: I’ll play with you another day (additional update)

Both sides are very naive.

No, no, it should be said that he was careful and prudent. Therefore, Xiao Ran did not expect Gao Liang to come out, and Gao Liang did not wait for Xiao Ran to come out to collect the power.

such a pity!

Xiao Ran clicked his tongue, Lao Gao must be too careful.

Unknowingly, it was getting dark, and heavy fog immediately appeared, covering the whole world.

I couldn’t see my fingers, no matter how powerful the searchlight was, it was useless, the fog was too dense.

Xiao Ran finally moved.

He absorbed the superpowers of Lao and Jin. I don’t know if it was too long, or if the “level” of these two superpowers was not enough in the first place, but he only absorbed the equivalent of two superpowers.

Poor as hell.

Have they never absorbed powers?


Lao Jin didn’t know, but the superpower who used the ice wall obviously couldn’t be original, otherwise a few bullets could destroy the ice wall, making it impossible for the two of them to evacuate easily.

“So, after a superpower dies, the energy in the body will slowly disappear. But this process is not short. It will be fine for half an hour at night. But this time I waited for more than two days in order to lure Lao Gao and the others. hours, so most of the energy of these two people has escaped.”

“Well, you have to do everything while it’s hot.”

Although the absorbed superpowers are small, it does not affect the occurrence of side effects.

Soon, Xiao Ran found that he had changed from Tian to You, and then to A.

However, the only woman nearby that he could still tolerate had been sprayed with poisonous water and experimented on by him, and he could only barely tolerate it. He wanted to do it again?

Forget it, I don’t have to wait here for Lao Gao and the others anyway.

what to do?

Xiao Ran thought for a while and went back to the villa to kill the living person first. This person would inevitably have to eat, drink and defecate if he was locked in the house, and Lao Gao had already confirmed that “he” was in the villa, so there was no need to put another person here. .

Therefore, this man has completed his historical mission.

Go to Qinghong Daxia!

There is no other way. We are not before the end of the world. We can hail a taxi on the road and tell the driver where we can go to a fun place. We cannot book a room in a hotel and randomly tell the front desk that we want to eat fast food.

Now I can only find it myself!

Xiao Ran launched the hovercraft and headed all the way to Qinghong Building.

Fortunately, now the space perception has reached 262 meters away. What is the concept of this?

——When you drive normally, you may not be able to see more than 200 meters away!

Because there are many cars on the road, if a truck blocks the front, you may only be able to see 50 meters or 100 meters away. Moreover, these 200 meters are 360 degrees, and the streets on both sides are all in his mind. Xiao Ran, a native of Sioux City, could still easily identify his location.

Therefore, even if he is traveling in the fog, it is basically difficult to stop his forward speed.

And the little brother is already howling.

If he was in battle, he could be distracted by the enemy. Even Yang Dingtian would not think about Cheng Kun, but now that he was not in a battle state, evil thoughts kept raising their heads.

You really have to look up, in a physical sense.

Xiao Ran lowered his head and took a look, decisively deciding to endure it any longer, he didn’t want to bear it.

The little brother was so anxious that he actually broke through the psychological barrier, drove the hovercraft to the extreme speed, and arrived at Qinghong Building in less than an hour.

Up up up up.

He went up to the 18th floor and also…


When A arrived and turned into a field again, Xiao Ran felt calm and entered the state of a sage.

The teachers are really dedicated, have good attitudes, and have strong professional skills. I can’t find any faults.

Xiao Ran couldn’t help but think of the island country girls.

“If I can really awaken the ability to teleport, I must go to Rejing and teach Sakura how to make a love action movie.” ”

I said it!”

The night passed.

Xiao Ran set off back to Qingfeng Garden very early. Today he had to go to Hope Camp again to deal with the last batch of “patients”, and then brought a few nurses back to Qingfeng Garden. They usually worked as servants and returned to their original profession when necessary.

The hovercraft drove back to Qingfeng Garden, and Xu Qingmei and the other girls breathed a sigh of relief.

How can you not be worried when your man goes out on an adventure?

After all, Xiao Ran’s opponent is too strong now!

After Xiao Ran had breakfast, he first took a look at Xia Chuqiu’s situation. Experience told him that this woman should start to gather “seeds” tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Very good, regardless of whether she can become an evolution or not, just get over it so that he doesn’t always have something on his mind.

On the way, he was thinking, if he won’t go to the villa these days, how can he have so much time to play with Lao Gao and Cao Xinning every day?

Leave them to dry for a few days.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Ran arrived at the Hope Camp.


Before entering the door from a distance, Xiao Ran saw the messy sled marks on the ground.

somebody is coming!

Why did someone come and not the people inside come out?

Because there are already no sleds in the camp, it can only be outsiders!

Xiao Ran frowned. Did someone find this place by chance, or was it brought here by those who ran away before?

He did not kill all the people here. Firstly, he did not reveal his identity. Secondly, this place was not important and killing people was not a pleasant thing. He left those people to fend for themselves.

But some of them also attracted outsiders here?

A faint smile appeared on his lips.

As the hovercraft moved further forward, the sanatorium gradually entered the range of spatial perception.

And as he continued to move forward, he captured more and more parts of the sanatorium.

More and more buildings, including the main building and the “patient” building, entered the range of perception. Xiao Ran’s eyebrows that had just relaxed could not help but wrinkle again.

He “saw” dead people.

There are several nurses among them!

He died miserably, his body was naked and covered with scars, his face was filled with fear and resentment, his eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

Apparently, they had all suffered abuse during their lifetimes.

In this patient building, there are still 14 people lying in wait.

It just so happened that they were talking.

Xiao Ran was startled because he actually “heard” these people’s conversation.

It can’t be said that he heard it, because it was directly projected in his mind.

In fact, it is not unusual for Xiao Ran to be able to hear other people’s speech with spatial perception. He was not even shocked because he felt that this should be what spatial perception can capture.

It’s just that he didn’t find the right path, so there was only a picture but no sound.

Now finally the sound and picture are complete.

What did I do?

Like in my anger, I triggered something?

Therefore, the 14 people inside seemed to be right in front of him, but he was transparent and no one could see or touch him.

“…Boss, how long do we have to wait?”

“Yes, it’s been almost a day since yesterday afternoon!”

Two people said impatiently.

The man they called the boss was a man of about 30 years old. He was wearing a thick down jacket and had his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was shivering from the cold. He glared at the two subordinates and said: “Those nurses said that this person comes here at nine or ten o’clock every day. Why are you so anxious?”

“Shut up and watch carefully!”

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