Why did Qian Suyu say that?

Because of what caught his eye.

That moving figure in front.

Where is that female ghost?.It

’s clearly a corpse demon!

There are many kinds of monsters.

And the zombie demon is naturally one of them.

After the mountain spirits turned into monsters.

The magic of seeing ghosts can see through the source.

That is to say, seeing the true nature of these evil spirits.

For example, the wolf demon can be seen as a wild wolf.

The fox spirit is actually a fox.

And now appeared in front of Qian Suyu.

It turned out that the female ghost didn't show any concern at all. obviously.

She's not a ghost or anything.

It is a corpse demon with a body, a corpse that breeds resentment and transforms into one. and. not only that.

At this moment, the corpse demon was taking Qian Suyu in the direction he was going.

It can be said that the resentment is overwhelming.

Even in the dark.

Can be seen in the sky.

The black mist seemed to have condensed into substance.

It exuded bursts of chilling, heart-stopping chills.

Even Qian Suyu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is such a dangerous place hidden near Kana City.

This made him stop.

And it was at this time.

The banshee walking in front seemed to have sensed Qian Suyu, who was standing there and not moving forward.

So she turned around.

He looked at Qian Suyu with half of his face covered.

Seems confused.

Why didn't Qian Suyu follow her?

Qian Suyu looked at the banshee's appearance and obviously didn't want to explain too much to her.

This place is still some distance away from the place of great danger.

He didn't want to go through this muddy water again.

A place of great danger.

Not only does it mean that there is unimaginable evil inside.

And it is basically a gathering place for evil spirits and evil spirits.

If you go in unprepared.

Qian Suyu didn't believe whether she could still come out intact. but.

After all, I accepted the driver’s request.

Qian Suyu couldn't just leave and ignore it.

So he decided.

Kill the banshee in front of you first, and then run away. then.

Just under the confused face of the banshee.

Qian Suyu pinched her fingers and chanted.

When he was about to kill this banshee.

Suddenly, a sound broke through the air from the grass nearby!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp dagger flew out instantly.

It instantly penetrated into the chest of the banshee before she could react.

The next second.

The dagger inserted into the banshee's chest seemed to emit bursts of bright light.

It was also accompanied by the sound of sizzling barbecue.

A humanized look of pain appeared on the face of the banshee, and she let out a painful roar.

Before Qian Suyu could react, what was happening now.

I saw a commotion in the grass.

Then a figure suddenly rushed out.

Came in front of Qian Suyu.

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you leave quickly?"

Listening to the voice, his attention also fell on the face of the visitor.

Qian Suyu was suddenly a little surprised.

"Ms. Hiratsuka?"

That's right.

The person who came was actually Hiratsuka Shizu?

And the dagger was also very familiar.

It was the weapon that almost killed Miura Shuko last time.

And when he heard the sound,

Hiratsuka Shizu was also stunned.

Then he turned his head and looked. Qian Suyu

"It's you?"

But soon.

Hiratsuka Shizu said.

"Although I don’t know why you are here"

"But let's go quickly"

"This woman is not a human being!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes were fixed on the corpse demon that was lying on the ground and screaming in pain.

As a member of the official exorcism organization,

Hiratsuka Shizuka reported in his last words that he came to Kanna area to take up a post.

And this A few days ago,

Hiratsuka Shizuka accidentally discovered this dangerous place while she was patrolling.

She knew that it would be difficult for her to deal with a red-clothed ghost, so she didn't rush in.

Called for support from the Exorcism Headquarters.

Before the support arrived,

Hiratsuka Shizuka had been wandering around the place to prevent ordinary people from straying in.

Just now, she saw it. Qian Suyu was brought in by the corpse demon.

She immediately followed him and finally rescued Qian Suyu before he was brought into the dangerous place.

Su Yu replied.

The corpse demon was briefly suppressed by Hiratsuka Shizuka's dagger, but he had already pulled out the dagger inserted into his chest.

At the same time, his terrifying face was revealed from his disheveled hair. It was full of maggots.

It looked extremely disgusting.

If Qian Suyu hadn't been mentally healthy, he probably wouldn't have been able to eat for three days and three nights.

He then threw the dagger towards

Qian Suyu. Tsukasa rushed over.

Seeing this,

Hiratsuka could only take out her magic weapon and prepare to stop Qian Suyu from leaving.

She took out a rotating circular mirror in her right hand.

After a slight movement, a one-sided barrier appeared in front of her.

