The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 263 Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

The flames of the Fisk Building suddenly fluttered, and like living creatures, they followed Dejin into the magic lamp, as if the fire had never happened. The firefighters who came outside were confused, although I don’t understand why the blazing flames disappeared all of a sudden, but this is New York, and any weird things can happen. Maybe it’s the work of some new superhero, but it can be extinguished without risking your life. The fire fighters were also very happy about this kind of fire. They sang songs and went back home. ?WwW.suimeng.lā

Li Kang helped Spider-Man up with some sympathy. Although he was not envious at all, this was the life Spider-Man chose. As an old friend and his elder brother, all Li Kang could do was to take care of this little brother as much as possible.

Before the police arrived, Li Kang took Spider-Man and others outside the Fisk Building. They saw that what was originally the parking lot seemed to be a horrific war. About thirty or forty cars were burned, and the ground There are craters on the ground, and bullet casings are scattered all over the ground. It seems like two armies are having a fierce exchange of fire at close range. What is going on?

Not far away, the three Deadpools were hiding in the dark with the Green Goblin, not daring to move.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Li Kang asked in confusion.

"Hush~! It's the Punisher. He wants to kill the Green Goblin. Didn't you say you want to leave the Green Goblin to Spider-Man? I got into a fight with him." Deadpool said.

"I said Deadpool, can you do it? I want you to negotiate with Frank, not fight him. That guy is very troublesome. If you piss him off, he can do anything. What the hell are you doing? What do you say? You can't even handle such a small thing, you are really a piece of trash." Li Kang spat, very dissatisfied with Deadpool's incompetence.

"I really don't blame Uncle Deadpool for this matter. He was already very polite, but the big guy with the white skull painted on his chest couldn't listen to him at all. He just said that the original agreement between Deadpool and him was not like this. Yes, the Green Goblin belongs to him. His big gun is already hungry and he urgently needs to put a bullet on the Green Goblin's forehead to extinguish the fire. No matter how Uncle Deadpool explains it, it won't work. Although the original negotiation was not very good, but It wasn't to the point of tearing one's face apart, and then the big guy suddenly pulled out a gun and shot Uncle Deadpool in the head. Angela and I fought hard to protect the big bad guy, the Green Goblin." Laura said with lingering fear, "That The Punisher is so big and scary, and I was a killing machine, but that guy is from another dimension."

"I have seen vampires before, but those cold-blooded and ruthless monsters are completely incomparable to the Punisher. I accept meeting a hundred vampires, but I am not willing to meet one Punisher." Angela's eyes were full of fear, " I was almost killed. He had already pointed a gun at my head, but he said I had not committed a crime and let me go. I think this is the only reason why I can survive. I think , if there were even a single flaw in my resume, I might be dead by now."

Angela thought of the punisher's cold eyes,

In the middle of summer, she still shivered. She hadn't been so scared for a long time since becoming a vampire. The Punisher looked at people with such fervent eyes, but it made Angela feel a chill to the bone.

"Yes, that guy is a lunatic. He is completely different from a schizophrenic lunatic like me. He is really crazy. The way he looked at me was like a drug addict who suddenly discovered drugs," Green Goblin He sticks his butt out and hides behind Laura and Angela. Because Angela and Laura are innocent people, the punisher will not kill, so he can survive until now, but he has been frightened. I'm so brave, "That guy has a weird sense of justice. He regards himself as some kind of weapon specially used to fight crime. He is the angel of death. Once he targets you, it will be useless no matter where you hide. I am willing to Surrender yourself and let me go to jail, I don’t want to be targeted by that kind of monster.”

The Green Goblin is a coward at heart, just like Norman Osborn is also a coward at heart. In order to survive, Norman not only killed Parker's parents, but even used his own son to cure physical diseases. , he took advantage of everyone, but was swallowed by his own dark side and turned into a green goblin who committed murder and set fire. He specifically selected Spider-Man as his opponent. On the one hand, Spider-Man did objectively hinder him; on the other hand, Spider-Man's tenet of not killing people allows the Green Goblin to dare to challenge Spider-Man boldly.

