(A wave of outbreaks, the climax is coming, please all support!) )

“Is it? I ask you to think again, because you can’t beat me. ”

Roa disagreed.

By the time he was at the casino, he had already fought Renly.

Renly’s strength is similar to that of the Warring States, and it does not pose much threat to him.

“The tone is quite big, but after defeating a yellow ape, I don’t put others in my eyes.”

Renly folded his hands and said a little danglingly.

He also guessed Roya’s identity.

“Not only the yellow ape, but even the Warring States and Karp lost to me. If you’re confident in yourself, you can also try. ”

“You win, write off the debt, lose, pay me back twice, that is, sixty million berry.”

Luo Ya stopped the impatient Klockdar with his gaze and smiled indifferently.


Reilly finally got his face right.

Warring States not to mention, what kind of existence Karp is, he, as the former deputy captain of Roger, is very clear and unforgettable: he has been forced into a cornered situation by him several times, if he is almost lucky, the whole army will be destroyed, how can there be any story of One Piece.

Who is Karp, who was actually defeated by you?!

Although Reilly still had some doubts in his heart, he thought about it and said, “Okay, I promise you, but I will only give you two months.” ”

Luo Ya clapped his hands: “No problem, it’s great to have your help, after the matter is completed, not only will the debt of thirty million berry be erased, but I will also offer another thirty million berry.” ”

“Then thank you in advance, but before I get on your ship, I’m going to say goodbye to Xia Qi…” Renly touched the beard on his chin, a little unnatural: if you leave for two months, you will definitely be trained by Xia Qi.

Roa nodded in agreement.

As long as he promises, everything can be said.


Half a day later, a large war ship sailed out of the Chambord Islands.

As the ship left, cheers erupted from many places to celebrate the return of the Chambord Islands to naval rule.

But they don’t know that their happiness in this area will not last long.

Roya stood at the bow of the ship and directed the navigator and crew to correct their direction.

With the guidance of the system, he can know the right place to advance the city.

For the sake of speed, he did not bring the pirate group of black iron out this time, but only brought the strongest black iron and Walter among them.


On the sea, a large war ship is sailing.

“Stupid! I don’t know how you can become a Qiwu Sea! The armed color is domineering, that is, the stupid and stupid people can learn well, but you guys…”

An angry curse came from the deck.

Klockdar, who was trained by Reilly, had a blue forehead exposed, and he almost couldn’t bear it.

Not far away, Black Iron and Walter saw him embarrassed, and was about to cover his mouth and snicker, but was called over by Renly: “Xiaoxiao, what are you laughing at, come and show me the results of your cultivation yesterday.” ”

When Hawkeye on the side heard this, he immediately put away his smile and looked sympathetically at Hei Tie, who was a little retreating and did not want to go up.

Roa asked Renly to stay on board for a while, and in addition to learning about the new world, he also asked him to teach Hawkeye and others the use of domineering.

Renly has extremely deep attainments in the three domineering types, and it is most suitable for him to teach domineering.

However, Renly’s strictness immediately calmed down everyone who was happy because they could learn something new, and gradually complained.

But Luo Ya is very supportive of Renly, and they can’t say anything, in order to meet Rayleigh’s requirements, they can only work hard to cultivate.

“Boss, do we want to move on? In the past thirty miles, it is probably the extent of the Naval Justice Island. ”

At this time, there were crew members who came to report and were a little worried.

“Keep going.”

Roya waved his hand to tell him to step back.

The area around Justice Island is designated as a forbidden place, and it is heavily guarded, and warships are infested from time to time, and ordinary pirate ships are sunk and will not be tolerated.

Roya’s goal is not Justice Island, but more inside.

He guessed that it was probably advancing the city or nearby!

The legendary Advance City?

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