I have to say that the golden lion is worthy of being a veteran pirate, and there are indeed many places to know.

Every time he went to an island, Roya would be surprised.

These islands are all very characteristic, either scenic or impressive.

The golden lion even went to the cannibal island where Usopp practiced.

“I don’t know how the ship was built.”

Roa sat on the island controlled by the golden lion, holding in his hand the food brought out on the cannibal island.

These foods are indeed very delicious, and people can’t help but want to eat more.

“Where is this again?”

Looking at the one-man-tall rabbit, Ant Roya, which was the size of an arm, was completely stunned.

The docile and well-behaved rabbit is actually eating meat.

Ants are like locusts, and there is no grass wherever they pass!

The island is full of spookiness.

Some of the animals seem to have been magnified countless times, and they are extremely cruel, but any living existence as long as it is not of the same race will definitely fight.

Sometimes even the same clan fights.

“Great, finally found here.”

The golden lion’s excited voice sounded.

Luo Ya has been with the golden lion for half a month, and he can be said to be very familiar with the voice of the golden lion.

“With IQ on this island, my ambition to dominate the world will no longer be a dream!”

An orangutan and a blue-haired weirdo followed behind him.

“Captain, this is developed, I didn’t expect that there really is such a thing as IQ grass in this world!”

The golden lion laughed with a cigar in his mouth.

“I’ve encountered this island before, but I didn’t pay attention to it, now think that if I had this potion when I fought with Roger, that bastard of the Luo family would have been killed by me a long time ago!”

The blue-haired weirdo looked calm.

“Captain, don’t be proud, although we said that we found IQ, it will take a while to apply IQ to people, you can see from looking at these animals that have taken IQ grass, although this IQ grass can greatly increase strength and speed, but the same has side effects, all creatures that have taken IQ grass will be brutal, and the size becomes extremely large.”

The golden lion looked indifferent.

“It’s just time, just study it before I die.”

Listening to the golden lion’s indifferent words, Luo Ya couldn’t help but laugh.

What if you studied it just before you swallowed?

Listening to the conversation of the golden lion and the others, Luo Ya also had careful thoughts in his heart.

Since this IQ grass has such an effect, then he should also be able to use it.

At least it is okay to increase the strength of the body and the domineering color of the armed color.

Moreover, Roa clearly knows that in addition to himself, his own ship has the combat power of Klockdar, Hawkeye and Rayleigh, and the others may not even be able to fight except Robin and Hancock’s two little loli.

This is a good opportunity to improve your overall strength.

“Bulu Bru Bru…”


Roya took out the phone worm with a headache.

The phone worm shows the characteristics of Klockdar.

“Boss, are you going this time? You don’t even know that those two little guys are about to tear down this old bone for me!” ”

This time, because of IQ, Roa was closer to the golden lion.

Klockdar’s presumptuous voice naturally could not go unnoticed.

“You, I really can’t find any merit other than that it will harm me.”

Klockdar only felt a chill in his back after listening to Roya’s words.

The whole person couldn’t help but get nervous.

“Boss, it won’t be bad for you, right?”

In the phone worm, there were two little loli chattering sounds.

Probably just want to answer the phone.

But Tingroya’s voice was so serious, Klockdar didn’t give the phone worm to the two little loli.

“It’s not a big deal, if we can’t fight, let’s find someone to develop it ourselves.”

“You and Robin, Hancock said, I can go back in half a month at most, and it is estimated that the ship will have been built by then.”

Klockdar nodded: “Boss, be more careful.” ”

Phone bug hangs up.

The golden lion and the weirdo, as well as the gorilla in clothes, have appeared in front of Roya.

“When did you come up?”

The golden lion looked at Luo Ya with a serious face.

He remembered very well that when he was floating on the island, he carefully searched it to make sure that no one was before letting it float.

“Let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about cooperation.”

Looking at the golden lion, Luo Ya did not want to do it directly.

The dream of the golden lion unifying the world may be able to be exploited.

“Captain, I know this man.”

The blue-haired weirdo carefully looked at Luo Ya’s side, and his face became ugly.

“The reputation is recently comparable to the Four Emperors of the New World, and the Great Demon Luo Ya with a bounty of two billion.”

“There are actually two billion?!”

The golden lion looked at Roa with some surprise.

Although bounties are not tied to strength, but to threats to world governments.

But such a high bounty Golden Lion is also somewhat unexpected.

You must know that Roger, the One Piece King who caused the era of pirates and turned the whole world upside down, is only 5.5648 billion.

“Oh my God!”

“Tear down the gate of justice, penetrate the Advance City, and fight with a master above the level of a general with one enemy and six and directly kill one!”

The blue-haired strange man checked the information in his hand and looked at Roa in disbelief.

“You’re actually so young?”

The ease on the golden lion’s face also became solemn.

It is good to say that it is good to break through the gate of justice, if he works hard to penetrate the city, he can do it, but he can’t do it with people above the level of six generals!

“What cooperation do you plan to talk to me about?”

The golden lion looked solemn.

He wasn’t arrogant enough to beat Roa.

“Of course it’s IQ grass, I want samples and research materials in your hands.”

“What can you give me?”

Golden Lion asked rhetorically.

“Although Your Excellency is stronger than me, you may not be able to keep me if I want to escape.”

“Didn’t you always want to conquer the world?”

Roa took the phone worm into his arms and stood up.

“I just happened to have that plan.”

The golden lion’s eyes lit up, and then he furrowed his eyebrows again.

“Your Excellency, this has no intention of cooperating at all.”

Knowing his ideals, but brazenly saying in front of him that he also wants to conquer the world.

“You should understand that even if you get IQ, you can’t compete with the world government.”

Luo Ya looked at the golden lion with a solemn expression, and the overlord color domineering came from his heart.

For a time, even experts such as the Golden Lion were suppressed by this breath!

“But I’m different, your ideal is just to conquer the world, who this person is, you don’t care, do you?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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