The Exorcist

Chapter 6 The Lost City Chapter 26 A Leaf Blinds the Eyes

Chapter 26 A leaf blinds the eyes

Wan Li hid in the small dining car delivering late night snacks and was directly sent to the kitchen by Boss Sun. When he was sure there was no one outside, he came out and stretched his muscles. In order to squeeze his tall body into the small space, he almost broke himself in two.

He has already used the invisibility charm in his room, so if anyone is present at this moment, he can only see the small dining car moving around, the curtain covering the car body is opened, and someone can hear someone whispering curses, and then There were footsteps leaving, and no one was in sight.

In this way, we can avoid Sima Nan's surveillance to the greatest extent!

Hongqing Town is not a small town, but it is not too far from the hotel to Feng Niang's home in the west of the town. After walking for more than half an hour, Wanli arrived at the door of the small courtyard. He made a visual inspection and saw that the low wall could indeed be climbed easily, but the top of the wall had obviously been repaired, probably by Boss Sun. Wan Li thought to himself that Boss Sun had kept his promise all these years, so that was why he was not maliciously retaliated against!

He climbed over the courtyard wall and tiptoed to the base of the walls of the three houses to listen. The Buddhist hall was quiet, and so was Feng Niang's room, but there was a very unusual sound coming from the room where the box of porcelain was stored - it sounded like sobbing, or like the clatter of pots and pans when the kitchen was busy. , extremely slight but noisy.

Wan Li composed himself and reached out to push open the door.

Under the moonlight, four pieces of snow-white porcelain were placed on the ground. The moment the wooden door opened, they were squirming, trying to get closer in one direction, but as the door opened, they suddenly stopped. There were only four pieces of porcelain, but Wan Li felt like they were turning to look at him.

He swallowed, not knowing what to say, but just as he was hesitating, the porcelain on the ground suddenly fell in one direction as if it had been pushed down, and rolled together, making several crisp collision sounds.

"Who is it?" The old man asked from Feng Niang's room.

It was summer at this time, the windows were open, and it was relatively quiet at night, so the sound suddenly reached the old man's ears and woke her up.

"It's okay, Mom, you can go to sleep, I'll stay up all night." A man's voice sounded in the room, with a strong local accent. Although Wan Li was very courageous, the suddenness of the incident still shocked him.

I saw a gray shadow slowly gathering above the porcelain, forming a fluttering transparent human shape.

"Feng Yongzi?" Wan Li asked in a very low voice while taking a step into the room.

Seeing him approaching, the blurry shadow quickly shrank into the corner. Only then did Wan Li realize that he was still carrying the fishing pole box containing the bloodwood sword and the charm, so he gently closed the door, placed the box next to the door, and walked in.

"Feng Yongzi, I don't mean any harm, I'm here to help you."

"You're helping them!" Feng Yongzi said bitterly, and slowly revealed his appearance - a square face, regular features, and two vertical black moles on the left side of his cheek, like two drops of muddy tears hanging on them. On the face, it makes the originally pretty face look a little like crying!

It was his 'good brother' who saved him twice when he was attacked in the side street that day!

Although Wan Li had doubts before, it was only now that he was sure. It turns out that he is Feng Niang's son, the soul that has not died for ten years because he couldn't let go of his mother.

"Why do you say that? You helped me twice, how could I repay you with kindness!" Wan Li tried to be friendly.

"If you want to go into New Town to rescue those people, you are going against us!" Feng Yongzi shouted angrily.

Wanli is not worried about waking up Feng Niang, because Ruan Zhan said that for the spirit body, if he wants you to hear and see, you can hear and see, otherwise no matter how noisy he is, you will not Will be completely unaware.

What he was worried about was Feng Yongzi's attitude. He was so eager to help Ruan Zhan that he ignored Feng Yongzi's position. For him, it was to help rescue Xiaoxia and other survivors; for Feng Yongzi, he had to kill everyone to appease his anger. Killing Xiaoxia and Ruan Zhan was also to fulfill his promise to Sima Nan to release them. .

