryker was striding towards a trench next to the communication array, accompanied by a sergeant under him, so he quickly trot to follow them.

"Give me the telescope."

In the silent night, Stryker must hold his throat to avoid being spotted by the enemy.

The sergeant beside him pulled out the brass telescope from his bag, and Stryker took it and stood on the edge of the trench and scanned the trench outside.

Brunei, the commander of the Second Militia Regiment of the Platoon Star, also came over, making Stryker who smelled a certain smell

Glanced aside.

"What are you holding on your mouth?"

Brunei took down its homemade cigarettes and displayed them proudly.

"The smell of licorice, I think I am addicted to smoking, sir, can you see the enemy's position clearly?"

Stryker smoked his nose, forced himself to forget about his smoking cravings, and then turned his head back.

"I can see the lights of Voss camp, mostly campfires and shrine lights, and searchlights. It doesn't look like a beautiful view."

Stryker rolled up the binoculars, jumped off the edge of the trench, and handed the binoculars to Brunei.

At this time, Hedgehog had unfolded a map data board standing on a metal tripod, and Stryker adjusted the nodular lever on the edge of the data board to make the data board interface slowly glow.

After that, he inserted a ceramic data sheet containing nearby geographic data information, and then straightened the screen to show the officers standing aside.

"This is Goblin Canyon."

Stryker pointed at the screen with the tip of a long Katachan saber. At this moment, the artillery in the distance seemed to fire to emphasize this point. The battlefield map was shaken by the violent shock wave, and the soil on the top of the trench was also shaken. .

It was the third day that the enemy was bombarding the garrison stronghold closest to the Voss camp.

"The gorge is about four kilometers wide and 12 kilometers long. Its west side is surrounded by mountains. There is the enemy’s position. At the end of the enemy’s position is the Voss Camp. The ten-meter-high granite city wall was surrounded, but the place was controlled by a stubborn bastard. They did not obey the order. When the Chaos Army invaded, it was quickly occupied and turned into a fortress for the enemy."

Everyone knows the facts that Stryker explained. The Voss camp was originally high hopes, and relying on its solid walls may be able to become a stronghold to block the enemy's forwards.

But unfortunately, this camp belongs to an ancient local family. They hate "outsiders" like Stryker, so they refuse the request of the garrison to enter and declare that they can protect their homeland.

But the facts proved that they couldn't do it. The strong wall lasted for only three hours, and it fell before Stryker could even support it.

It doesn't matter if they die, but the problem is that the other important point of Camp Voss is that it controls the only dam in the Red Sands Mountains.

The climate in the Red Sand Mountains is hot and dry. Although the mines are rich in resources, water resources are very scarce. Except for a few mountain springs, there is only one Red River, and the Voss Camp is located at the uppermost reaches of the Red River.

Now Stryker still has nine explorer fortresses and almost half a million soldiers and civilians. These people basically depend on the Red River for drinking water.

But this lifeline was choked by the enemy.

In order to solve this problem, Stryker thought of many ways and executed several plans, but they all ended in failure.

Obviously, it is no longer realistic to retake Voss camp, so the only way is to destroy the dam so that the enemy can't control it-

"The only feasible solution—"

Stryker pressed a button on the side of the screen to display another area on the screen.

"The Red River has a wide surface and a slow flow rate. This season of the year is even slower. Most of the river surface has dried up. We can walk along the arid river course, which is difficult to find."

"How many people participated?"

Brunei suddenly said that this brawny man was still smoking intently, blinking his eyes occasionally.

"About a thousand people, of course, we have to advance in the dark. After half an hour, the troops will be divided into 30-man skirmish line squads to advance so as not to expose our whereabouts."

Stryker tapped another area on the screen.

"After investigation, we discovered that there is an ancient river channel dug by hand, which has been in ruins for thousands of years, but the water gate is still intact. After arriving at the predetermined location, we went in through the water gate of the ancient river channel. There should be no defense. Lieutenant Lai, the militia under your command slammed into the drain on the west side of the city wall to attract the enemy's attention."


"We opened the sluice after we broke into the dam. The team commander must select soldiers who have experience in using explosives to ensure that one in ten people is full of explosives or blasting canisters. The rest of the team must cover him when the blaster explodes the facts. "

When Stryker spoke, apart from the relentless bombardment of distant enemy artillery the officers were silent.

"Ten minutes later, the whole team will start."

The officers quickly dispersed,

When Brunei left, his line of sight followed the intersection of the position and Stryker.

Because of the artillery masterpiece, he clenched his fist and beat his chest twice, silently wishing good luck, and Stryker nodded in response.

They were strangers half a year ago, but now they are friends of life and death. This is a special magic on the battlefield.

Soon, the team set off.

At first, there was no problem. When they moved in the shadow of the river, they didn't alarm any enemies.

But Stryker felt that this smoothness was a bit weird.

When he arrived at the scheduled assembly point, he adjusted his night vision and looked around.

The surrounding environment is green in the field of night vision. The dam is about 1,300 meters wide and 150 meters high. It is a stalwart building that can introduce water from the Red River to drive the power generation device, so it is not only related In addition to the water supply in the adjacent area, the power supply to the entire area is also designed.

The sluice must have been lowered because there was no water flow at this time.

Stryker tapped his miniature communication bead.

"What's the situation with bird divination?"

The communicator in charge of ornithology heard the commander's call and responded, and walked through the reeds to Stryker, who was standing behind the decaying wooden dock.

"Reported, there was no response from the ornithology."

Hearing this, Stryker smiled slightly, his exposed teeth reflecting the stars.

"Very well, keep an eye on this stuff."

After finishing speaking, he led the team towards the ancient waterway, which was located on the side of the rock wall, and there was still shallow water that touched the heel.

The water gate of the ancient river is a pile of rocks, about five meters high. Under Stryker's order, the blaster stepped forward and began to place explosives.


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