Make a Bet

This is definitely not Xiao Ran’s boasting.

He didn’t have a clear understanding of his own strength before, but after defeating Lu Yong, his self-confidence increased and he also had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Especially the building materials market that destroyed Cao Xinning in one battle made Xiao Ran understand that his strength would crush most people with powers.

After that battle, he absorbed a large number of supernatural powers and awakened the ability of space compression, which made him even more awesome.

Critical space capabilities are different from other capabilities and can be prepared in advance.

For example, weapons such as sonic stones and sonic steel bars are made from very ordinary materials, and there is no need to consume any power when casting them. As long as they have enough reserves, he can shoot them to the end of the world.

If you are facing him head-on, you must at least absorb a lot more supernatural powers than him, otherwise you will only be beaten to death by him.

Human wave tactics?

Haha, in the face of his powerful fire suppression, what’s the use of having more people!

Therefore, Xiao Ran was really just stating a simple fact.

Xu Xinran nodded obediently.

Regardless of whether she believed it or not, how could she refute a man’s face at this time?

The two continued to search.


Xiao Ran said, stretched out his hand and pressed forward, and a stone flew out, smashing the door open with a bang.

The two walked in, but it was dark inside, and Xu Xinran found that she could not see anything.

Xiao Ran couldn’t see it either, but he had spatial perception.

It’s all coke here.

A warehouse full!

Xiao Ran immediately began to put it away, and saw that the large swaths of charcoal disappeared out of thin air.

Within ten minutes, the entire warehouse was empty.

Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said: “Go to the next one.”

Xu Xinran was already stunned.

She knew that Xiao Ran had a spatial warehouse, but she had no idea that this “warehouse” was so big.

Such a huge warehouse, how many tons of coke are there in total?

Several hundred tons?

even more?

As a result, Xiao Ran took them all away, and listen to what Xiao Ran said, go find the next one!

In other words, he could easily take away another warehouse.

Oh my gosh!

She followed Xiao Ran in a daze and came to the next warehouse, but what was stored here was not coke, but iron ore waiting for steelmaking, and Xiao Ran didn’t want to accept it.

Does he still need to make iron and steel by himself?

And speaking of hitting people with iron ore?

Then forget it, I might as well collect more rocks.

Next Next!

Hey, the next one is the warehouse of finished steel products. Xiao Ran happily accepted it. This can be used as a weapon. If an iron pier of tens of tons is smashed down, how powerful is this?

After coming out of this warehouse, I saw several sleighs parked at the door of the next warehouse. A group of people just walked out of it, all carrying bags full of things. Then they got on the sleds and drove on the snow. The three idiots ran away.

Xiao Ran could see clearly through spatial perception that the next warehouse was still coke, so these people should be carrying coke back to be used as fuel.

Why not use a truck?

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Well, the truck has to be able to drive on snow.

The snow is now six to seven meters high. How can the truck drive?

Wei Lili’s people.

They knocked down the steel mill and naturally regarded everything here as their private property, but it was impossible to move the base camp here. The good ant moved and moved the things here bit by bit.

By the way, hot spring hotels already have hot springs, why do they need coke?

——The heating problem has been solved, but what about cooking?

The hot spring water at 20 to 30 degrees Celsius can only heat hot dishes at best, but it cannot be used for cooking.

Therefore, firewood, coke, and natural gas are still necessary, at least one of them, otherwise you can only eat bread every day.

“What should we do? Should we avoid it?” Xu Xinran asked.

“Why should we avoid it?” Xiao Ran was surprised, “Does this steel plant belong to them?”

“But they came first…” Xu Xinran said weakly.

Xiao Ran laughed: “Does it belong to them if they come first? You are being too reasonable – but if you really want to say first come, first served, this place was previously occupied by some kind of boss Jiang, and then was beaten down by Wei Lili.”

” So, what comes first now depends on who has the harder fist.”

“Now I like this place, this place is mine!”

Xu Xinran seemed a little hard to accept this concept for a while, and was still a little confused. Stupidly.

Xiao Ran didn’t care, everyone had different personalities.

If he had asked for green tea, this girl would have pulled him out with a smile, lest he change his mind.

He looked at Xu Xinran and said, “I’ll make a bet with you.”

“What bet?” Xu Xinran asked carefully.

Before, this guy said that he would give her a small chance, but she hesitated all the way, and now he said that he wanted to make a bet… She was still frightened.

Xiao Ran smiled: “Just bet on the attitude of those people towards us after we get out. Even if they just drive us away, you will win. And if they want to kill me and snatch you away, hehe, then I will win.” How about it?”

Xu Xinran just hesitated and then said: “Okay, I’ll make a bet with you – if I win, you have to upgrade my level!”

Hey, I thought you were very noble, but you actually care so much?

Yes, you don’t want to be overwhelmed by green tea.

“Okay.” He nodded, “If I win…here, I’ll give you this gun. You have to kill all these people with your own hands! If you can’t do it, yes, you die for them.” He said

very plainly. , seems to be ordinary.

Xu Xinran was horrified and couldn’t help but look at Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: “I’m not kidding you!”

Xu Xinran reached out tremblingly and took the pistol.

Ice cold.

She almost retracted her hand, but when she saw Xiao Ran’s serious expression, she had no choice but to take the gun.

Xiao Ran ignored her, pushed open the door and walked towards the warehouse in front.

Xu Xinran was stunned for a moment and quickly followed, while hurriedly putting the gun into his pocket.

The pockets of the down jacket are big enough to fit them all.

The two of them walked forward, but after a few steps they were spotted by people in the warehouse in front. They immediately started shouting and shouting. After a while, a large number of people rushed out, all wearing gloves and looking black.

But there is one exception.

This is a woman, about 30 years old, her appearance can be rated as 60 points, just reaching the passing line of beauty. She is not wearing gloves and her hands are clean. She is particularly eye-catching among a group of tall and thick men.

She is clearly the leader of the gang.

When Xu Xinran saw this woman, she couldn’t help but feel happy. She took it for granted that women would not embarrass women, and she should have won the bet she made with Xiao Ran.

“Kill the man and take the woman away!” However, before the two of them came, they heard the woman say coldly.

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