Everyone is offended

Let me rub it, what kind of nose do you have?

When Xiao Ran killed Zhu Chao and several people, he did not let the blood splash on himself. It was purely because after the death of these people, the blood mixed into the air, and then floated on Xiao Ran’s clothes with the wind, leaving a trace of it. The smell of blood.

But even a dog might not be able to sniff out this amount.

Your nose is too sharp.

Is your superpower related to this?

Xiao Ran deliberately laughed: “I’m not here, my aunt, where did the smell of blood come from?”

The hot girl’s eyes turned cold and she said displeasedly: “Stop making such useless jokes with me!”

Xiao Ran then took the photo. Patting the big bag he was carrying: “I just went out to collect supplies, and I met a few disobedient people, so I killed them. Maybe there was some blood on them at that time.”

He looked at the hot girl in front of him with unscrupulous eyes. , just as the side effects of absorbing superpowers began to take effect, his eyes looked full of aggression.

The hot girl was indeed very hot. She glared at him and said, “If you dare to challenge me again, I will dig out your eyeballs!”

Xiao Ran smiled and deliberately said in vulgar language: “Is everything okay? It’s okay, I’m going back to play with my woman!”

After that, he walked upstairs in a hurry.

He had already used his spatial perception to check before entering the hotel. His room must not have been entered, because the hair he tied to the door was not damaged.

——If he finds that the door has been opened, he will not enter the hotel door at all, but directly bombard it with sonic stones.

If you fall out in advance, what’s the point?

Opening the door and walking in, Xu Na shivered when she heard the sound. She was relieved when she saw it was Xiao.

“Is there any food? I’m starving!” she said.

After not eating for a day and a night, she was really going crazy with hunger.

“Don’t worry!”

Xiao Ran put down the bag, took out a piece of bread and threw it in: “Let’s rest your stomach first, and I’ll let you have a big meal later.”

Xu Na started eating, and so did he.

After the side effects were resolved, Xiao Ran took out all the food in the bag.

Lots of kebabs.

Xu Na couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised: “Barbecue!”

What a fuss, I’ve eaten all kinds of delicacies since the end of the world, and I’m tired of it.

“Yeah.” Xiao Ran nodded.

He didn’t go to the restaurant for dinner. He really didn’t like it. It was just a small amount of leftovers and the food was limited. Oh, even my dogs eat better than this!

So, he started barbecue in the hotel.

Of course, it couldn’t be in my own room, otherwise the smell of oil smoke would not dissipate for a long time, so I used the hotel’s kitchen instead.

Although Xiao Ran couldn’t exaggerately bring out big lobster, wagyu, Yanchitan mutton, etc. It was just some frozen and instant meat skewers, but as soon as the soul cumin was sprinkled, the alluring fragrance hit his nostrils.

Not to mention in the apocalypse, even before the apocalypse, who wouldn’t drool when walking through the barbecue street?

As a result, many people came here following the scent.

“Zhoucao, it’s really barbecue!”

“Brother, can you give me a skewer?”

“I have entertainment coupons here, give you one, how about you let me eat as much as I want?”

Everyone was salivating.

The food we eat in the hotel every day is fast food, basically instant noodles. Those with high status can add a braised egg, and those with higher status can also add braised chicken legs. Even pickles are luxury goods, so don’t you get excited when you see the barbecue? ?

Don’t think that you can buy this kind of meat skewers for zero yuan now. Most barbecue restaurants are buried under the snow. It’s not easy to get such raw materials.

Of course you can make skewers yourself, but who has the spare time?

When he’s not busy looking for food, he’s fighting against superpowers to make himself stronger as much as possible.

Xiao Ran did not agree and refused them all.

I’m not a waiter, but I bake something for you?

Are you worthy?

His refusal naturally made everyone very dissatisfied. These days, a piece of bread can cause a fight, but Xiao Ran has so many barbecues but doesn’t share them – it’s okay for you to eat them secretly, but let them see it. How can this be done? Not to be hated?

Everyone left with livid faces, hating Xiao Ran in their hearts.

If you have the chance, you must be this boy and play with his woman!

Xu Na was very full after eating this meal.

Although their family has never been hungry because of her father-in-law, but meat?

Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to eat it for several days.

So now she can eat meat all she wants, which makes Xu Na so moved that she almost sheds tears.

“Are you full?” Xiao Ran asked.

“Yeah.” Xu Na nodded quickly.

“Then go and move, it will help digestion.” Xiao Ran said with a smile.

This activity lasts for more than two hours, and it really helps with digestion.

Xu Na had already fallen into a deep sleep. Xiao Ran showed no pity to her and let her go as much as she wanted, so she fell asleep as soon as it was over.

Xiao Ran seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but his spatial awareness enveloped most of the hotel, observing everyone’s every move.

He wants to know as much as possible about everyone’s abilities, especially those at the captain level.

Of course, what he wants to find out most is Wei Lili. This woman can devour attacks, but does she have other abilities? And how many superpowers has she absorbed? Where is the limit?

The night passed.

The next day, Xiao Ran got up and went for a walk in the hotel lobby. After a while, several women came to him, openly and covertly saying that they could be his women – provided that Xiao Ran had to feed and drink them. foot.

Xiao Ran declined.

It’s not that he suddenly became less lustful – bah, I’ve never been lustful – but that the quality of these women is not high, and they can survive until now in the apocalypse, whether they are superpowers or not, how many men must they have experienced?

Especially in a hotel!

This is no longer a matter of being a comrade, but a matter of thousands of troops and horses squeezing a single-plank bridge.

Can’t afford to offend.

These women all returned disappointed and naturally resented Xiao Ran.

In the apocalypse, if you don’t help others, others will hate you, but if you help others, others will think you are easy to bully, and will test your bottom line step by step until they turn against you and fight for life or death.

Therefore, in the apocalypse, isolated islands will be formed, and even large forces like hot spring hotels are only brought together because of common interests, and there is no goal that can unite people.

Xiao Ran knew that these people, just like Zhu Chao, would definitely attack him if they got the chance, but he welcomed this very much, just in time to slowly dismember Wei Lili’s power, otherwise, this power would still be quite terrifying.

At least, Lao Cao’s power is far inferior.

It seems that after the battle at the steelmaking plant, they have been greatly improved and they have tasted the sweetness. These days, the six teams have taken turns to go out, and they have gained every day.

Of course, since Li Yanhong is dead, they are resting on their laurels, and there will be no one to help them find superpowers in the future.

He didn’t go out today, but chose to stay in the hotel and do nothing.

However, he was called out by the hotel at noon and he was subject to strict scrutiny.

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