They are fundamentally opposed to each other. It is impossible to get Feng Yongzi's help because he is too naive.

"But you saved me!" Wan Li continued to work hard to get closer to each other.

"That's because my mother told me that you were good to her. These are two different things and have nothing to do with each other."

It turned out that his kind thoughts brought him luck. It seems that good intentions in this world are rewarded.

Wan Li thought to himself, and walked a few more steps into the room, and finally sat on the bed, less than two meters away from Feng Yongzi's soul. If Feng Yongzi pounced on him, he wouldn't even have a chance to resist.

"Revenge is not a good idea. Tell me what kind of injustice you have suffered, and I promise to help you clear up your grievances." Wan Li knew in his heart that no matter what he said, he couldn't resolve the resentment, but he had to give it a try.

"Get out of here, I don't want to tell you. If I had known that you were with them, I wouldn't have saved you that day!"

"My friends are inside, I can't get out yet. They are innocent. Don't you know that every wrongdoer has his own owner? At least let them out!"

Feng Yongzi simply wanted to make a fortune in silence and ignored Wanli.

"Revenge will only bring temporary pleasure, and it will not do you any good." Wan Li continued to work hard, "You attached to these four pieces of porcelain for ten years just to not let go of your mother. If you have the kindness to think, maybe you will If good things come back to your mother, do you just want to go on like this?"

Feng Yongzi was stunned for a moment, as if he was really thinking about this problem, but just when Wan Li thought that what he said would have some effect, Feng Yongzi's face turned green again, "Good reward? In this world, good people do not live long, and disasters A thousand years! My mother was kind-hearted. During the Cultural Revolution, she risked criticism and helped a member of the "four old elements" who should be eliminated. Who cared about him at the time? He was so capable but he was about to starve to death. So what happened? Well, for his own nephew, that bastard actually——!" He suddenly stopped talking.

"Okay, even if you want revenge. Then tell me how you were treated ten years ago. There is no loss, right?"

Feng Yongzi looked at Wanli up and down with his blood-red eyes, and suddenly laughed. This was the first time Wan Li heard this kind of laughter so directly. It really felt very eerie, as if there was something behind it. The sound was muffled and made people chill unconsciously.

"After I tell you, how about you dig out this matter and ruin our plan? I'm not that stupid!"

"This has nothing to lose to you, why don't you say it?"

"Save it." Feng Yongzi said, "I won't say anything, whether it's harmful or harmless. And don't think about asking Sister Bai, the person who helps us will let everyone know All the people have entered a terrifying dream, letting them know that if they reveal a word, they will die without burial! You can't find anything in your investigation unless we take revenge!"

"Help you?"

Wan Li felt cold, he didn't expect things to turn out like this. He originally had a good plan, but now Sima Nan's move has completely ruined his plan. I am really an idiot. I know that Sima Nan is a treacherous and cunning person, but I don't have any backup for my plan. Now I am passive again!

If no one in the city said anything, where would he go to investigate? Even if he could find out, could Ruan Zhan wait that long? Even if he ran to the street and asked people who were still awake to ask about the situation, how could they say it for no reason? Besides, that might implicate innocent people.

Thinking of this, an idea flashed in his mind. This thought was so clear and sharp that he immediately felt regretful and wanted to beat himself up!

He fell into a trap set by himself. He was thinking about the kiln and the people who died in the kiln. In fact, if he inquired about any large-scale mass death incidents here, he could find out what happened. But he was just stuck in his thinking, what a blind person!

Did Sima Nan know that his thinking was confused?

Maybe he knew, but on the surface he pretended to force himself to hide, but secretly watched with contempt as he fell into his own trap! He thought he was competing with Sima Nan, but in fact he was always at a disadvantage, and Sima Nan was watching him jump up and down while tightening the noose around Ruan Zhan's neck!

Concern leads to chaos!

This is absolutely correct. If he hadn't been eager to find out about the unjust case back then, he would have desperately grabbed on to any clues he had and wanted to pursue them to the deepest point. He couldn't see other possibilities. How could he be such an idiot? Error, can't even see such obvious clues!

