Chapter 63

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Haha, it seems that this wave has stabilized. 】

[Utatane Koharu: Well, indeed, Lujiu never makes a decision lightly, but once he does it, it’s almost a no-brainer! 】

[Mitokado Homura: I congratulate Lu Jiu in advance for his immortality! 】


In the live broadcast room, the three people in Konoha F4 were all excited!

From the beginning to the present, Lu Jiu answered questions for the first time!

It can be seen that it is cautious!

If you don’t come out, you will win!

[Rosa: Ahhhhh? What do you three veterans mean? Think the rest of us will definitely lose? 】

[Terumi Mei: Exactly! The answer has not been revealed yet! Don’t be proud! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Several old immortal guys, ha ha. 】

[Ohnogi: Cough, cough, inside… Respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue. The three words of being old and immortal are not appropriate…]

Tsuchikage smiled awkwardly.

Dammit, the old man is not too young!

The three guys who scolded Konoha brought the old man in!

[Senju Tobirama: By the way…Who are the two guys in the live broadcast? 】


[Senju Tobirama: The uniform dress should belong to the same organization, the rebel organization? 】

Too many people answering questions!

Including some ordinary civilians, Genin, Chūnin, Jōnin…

Although Konoha had already identified Shikamaru as the person who avenged Asuma!

But some people still want to try their luck!

After all, the temptation of immortality is really too great!

Because the system has not yet given the correct answer.

During this free period of time, Second Generation issued a question!

[Uchiha Izuna: It is possible that the previous Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Akasa Sasori… are likely to be from the same organization. 】

[Fourth Raikage: Having absorbed so many rebels… Judging from the strength of the two men in Itachi and the live broadcast, they can reach the S rank! 】

[Terumi Mei: What exactly does this organization want to do? 】

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: Hey, the leader of that organization, let me call you, do you dare to agree? 】


Anxiety arose in the hearts of the big guys.

Urgently want to know information about that organization!

There are so many S-level rebels, and their strengths are extraordinary!

What are you planning?

Could it be to destroy the Ninja World?

The known ones are Kakuzu Hidan, and the suspected ones are Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Red Sand Sasori.

But like this kind of rebellion, is there more?


For a long while.

No one answered!

Nagato has already given the order to die, who dares to come out and speak up?

Wanxiang Tianyin and Shen Luo Tianzheng are not joking with you!

[Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, it seems that they are also a group of incompetents, and they don’t even have the courage to stand up! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Not as good as Madara, dare to do it! Never shrink back! 】

Da Zhuzi smiled triumphantly!

By the way, I also boasted Lord Madara!(Read more @

【Uchiha Madara: Thank you, I have been praised! 】

The corners of Madara’s mouth twitched.


Never shrink?

Sorry, hot mom Hasi, I let you down!

This uncle is the ultimate behind-the-scenes boss, the most aggressive one!

[Nara Shikahisa: Senior bosses, now is not the time to discuss this issue. 】

[Nara Shikahisa: The guy who uses the strange sickle… is a bit weird. You should first find out his weaknesses and deal with them when you encounter them in the future. 】

After thinking about it, Lu Jiu said so in the live broadcast room.

The five powers are hostile to each other, and the so-called alliance is only temporary.

However, unlike Hidan, the five powers have finally put on a coat of ‘righteousness, justice’.

To deal with evil forces, it is necessary to resist together.

This is the so-called disparity between good and evil.

[Ohnogi: Well, the old man actually noticed it a long time ago. 】

[Rosa: Nani? You old bastard, did you notice it earlier? 】

[Terumi Mei: Do you want to eat alone? Planning to let other Shinobu people meet that guy so they can be killed? 】

[Fourth Raikage: Hiss! Old thief! You are so vicious! 】


Well, it’s infighting!

To put it simply, this weak little league will declare bankruptcy if there is a little friction!

There is no real friendship among the five great nations!

The big guys are stabbing the needle at first sight, whoever can be black is black!

In short, anyone who is black is good for his own village!

[Ohnoki: Cough cough, come here less! It’s so obvious in the live broadcast, I don’t believe you can’t see it. 】

[Rosa: His…has my secret of my earth-shattering ingenuity been exposed? 】

[Fourth Raikage: Haha, Jiang is still an old rua, as expected of Tsuchikage, okay, no trouble. 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: The rua of the gods! , Atang is super sweet? 】

The shadows smiled knowingly.

Immediately put forward their own views.

[Fourth Raikage: The guy casts something similar to a curse. When he hurts himself, the opponent will also be hurt. However, he is immortal… indeed difficult. 】

[Rosa: Well, but it needs a medium… it needs the blood of the other party to use it. 】

[Ghost Lantern Huan Yue: And his weird-shaped weapon is for the convenience of collecting blood, right? 】

[Ohnoki: And the weird formation at his feet…you have to stand in it to be effective…][Terumi Mei: In this way, although this guy is more difficult to deal with, it is not without a way to deal with it…]

Hidan:? ? ?

Am I special?

Uncle Hidan’s whole person is not good!

The big guys, you said a word to me, and you exploded all his abilities!

Even the need for blood, the need to step on the formation, why the use of a strange weapon such as the bloody March sickle is clearly analyzed!

Do you still play a fart from now on?

“The power of brainstorming is really terrible.”

“Hidan is a little bit more difficult than trying to play majestic in the future.”

Looking at the information in the live broadcast room, Ling Yu smiled slightly.

He can imagine Hidan’s face at the moment.

It must be… super fun!

“Ling Yu boy, what do you think the correct answer will be?”

At this time, Ka Dian raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ling Yu has the experience of answering correct questions many times, and Kakashi wants to see his opinion.

“Ms. Kakashi, do you still have your heart to think about this?” Ling Yu smiled bitterly: “Hurry up and read the rest of heaven!”

“Otherwise, you won’t have to look at it when you hand it over to Master Danzo…”


Damn it!

It makes sense!

Hearing this, Kakashi quickly took out the heaven!

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong!

Chasing books is important, chasing books is important!

“Huh… Mr. Kakashi really…” Naruto curled his lips in disgust.

And very confused.

So that kind of book is really that good-looking?

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but leaned my head in the direction of Kakashi…


A violent shudder fell!

A big bag suddenly bulged on Naruto’s head!

“This kind of advanced books is not something children can read!”

“And… don’t bother me reading!” Kakashi warned!

“Hahaha, Naruto is so funny…”

“Huh? The system finally announced the correct answer?” Ling Yu was overjoyed!

Just because the system announced the answer at the moment…

A large number of people who answered incorrectly, their deprived ability…all gathered in Ling Yu! .

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