The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 940: Book of Prophecy

Latest website: With the ups and downs of the books, the voice gradually changed from a calm middle-aged to a vicissitudes of old age, as if a person spent his entire life reciting these words.

"——The huge eyes will be closed by the King of Blood, and a fortress will rise to receive him."

"After defeating the last attack, the empire decided to do its best to eliminate this threat, so Kadian is about to be built, and the barbaric space wolf will guard it with the soldiers whose names are destined to be forgotten. The fortress was considered difficult to cross, and some other such places were set up in this way. The military port of Billis Carona and the fortress of Nemisiste Serra will become resistance rushing from the eyes of fear like a huge wave. The mainstay of the invasion, after all this is completed, all they can do is hold their breath and wait for the eyes of fear to open again... and this wait is nearly three hundred years."

"But the cursed one could not give up. In fact, his allies and supporters gathered around him again and the number was even greater. Every part of his second attack was as direct and powerful as the first. Although the defenders were prepared for this attack, fierce fighting and evil slaughter broke out when the attackers attacked the walls of the Kadian Fortress. This lasted for five years, and the result was particularly tragic... During this period, although these evil legions were stopped in Kadian, they scattered in other directions and vented their resentment wherever they could reach. People’s advance preparation proved to be particularly abundant. New The fire of hope rekindled in people's hearts, and the brutal offensive of the cursed was hit back, and he hungered again with resentment in his heart."

"——In an era of rebellion, a demon prince among demon princes led an attack, but the ending seemed to be hidden in the fog. The specific details of this matter are also very vague to me. The only thing I have is What is certain is that the space wolf played a very important role in the destruction of the devil. As for whether he will be exiled forever or will rise again, I don't know."

"——The fourth expedition of the cursed, fear will be wandering around with the flames, his legion once again swept forward with incomparable enthusiasm, and the walls of Cardian were once again surrounded and destroyed The king personally led a fleet to march into the depths of the empire this time, but in front of the fortress of Konomas, the march ended.....The cursed man led the attack on its fortified walls, and his warriors were like fallen leaves. Generally, the city fell continuously, but the city was eventually broken. In front of his infinite ambition, all defenses were broken into pieces. Unscrupulous brutality wiped out all life and reason in this besieged place, but these are too deep. His sins will witness his own destruction, carefully planned revenge will unfold, and these dark people will pay the price for their atrocities and be torn to pieces."

"——In the bloodstream, the ancient prince of horror named the Seed of Destruction will bring the purest and most intact humanity to the brink of destruction. Compared with the other intrusions, there are really only a few places that have fallen, but The casualties were really huge...In fact, he was just to declare war on Brother Astarte, a believer in the enemy of Chaos, of course, he also failed in the end."

"I want to mourn the war eagles, because they will be defeated. The black expedition in the chaotic era is so terrible. The scene of mutual betrayal has been popular for many years. The opening of the huge eyes heralds countless deaths. In these dark days, I can’t foresee how many more expeditions will be launched, but the cursed will return. I know that...people will be suspicious of each other, and the various forces in the universe will The fortresses and castles are isolated from each other and destroyed one by one. In our most vulnerable period, the dark forces that are always watching will come on us, looking for opportunities to destroy us or even cause greater destruction, but our doomsday will not Will come and never will."

"——The seventh expedition of the cursed, Ghost War, he will come like a shadow, the fleet appears like a flood in front of Kadian’s Gate but then disappears, in the next few years, against The patrol and search are going on, but this is also spreading doubts and suspicions. False intelligence and deception are spreading. However, there have been many surprises in the neglected remote corners. The dark night has become his minion and shelter. Later, he entered the giant eye again. Coming back to make preparations, and people who have become cowardly can only wait for the end in silence."

"——On the tenth expedition of the cursed, the Iron Warriors will break through the city of Medusa. I do not know whether it is intentional or purely accidental. This invading fleet happens to appear on the opposite side of the Cardian Gate. Position, the warriors with steel in their hands and their comrades guarded this area alone. The fierce attack was overwhelming, and the war continued to spread, but like fate, before the strong Medusa, the steel warriors and the iron hands The battle group met, but what happened in this encounter, I can't know."

"——The twelfth expedition of the cursed, all the dust settled, the empire still won the final victory this time, but mankind is destined to suffer from the attack of the blood king, and the cursed will carry it. Leaving the Blackstone Fortress, the future destruction of mankind seems to have been doomed."

"——Thirteen expeditions, the Scarlet Road is about to unfold, and the final moment has come."

The last book fell and the hall fell silent.

After a while, a voice with an impatient tone sounded.

"That person can pinch so well, how could Horus put a dagger on his throat in the first place?"

Then, an indifferent voice rang in response.

"The content of the book is not entirely written by him himself. Some of it was compiled by the person he chose, although that was also eight thousand years ago."

"Ha, shouldn't we be summoned now just to listen to this book again?"

At this time, a soft and ethereal voice emerged.

"It's a coincidence that I heard that Abaddon has arrived at the Paiyang Star, and Soshyang has also gone."

His response was a deep and metallic voice.

"There is no Chaos noticed him very early. The Palmprinter's plan is by no means perfect, at least not in front of Chaos Cthulhu."

Next was a grumpy voice with a low growl.

"That's why we are needed, isn't it."

"And the Grey Knights went too."

"How to say, your decision."

The shadows on the nine chairs simultaneously turned to the one on the middle throne.

After being silent for about ten seconds, the group of shadows calmly responded:

"Let's vote by show of hands, whether to go to the rowing star."

After a while, eight hands were raised.

"Okay, after voting and agreeing, we will set sail right away and go to the rowing star."


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