If he went to the neighboring villages tomorrow to inquire about it, would outsiders know the truth, let alone keeping the matter secret so tightly? Even if they knew, it would be too late.

What should we do?

Seeing Wan Li's anxious look, Feng Yongzi laughed again, "You can't do anything, just go back and don't go through this troubled water. If you hadn't been kind to my mother, you would have died by now." It’s so clear!”

When Wan Li heard what Feng Yongzi said, he raised his eyelids and looked at him, "Really? Ever since I got involved in these supernatural events, I don't know how many times I've wandered through the gates of hell, but now I'm still here quarreling with you. Play." Wan Li stood up, Feng Yongzi's words aroused his arrogance, "You saved me, I am very grateful. I want to help Feng Niang not because I want anything in return from you. But I want to tell you four words - Evil cannot prevail over good. You are obviously the victims, but don't force yourself to be on the other side that is doomed to fail just because you insist on having your own way!"

He took a step towards the door and saw Feng Yongzi showing a fierce look, but he did not show any fear, "Don't say I didn't remind you, I am a very yang person, it is not easy for you to get close to me, and I am far away That magic weapon only has two steps. You saved me, and I don't want to hurt you."

"There's nothing you can do! They're dead."

"Then let's make a bet." Wanli smiled, "My friend will come back safely. If I lose, I will commit suicide and my soul will accompany you to serve your mother. But if you lose, I want you to resolve everything. Resentment, and good intentions towards everything.”

Feng Yongzi ignored him.

He walked to the door and picked up the fishing rod box, then turned around and said, "You saved my life, I will repay you. Believe me, I will do what I say!" After that, he walked out of the door gently. , still climbed over the wall.

He has been stupid for a while, but he has no time to regret now. He regards his mistakes as a wise man who will make mistakes after a lot of consideration. Of course Sima Nan is very powerful. If he wasn't powerful, it would be pointless to fight. Although he had been manipulated by Sima Nan, a little inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind just now, and he finally found a breakthrough.

Walking to the street, Wan Li wanted to remove the invisibility charm, but hesitated for a moment and still didn't do it. He pretended to be sneaky and didn't care if anyone saw him.

He used to be obsessed with one idea, but now he suddenly realized that he was wrong from beginning to end. When he looked back and thought about it, his mind became more open.

He doesn't have to consider whether Boss Sun is involved, because Sima Nan and those resentful spirits are of the same faction. Since Feng Yongzi calls him 'the person who helps them', it shows that there is a connection between them, so of course he will understand. Knowing that Boss Sun was an insider, he could guess that he would be in contact with Boss Sun.

Xiaoxia said that when they were on the mountain path, a resentful spirit appeared, which seemed to possess the body of a photographer named Zuo De. According to her description, it was Feng Yongzi! In other words, the resentful spirits cooperated inside and outside that day, and Sima Nan was personally assisting, and Feng Yongzi had long been the main force in the revenge party.

And his own side has already been under surveillance and has been planning for a long time. As for being rescued by Feng Yongzi, it was a complete accident!

The whole thing was caused by his own blindness, so now he simply plays tricks to the end. Aren't you treating him like a monkey? Okay, he will act like this monkey and let Sima Nan think that he has not seen through the trap yet, so he will continue to laugh at him and watch him scurry around like a headless fly. And now that he had new clues, of course he had to continue chasing him, as long as he made Sima Nan think that he was still circling the kiln.

The kiln is very important, but it is just a place where corpses are mutilated, and the root cause lies elsewhere. I wonder if all this has anything to do with the secret recipe for firing porcelain? But he didn't care about that for now. He wanted to follow another clue first. At that time, he had agreed with Ruan Zhan that the two of them would investigate together the cause of so many ghosts' strong resentment. If there was no progress on his side, I believe Ruan Zhan will not return empty-handed. Even if it doesn't work, the answer will be revealed at the final moment of the decisive battle!

It feels so good to have an open mind. Sima Nan probably wouldn't have thought that his superior intelligence and overwhelming coercion would make the other party completely let go! People who think too highly of themselves will not understand the ways of being a bachelor and the need to show weakness.

