The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 265 Loki stole the Cosmic Cube

The two of them fought from the sky to the ground. Iron Overlord did have more ammunition, and he was even more shameless. In order to make Iron Man waste energy, he actually took action on innocent passers-by. *WWW.suimeng.lā

There is a line in the movie "Lord of War" that the most terrifying thing in the world is for two arms dealers to go to war with each other, because both sides have inexhaustible firepower.

However, the actual situation was not like this. Iron Man found that he could never defeat Iron Overlord in a head-on confrontation, so he set a trap for Iron Overlord and lured Iron Overlord to Stark Tower. He used his own Bait, let the pepper turn the power of the artificial sun to the maximum, so that an upward electromagnetic pulse wave will be generated.

Electromagnetic pulse waves can burn out all circuits. In order to pursue strong firepower, Iron Overlord did not equip many defensive devices. As soon as he came into contact with the electromagnetic pulse waves, not a single wire of his circuits was left, and all of them were burned clean.

Iron Overlord fell like this, and the armor Iron Man had just made shattered again.

This matter has been hyped up again, but no one cares about the damage caused. People are cheering for Iron Man, because finally there is a superhero who does not rely on any superpowers or mutates due to accidents, but a superhero who relies on The power of technology to become an active superhero is a huge psychological comfort to ordinary humans.

It's been a busy week, but surprisingly little action has been taken by Agents of SHIELD, especially since both Fury and Cole have disappeared from the public eye, which is anything but unusual.

But what really bothers Li Kang is Tony Stark's entanglement. Tony harasses Li Kang day and night, hoping that Li Kang can cooperate with his experiments so that he can make brand new armor.

In the end, Li Kang had no choice but to agree to Li Tony's request after extorting money.

It just so happened that Wanda's vacation was over, and she had to report back to Hydra and report on Laura's situation.

Originally, Baron Sitrik was very interested because Laura was a clone mutant. She was very powerful in combat and still young. As long as she was trained well, she would definitely become a super agent. There was no doubt about it.

But when Baron Sitric learned that Laura was a clone of Wolverine Logan and the adopted daughter of Li Kang, Baron Sitric decisively rejected Wanda's request.

It’s not because of anything else, it’s actually these two characters that Baron Sitric doesn’t want to mess with. If he messes with one of them, it’s already very troublesome. If he messes with two of them at the same time, Baron Sitric still clearly remembers how many times Li Kang gave him Nice looking things.

Especially recently,

Hydra will have a very large joint operation. Madam Hydra, Baron Zemo and the mysterious John Garrett will appear one after another. They invite Baron Sitric to act together, and the goal is a place code-named Happy Hill.

Baron Zemo, as an undercover agent, has infiltrated the operation. This is a top-secret operation. People like Wanda, whose loyalty has already cracked, cannot know about it. If what happened in Happy Hill is true, this incident may be the key to destroying the Aegis. Secret Service trigger.

Beneath the calm surface, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

On this day, Li Kang was testing energy data with Tony. Suddenly, Tony received an urgent notice from Fury, asking him to take Li Kang immediately and arrive at the flying aircraft carrier as soon as possible.

Fury never takes the initiative to contact people easily. This incident must be extraordinary. The two flew to the flying aircraft carrier of SHIELD together.

It was Cole who received them.

Cole looked different today than usual. Her pretty face was covered with small wounds. Even though she had covered them up, she could still be seen in a bit of embarrassment.

The other agents also had solemn expressions, completely different from their usual cheerful atmosphere.

Li Kang hoped that Cole could reveal some useful information, but Cole's silence today was golden, and he didn't say a word nonsense. He led the two of them to the reception room. In the reception room, Colson was talking with admiration. A heroic soldier was chatting. This man was both Li Kang and Tony. This man was none other than Captain America, Steve Rogers.

After his rebirth, Steve has been trying to keep up with this era. He has been reborn for a year and has witnessed many battles between superpowers. The most thrilling one was the Magneto incident. In that battle, Steve understood He recognized his own shortcomings, but he was not the kind of person who gave up easily, and he soon regained his confidence.

Although Magneto seems invincible, as long as there is a team, everyone works together, and with tacit cooperation, there is still much to be accomplished. In the past year, in addition to working hard to learn modern knowledge, Steve has spent the rest of his time doing virtual Training, trying to learn to deal with fighting with superpowers, this time Fury also recruited him.

Soon, Fury arrived in the reception room.

"Welcome, you are all the elites among mankind. I have called you here this time because mankind has encountered a huge crisis." Fury said nothing nonsense and pointed out the purpose of calling these people.

"May I ask Director Fury, what kind of crisis does it require the three of us to solve? If it's an ordinary matter, I think I'll be enough." Tony said arrogantly.

"I only summoned the three of you? There is a heavyweight who has not arrived. He is in India now. I have sent Natasha to pick him up. I believe you will be able to meet soon. No more nonsense. Let me show you a video first." Fury turned on the big screen, and looking from the screen, it was a huge underground test site.

A group of scientists in white coats are testing a cube that glows blue, which is the Rubik's Cube.

The experiment went very smoothly, and soon through the power of the Cosmic Cube, the scientists opened a star gate. The so-called star gate is a portal connecting to the outer universe. However, suddenly there was a flash of light in the star gate, a man holding a wand and a faint smile on his head. A handsome man with curly black hair appeared.

"Loki?!" Li Kang was startled, "Why is this guy here?"

"Do you know him?" Fury asked with a frown.

"We know each other. He is Loki of the Asgardian Protoss. If you are familiar with Nordic mythology, you should have some understanding of him. However, the actual situation is somewhat different from the myth. It is not completely new. However, I have worked with him. This This guy has evil intentions and only wants to defeat his brother. He is a spoiled idiot." Li Kangdao.

"Loki even wants you to think that he has evil intentions. It seems that this person must be a villain." Fury complained casually.

Li Kang glared at Fury angrily, and Fury smiled apologetically.

On the screen, Loki was killing everyone as soon as he appeared, and Li Kang frowned. A year ago, Loki didn't fight like this. Now it seems that Loki's ability has made great progress, and he is no longer what he used to be. Of course, his expression became more gloomy, and now he looked a bit bitter and resentful.

The agents of SHIELD opened fire wildly, but in front of Loki, ordinary people like them had no chance. Soon, all the agents and scientists were slaughtered, leaving only one scientist, the God of Thunder, Thor. The Kane I knew, Kane was hired by SHIELD.

Loki was about to kill him when suddenly a bright emerald lit up on the tip of his wand. Loki immediately stopped. He pointed the tip of the wand at Kane's chest and gave it a gentle blow.

Kane's eyes suddenly turned dark green, and then the scientist picked up the Cosmic Cube as if nothing was wrong, and followed Loki like a follower. He seemed to be tamed.

At this time, Hawkeye rushed in with a team of men and launched a fierce attack on Loki, but the bullet penetrated Loki and did not hit him.

"Loki's illusion tricks are good." Li Kang said with some appreciation. Loki a year ago was not as calm as he is now. His transformation made Li Kang feel huge pressure.

Lord Rocky suddenly appeared behind Hawkeye. He killed several of Hawkeye's companions and used the same trick that transformed Kane to transform Hawkeye. After Hawkeye's eyes turned dark green, he personally subdued several of them. An agent, Loki converted them. This rebellious agent team cleared out all those who dared to resist along the way, rushed into the airport, and hijacked a fighter jet.

Fury and Cole arrived, but Kane activated the base's self-destruction device. Cole drove a combat jeep and escaped with Fury. Everyone in the underground base died.

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