Each has its own characteristics

Xiao Ran looked at the fat man: “Do you have any last words?”

The fat man grinned: “I won’t just sit back and die! I’m going to kill you. What you said just now is all nonsense. If I are killed by you, one day if you can Kill this bitch Wei Lili and say hello to her for me and Boss Jiang!”

“Okay.” Xiao Ran nodded.

The fat man regained his fierce appearance, roared, and blew cold air at Xiao Ran.

The cold wind howled and the indoor temperature dropped sharply.

Xiao Ran used banishment on himself and Xu Qingmei, and then with a thought, he shot out several sonic steel bars, and puff puff, shooting the fat man into a hedgehog.

The fat man was a superpower, so he still had breath even in this situation. He looked at Xiao Ran with wide eyes and narrowed eyes.

Xiao Ran nodded: “Don’t worry, I will never go back on what I promised.”

Then the fat man took his last breath, twisted his head, and died.

——He was worried that Xiao Ran would forget the agreement with him when he met Wei Lili in the future.

It was just a matter of saying a word, and of course Xiao Ran would not fail to comply.

Of course, he didn’t agree to fight Wei Lili.

What if the other party is also very strong?

Without endangering himself, it was naturally impossible for Xiao Ran to fight desperately.

boom! boom! boom!

Several gunshots were fired, and all the doctors and nurses were shot in the forehead and died.

Xu Qingmei did it.

Xiao Ran was a little surprised and looked at this woman.

You are very tortured.

Xu Qingmei said calmly: “They know your ability, at least part of it. Even if they have no chance to escape from here, it is safer to kill them.” ”

Sometimes, I can be the villain for you. ”

Xiao Ran was actually a little moved.

A woman who can kill for you, what else is there to be picky about?

Xiao Ran smiled, absorbed the powers of Fatty and Wen Youjian, pinched Xu Qingmei’s chin and said, “Are you and your sister really sisters?”

Xu Qingmei rolled her eyes at him, looking annoyed.

This joke is not funny at all!

“I wasn’t like this before.” She said, “However, if you stay in prison for a long time, even if you didn’t dare to kill a chicken before, you will gradually become cruel and ruthless.” ”

Haha, yes. Aren’t you a little afraid of me?”

Xiao Ran did not answer her, but said: “You are different from your sister! She was the victim at the beginning, but you were the murderer. I believe that even if the knife was in her hand at the time, she You probably don’t have the courage to hand it over.”

It takes courage to kill someone.

Xu Xinran is smart, but she doesn’t have the qualities of a warrior at all.

If she really wants to awaken her powers, the most she can do is serve as a support in the rear.

Let her kill someone?


Forget it, I don’t want to train warriors, vases are the best, which is more in line with my purpose of only trading without emotion.

The two continued to search the hospital, but found no other survivors.

There were people who had just been killed, but no living people.

Apparently the two fat men had already cleaned up this place, killing all the men and unattractive women, leaving only five good-looking women for their pleasure – they probably only survived for a few days. When Fatty and the others get tired of playing and go on the road again, that’s when they will die.

With their fear of Wei Lili, how could they leave anyone alive to reveal their whereabouts?

After searching, they found a lot of medicines, but the storage conditions of many medicines were either cold storage or room temperature, but there was no mention of freezing, so these medicines were naturally useless.

Xiao Ran decided to go to the building materials market tomorrow. He needed to add some “weapons”.

The more sonic steel bars, iron piers, etc., the better.

He and Xu Qingmei went back. Of course, the side effects of absorbing the supernatural power occurred halfway through, and were resolved calmly. When they returned to the mansion, Xu Qingmei’s hair was messy and her face was slightly red. She adjusted it for a while before covering it up. A few points.

Others didn’t notice it, but Green Tea had just gone out with Xiao Ran yesterday, and they could see it at a glance. She couldn’t help but walk up with her buttocks swung, smelled it deliberately at Xu Qingmei, covered her mouth and said, “Oh, you’re such a strong coquettish girl.” Angry!”

This made Xu Xinran furious and came over to teach Green Tea a lesson, but Green Tea didn’t panic at all. If Xu Xinran dared to take action, she would take the opportunity to fall into Xiao Ran’s arms, which would further reduce Xu Xinran’s impression score.

However, Xu Qingmei stretched out her hand to stop her sister. She looked at Xiao Ran and said, “If I awaken my powers, can I ask for the same gift as you?”

“What gift?” Xiao Ran asked.

Xu Qingmei pointed at Zhou Yunsu: “I’m going to hang her up and beat her for a day – don’t worry, I will avoid her face and chest, just to teach her a lesson!”

Zhou Yunsu’s face turned pale, and she rushed towards Xiao Ran: “Brother, Sister Xu is so scary!”

You are not a fuel-efficient lamp either!

Xiao Ran smiled. Of course he would not agree to Xu Qingmei. As the head of the family, he had to keep a bowl of water in his hands.

But Xu Qingmei was just trying to scare Green Tea. She walked over and said in Zhou Yunsu’s ear: “I am different from my sister. My sister can only speak with her mouth. I use my fists. You might as well try it.” ”

I ——” Zhou Yunsu still wanted to say something harsh, but when he looked at Xu Qingmei’s calm expression, he couldn’t help but suffocated and did not dare to speak.

“Be good!” Xu Qingmei patted Zhou Junsu’s butt and turned away.

Snapped! Snapped!

These two slaps on the buttocks were not gentle. Tears welled up in Zhou Yunsu’s eyes. The key was not the pain, but the great humiliation.

However, she dared not speak out in anger.

One of the characteristics of green tea is that it bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Xiao Ran laughed, Xu Qingmei really killed Zhou Yunsu, unlike Xu Xinran, who would lose his mind after being aroused by green tea and easily jump into the trap she set.

Soon, night fell and heavy fog suddenly gathered.

At this time, the girls were most relaxed.

The fog is a natural barrier, and almost no one would brave the freezing cold to travel in the fog. This is almost courting death.

——Except Xiao Ran.

But even if there are still such people, they should be very few, and the chance of finding them here should be zero.

So when they saw the dense fog, they couldn’t help but relax and calm down.

Go to the gym.

The nine girls all went to the gym, while Xiao Ran took Leopard around.

In fact, the leopard no longer needs to be walked. The mansion is so big. It climbs from bottom to top, and then runs from top to bottom, visiting every floor. It is definitely enough exercise.

After playing with the leopard for a while, Xiao Ran went to take a bath.

The hot water package came over and Xiao Ran felt so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

He couldn’t help but think of Cheng Qian’s power, and then Wei Lili’s power. Next, the surviving powers would become more and more powerful, just like raising gu, killing their opponents and seizing their abilities to strengthen themselves.

This is true in Sioux City, it is true across the country, and it should be true around the world.

It’s a bit big!

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