Qian Suyu was surprised by the exorcism methods of the country. Is it high-tech?

Sure enough, even exorcism has to keep pace with the times.

However, before Qian Suyu could say a few words of praise, the corpse demon rushed up. On the barrier in front of him.

Then... the picture of the corpse demon being bounced back did not appear.

Instead, there was a loud bang!

Shizuka Hiratsuka was shattered by the impact.

The force caused it to fly out!

It rolled around on the grass several times before it stopped.

Because there were actually many dead bones on the ground buried by weeds, Hiratsuka Shizuka's clothes were scratched several times.

A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed.

Qian Suyu was very confused when she dealt with Shizu Miura.


But against the corpse demon, it broke with just one touch.

At this time, Hiratsuka looked up from the grass in disbelief.

What kind of evil thing is this? It can even break through its own defense? Even though Hiratsuka Shizuka prides herself on not being strong enough, most evil spirits can be pinched in her hands..

Otherwise, she would not have been sent to govern the entire Kanna District on her own.

Among the younger generation of exorcists, she can be regarded as outstanding.

But at this moment.


Hiratsuka Shizu felt very unbelievable.

But the zombie wouldn't give her any time to react.

Even though Hiratsuka Shizuka's defense had just been broken, it still made her head buzz.

But after coming back to his senses, he rushed towards Shizuka Hiratsuka again.

Qian Suyu seems to be just an ordinary person.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who possesses the ability to exorcise demons, naturally became her first hunting target.

He looked at the corpse demon rushing towards him.

Hiratsuka Shizu hurriedly went to take out the magic weapon on his body.

But not before she came up with anything.

The corpse demon had already arrived in front of her.

Condescendingly, he waved his sharp claws at her.

The claws made a cracking sound.

Braving the cold light, he came towards Hiratsuka Shizu's face.

Such speed.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was not given any time to react.

Can't even take out the magic weapon.

And when Hiratsuka was stunned, he could only watch that he was about to die at the hands of the zombie demon.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the corpse demon.

Before the zombie demon's claws could be fully swung down.

Just listen.


There was a loud bang.

Just see.

The corpse demon flew forward!

And fell into Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes.

It's Qian Suyu who just took back his right leg.


Looking at Qian Suyu who knocked the corpse demon away in one fell swoop.

Hiratsuka stared blankly.

No reaction at all.

But Qian Suyu didn't explain that much to her.

Instead, he looked at the corpse demon that was already lying on the ground and fell to pieces.

Hurry up and deal with this guy.

Otherwise, it would not be fun if the evil spirits in the evil place heard the noise and came over.

This is the thought.

Qian Suyu no longer hesitated.

Immediately pinch your fingers and decide

"Taishangtaixing, adaptability is endless.

Exorcise evil spirits and bind evil spirits, keeping Taoism alive forever"

"Hurry like a law!"

"Break the killing order, break it!"

With a bright blue lightsaber, the corpse demon was cut into two sections.

Qian Suyu retracted his sword finger.

And Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was lying on the ground, just stared at this scene blankly.

At this time , Qian Suyu looked at her

"What are you still doing? Let's go."

In an instant, the offense and defense changed.

After saying that, Qian Suyu walked out directly.

It wasn't until Qian Suyu walked more than ten meters away that Hiratsuka Shizuka came back to his senses.

"Wait for me!"

Hurry up and say something.

Hiratsuka Shizuka picked up the dagger that fell on the ground.

Then he rolled and crawled after him.


After a while.

The two finally reappeared on the road.

It seems that the distance from the dangerous place is already very far.

The two of them relaxed now.

Hiratsuka Shizuo couldn't help but gasp for air.

Qian Suyu's expression remained normal.

After all, like Shizuka Hiratsuka, he didn't have the blood surge from being hit by the corpse demon just now.

He turned around and glanced fearfully in the direction of the dangerous place.

Only then did Hiratsuka Shizuka turn her head and look at Qian Suyu again.

At the same time, the voice was also full of doubts

"who are you....?"

Listen to Shizuka Hiratsuka ask this question.

Qian Suyu also knew that there was no need to hide anymore.

So he spoke

"As you can see, Ms. Hiratsuka, I am an exorcist"

"Exorcist?"Hearing this,

Hiratsuka Shizu's eyes widened immediately.

And looking at Hiratsuka Shizu's shocked look, Qian Suyu felt a little puzzled.

"Why, is Ms. Hiratsuka shocked by the identity of an exorcist?" complete���Hiratsuka Shizuka is also an exorcist herself.