The Punisher is different. There is nothing worth remembering in the Punisher's life. Even if he dies now, there is nothing worth remembering. The only thing that can comfort his soul is probably the only thing in this world that can still make him remember. His happy thing is to shoot the heads of those criminals. No matter what crime you commit, as long as the punisher thinks you are guilty, you will be dead.

Only when he kills criminals will he feel a sense of peace. For this short period of peace, the Punisher is willing to kill thousands of criminals.

Just imagine, there is a humanoid arsenal behind your butt, trying every means possible without sleep, just to kill you. I'm afraid you won't even be able to eat, and you'll be woken up when you sleep.

As soon as the Green Goblin saw the Punisher's eyes, he knew what kind of monster was targeting him. The madman is the most sensitive to this kind of crazy emotion, which is also the reason why the Green Goblin is so scared, because he finally met a monster. Even crazier than him.

Li Kang rolled his eyes and looked back at Spider-Man, "Do you want to be a good old hero who doesn't kill people, as Gwen said?"

"I have also thought about it myself, you know? Now the children in kindergarten have my face printed on their T-shirts. I have heard with my own ears that a mother told her story to her child. I don't want to tarnish it. Let the name Spider-Man continue to be pure. There are too many superheroes in this world who can kill and dare to kill, so let me be a different neighborhood hero." Spider-Man said firmly. .

"Oh, forget it, I won't force you." Li Kang said, he strode to the Green Goblin, checked the ropes on the Green Goblin's hands and feet, then he pulled up the Green Goblin, He added a kick to the back of his butt and said, "You can leave now. I have a lot of mercy on you."

The Green Goblin's face was now green to black, "This heroic man, the punisher is outside now. If you do this, won't you send me into the tiger's mouth? Won't your conscience hurt?"

"Don't worry, today will be your death anniversary next year. On this day every year, I will come here and give you a bouquet of flowers to express my condolences. Have a good journey. I won't send you any more." Li Kang waved his hand in a friendly way to say goodbye. Hope never to meet again.

"You can't treat me like this. Although I'm a madman, Norman is a good man. You can't treat us like this. Aren't you a hero? Shouldn't you be saving lives and healing the wounded?" The Green Goblin yelled, and his head just came out of the bunker. Expose a little.

"Bang!" A dull sound of a sniper rifle sounded, and the little goblin hat on the green goblin's head was smashed to pieces. The green goblin quickly ran in the direction of Li Kang. After all, this is the safest place.

Li Kang stepped forward, punched the Green Goblin three times, and kicked the Green Goblin away. The Green Goblin had a nosebleed. His hands were tied behind his back, and he was struggling to get up when another bullet flew and grazed the Green Goblin. One of the Goblin's thighs, if it weren't for the Green Goblin's quick movements, this bullet would have shattered his thigh. The Punisher used an armor-piercing bullet, an Adamant alloy warhead that could even penetrate the shell of a tank. Every time A bullet costs one thousand dollars, and the Punisher snatched it from Kingpin's arsenal.

The Green Goblin rolled around and ran behind a blown-up car nearby, panting heavily.

Without the aircraft, the Green Goblin's combat power is not worth mentioning at all. At best, it can compete with Spider-Man, and is slightly stronger than Deadpool. After all, it has the blessing of the super soldier serum, but in the end, Kingpin can knock him down with one punch. Get off him.

Li Kang pushed the Green Goblin out just to use the Punisher to kill the Green Goblin. This is a win-win situation. Spider-Man got his revenge without getting blood on his hands. The Punisher killed a super villain like the Green Goblin. I guess dinner I can drink two more beers.

The Green Goblin didn't take a breath. Suddenly, two Viper missiles rotated and landed near the Green Goblin. With a loud noise, two huge craters appeared next to the Green Goblin.

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