On the roof of the hotel, Sima Nan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, a strange incense burner in front of him. Hong Haohao stood beside him, holding a tray covered with a red cloth.

"Will Wan Li be fooled?" Hong Hao asked when Sima Nan opened his eyes.

"I don't care if he was fooled or not, the end result is the same anyway." Sima Nan showed a contemptuous expression. "I gave him a chance to choose. If he is smart enough and leaves here voluntarily, I will let him go." .”

"This is not your usual style of eradicating the roots." Hong said with a charming smile.

Sima Nan stood up, patted Hong Haohao's face kindly, and said nothing.

How could she understand?

The reason why he was kind to Wan Li was because he was one of the people who brought A Bai out and treated her well. Because of this, he wanted to save his life, including Yue Xiaoxia's, but Ruan Zhan was the only one he could never let go of. He has done many things that are harmful to the world in the eyes of secular people, but he does not care about them. In his heart, the death of the weak is a necessary sacrifice to become a strong man. The so-called natural selection and survival of the fittest are originally a law of the jungle. world!

Only for Abai, he felt that he owed her. In this world, the only person he was sorry for was her! Because she is that kind of person - young people often say: She is an angel who can make the devil cry!

However, now both Wan Li and Yue Xiaoxia have chosen to go against him and refuse to take a step back. The trace of kindness in his heart because of A Bai is gone. This is a moment of life and death duel. He now has an absolute advantage, but he dare not be careless. The boy named Ruan is really difficult to deal with. He gets stronger when he encounters a strong one, and he can defeat the weak and turn defeat into victory every time!

"Is this your Nightmare Technique? There are no complicated procedures, and there are no specific clothes or hairstyles." Hong took a good look at Sima Nan, and seeing that he looked more relaxed, he took the opportunity to ask, "You said you would teach me. , you won’t forget, right?”

"You haven't mastered the dream killing technique yet, so don't be greedy." Sima Nan showed no expression, and there was no emotion in his tone. "Besides, Taoism cares about mental strength and skill. What does it have to do with clothes and hairstyle? Even the rituals are not. It’s just preparation before surgery. Since I brought you out, you’ve watched too much TV.”

Hong Hao smiled and responded, but he still had many doubts in his heart. In her opinion, the man in front of her has always been cold and cruel. It is this that attracts her. It makes her feel safe and reliable, because she is the only one who knows his details. He needs her as a partner, no matter what he does. Be it a lover or a master or a servant.

But the situation has changed now, since that Abai appeared. Before he even met her once, he had already changed, becoming distant and hesitant, making her feel that he would leave at any time with that Abai and never come back.

This scared her.

After so many years, she was still afraid of the world, and she didn't dare to imagine being alone. Therefore, she had to find a way to keep him by her side, or study hard in Taoism and become extremely powerful.

She looked up at Sima Nan's back as he walked back to the incense burner. While changing her mind, she followed him, keeping herself and the tray in her hand within reach of Sima Nan.

I saw Sima Nan reciting a few words silently with his eyes closed, drawing strange shapes in his hand, and then took out the already drawn charm from his arms and threw it into the incense burner.

Immediately, a burst of strange and bright green flames burst into flames. But Sima Nan reached back and pulled off the red cloth on Hong Haohao's tray, revealing the contents on the plate!

There were a total of twelve dark black things, the size of a child's fist, heart-shaped, steaming, exuding a strong smell of blood, and beating loudly, it was the child's heart!

Sima Nan casually took one and threw it into the incense burner. The flame immediately wrapped the little heart, and as it beat, it jumped around like a fireball, but it couldn't leave the incense burner, only crackling. The sound was like burning millet seeds! After burning like this for a few minutes, the little heart gradually shrank, and a thick green smoke came out of the incense burner.

While Sima Nan threw in another heart, he drew a talisman with his hand and pointed toward the city. The smoke quickly dispersed in the direction he pointed, blending into the air and disappearing.

That night, everyone in the city had nightmares!

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