If it was the Four Emperors’ Shanks, he might be a little jealous, but Shanks, who is not much older than himself in front of him, forget it!

“Gee, you’re welcome, it seems that I can only use the sword to speak.”

Shanks was not angry either, jumped down from the card table and drew the Western sword at his waist.

Roya was a little awe-inspiring.

Shanks’ swordsmanship and Hawkeye are among Bozhong, he is a peerless master of the Great Sword Hao level, although he is still young, but Luo Ya does not dare to take it lightly.

“What about your weapons?!”

It was a little strange for Shanks to see him deal with it with his bare hands.

“I don’t have a weapon! Only fists! Roa replied.

“Interesting! Then for the sake of fairness, I also use my fists! ”

Shanks inserts the Western sword back into its scabbard, making a decision he will regret. In this case, Roa and Shanks do not need to be polite, and the two have a crackling fight in this casino.

Luo Yajin was strong, almost invulnerable, and his fists were like fierce beasts, which soon made Shanks unable to parry, and he was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face.

And Shanks prides himself on being skillful and superb in boxing, and he has begun to practice armed color domineering again, but he knows that even Roya can’t take a few moves, and he loses face.

“Hell, he is young, and he nests in the weakest sea area like the East China Sea, how can he practice such terrifying strength?!”

“He’s definitely a genius embryo!”

Shanks did not dare to make a hard connection anymore, and was about to take a fighting approach.

However, Luo Ya began to be impatient, using the unskilled Imperial Wind Divine Power, the fist style was vast, almost as sharp as a knife, and it broke through the air with a “whoosh”.

“What kind of boxing are you? Fruit ability? ”

Seeing that it was not good, Shanks quickly retreated, but it was a little late, after all, the speed of the wind blade was too fast, and his right arm and waist were cut by one or two wind blades, and blood leaked from the crack of his clothes.

Hurt! Although it is a slight injury to the flesh and skin!

“Zheng!” Shanks jumped away and drew the Western sword at his waist.

He didn’t dare to raise it any further.

Moreover, he felt love for talent and shouted loudly: “Little brother, are you interested in being a pirate?” Let’s go to the new world together! Ride the whirlwind! ”

Luo Ya didn’t bother to pay attention to him, his body flashed, countless wind blades formed, and then burst out!


Shanks’ heart was greatly threatened, and he quickly swung his sword into a barrier.

“Tuk Tuk!”

“Shhhh Crash! ”

The sharp wind blade easily demolished the house, and Shanks also flew out.

By the time he stood up in embarrassment, Roa was gone.

Only one sentence remained: “You are too weak, I will not accompany you.” ”

“Abominable! It turned out that he was still a fruit ability, and his ability attribute turned out to be wind! ”

Being despised by Roa like this, Shanks couldn’t help but be a little annoyed.

“However, this Tokai, which has always been known as the weakest, in addition to Koshiro and Jesus Bu, there is such a strong and young guy, what a surprise, haha!!”

Soon, his irritation subsided and turned to laughter.


Somewhere in the garbage mountain outside the walls of Duanzhen.


With a sudden sound of wind, Roa fell from the sky and walked towards the depths of the Colbo Mountains.

He was going to cross the mountain range and leave the kingdom of Goya by boat from the windmill village.

“The young Four Emperors, the combat power is only that.”

As he walked, he wondered secretly, not too surprised.

If he can’t become the strongest in this world, it will be a disgrace to the name of the system.

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