Even if he is an exorcist, there is no need to show this expression, right?

Qian Suyu was a little surprised by Hiratsuka Shizuka's next words.

Shizuo Hiratsuka, who had recovered, shook his head, and then said

"If I read correctly"

"The technique you just performed is something that only traditional exorcists can do, right?"

"I have only seen this type of technique on palace exorcists."

And after hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka's words,

Qian Suyu became even more confused.

"Traditional exorcist? Palace exorcist?"

"Ms. Hiratsuka, what does this mean?"

"do not you know? Hiratsuka Shizu showed surprise again and looked Qian Suyu up and down.

Qian Suyu was even more confused by Hiratsuka Shizu's look.

But fortunately, Hiratsuka Shizu immediately explained.

"` 々Traditional exorcists are people who use ancient magic to exorcise demons."

"And now, I don’t know why"

"There are fewer and fewer traditional exorcists, and even the inheritance of many exorcist families has been cut off."

"There are only five registered traditional exorcists in the country."

"Palace exorcists are also these traditional exorcists who specialize in serving the royal family......."


Following Hiratsuka Shizu's explanation.

Qian Suyu finally understood. turn out to be.

Most exorcists today are not authentic exorcists, nor do they obtain their exorcism abilities through family inheritance.

Compared to traditional exorcists, today's exorcists are more like Shizuka Hiratsuka.

He has an extraordinary physique and uses various magical tools blessed by palace exorcists to exorcise demons. all in all.

Exorcists like Qian Suyu who use extraordinary power to exorcise demons are quite rare.

If Qian Suyu is included.

An exorcist like him.

There are only six?

To know.

Although the neon country is not large.

But the population is also over 100 million. But among the more than 100 million, there are only six serious exorcists?

What a terrifying ratio is this?

Even Qian Suyu couldn't help but be shocked when he learned about this kind of thing.

No wonder there are so many evil spirits and demons here in Neon.

Just in the city of Kanna, there are endless supernatural incidents.

If we look at the whole country.

It is estimated that many people lose their lives due to supernatural events every day, right?

And just like Hiratsuka Shizuka said.

So the official exorcism organization came into being.

Five palace exorcists teach qualified ordinary people.

Train them to become more modern exorcists.

But even so.

Currently, there are only a hundred members in the official exorcism organization.

That's why there are so few members responsible for handling supernatural incidents in each region.

Nowadays, there is only Shizuka Hiratsuka in Kanna Ward.

There are few people with the ability to exorcise demons.

And there are many supernatural events.

So even if it is an existence of the size of the Fourth Palace Consortium.

You may not be able to hire official exorcists to perform exorcisms for you. so.

The former Sigong (Wang's) consortium discovered Qian Suyu's exorcism ability.

Caihou was anxious to sign a long-term contract with him.

Otherwise, the Sigong Consortium covers many fields and has a wide business area.

Relying solely on the word of an official exorcist simply won't work.

Moreover, the price of hiring Qian Suyu and hiring an official exorcist are not of the same order of magnitude.

Except, of course, for the official exorcism organizations.

There are also many people among the people who have the ability to exorcise demons.

But these are basically registered.

If an official exorcist member needs assistance.

These people must also cooperate unconditionally.

Hiratsuka Shizuka contacted exorcists from three exorcism offices in Kana City.

Together they blocked and patrolled this dangerous place.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the corpse demon.

This caused Qian Suyu and others to unknowingly break through the blockade and enter the area near the dangerous place.

After figuring all this out.

Qian Suyu finally came to his senses.

He had no way of knowing about this before.

At most, I have only heard of it, so it is very vague.

Now I suddenly feel a lot more enlightened.

However, Qian Suyu didn't wait for anything to say.

After introducing the basic situation, Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly spoke.

There was a different kind of respect in her voice than just now.

After all, Qian Suyu is not just a traditional exorcist.

At the same time, he is also stronger than himself.

Just now, he had eliminated the corpse demon that he couldn't even deal with with one move.

If he participates in the next clean-up operation, it will definitely be much easier!

"There are actually many unregistered exorcists hidden among the people."

"I didn’t expect you to be one of them"

"I wonder if you are interested in joining us?"

"Joining our organization will provide you with a lot of conveniences!"

However, when faced with Hiratsuka Shizuka's invitation,

Qian Suyu did not answer immediately.

To be honest, Qian Suyu had no interest in joining an official organization. Joining an organization means too many restrictions.. Even involuntarily.


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