The Face Changing Warrior

Chapter 311: make trouble

Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven

The head of the Xiqiu City Public Security Bureau has a headache now.

Some strange things happened in the city today. A group of people surrounded the church of the religious church in Xiqiu City and rioted. Most of the people who rioted were civilians, and they seemed to be residents from towns and villages in the surrounding areas of Xiqiu. These people were surrounded by anger in rough clothes. In religious institutes and churches, some people even shouted for justice.

The entire Xilin Province is the fief of the Tulip Family, and Xiqiu is the capital of Xilin Province. It is not a waste of nature to be the chief of the police station here, but it is still a bit capable.

After the officer received the news, he immediately rushed over with a team of security guard soldiers, but he found that the situation was somewhat unusual.

First of all, these civilians seem to act very restrained. They just surrounded the church, but did not act too violently. They just surrounded the church and shouted, but they did not really launch any attacks, even most people. They just sat there quietly and demonstrating, while some people simply shouted to the people of Xiqiu who were onlookers about how the religion deceived them...

Originally, the chief heard that someone was besieging the church, and immediately rushed to the church with heavily armed soldiers, but found that the matter was not as serious as he thought, but the roads around the church were crowded, but the church was safe and sound. I didn't look at the rushing inside the church. The confinement door of the church was intact, not even the glass on the window was broken.

It seems that the biggest purpose of these people's troubles is not really wanting to do anything to the church, but... but just to make a difference!

Faced with the soldiers coming from the police station, these people immediately gave way. The chief of the police station severely asked them to disperse immediately, but the villagers were indifferent-the chief of the police station didn't dare to really let his soldiers rush to deal with these villagers.

Miss Nicole is in Xiqiu now! Lord Marquis Roddy is also here. If there is any bloodshed at this time, then the first unlucky person is probably himself!

Force is only a deterrent, not a solution! This was the first thought that came to the head of the police officer.

But the anger of the bishop of the church is not so easy to calm down.

Because Xiqiu is the capital of Xilin, the entire Xilin province is a fief of the Tulip family. According to the imperial decree and respect for the Duke of Tulip, there is no imperial army stationed in the entire Tulip family fief, and there is no church here. The Flame Warriors are stationed! In the entire Xilin province, only the tulip family's security forces are effective.

Therefore, in the face of these hateful villagers who surrounded the church inexplicably, the bishop had no way to drive them away. The villagers outside are very emotional, and the bishop does not naively think that he can use the power of the gods to influence them. Although he is a powerful warlock, he can face hundreds of people with sickles and hunting forks in their hands. Angry villagers-and these people are unreasonable.

The chief of the police station kept his men outside the church, and he took a few of his followers in to see the bishop.

"Master Bishop, my people are already guarding the outside. Don't worry about those guys rushing in for the time being, but can you tell me why they did this?" The chief of the police station frowned.

"How do I know!" The bishop's face was a little pale because of anger: "Your Excellency, as Xiqiu's sheriff, I ask you to take your men to disperse the mobs outside immediately! Capture the leader!"

"I'm sorry." The chief of the police station smiled bitterly: "I have no right to do this. You are familiar with the imperial decree. Although the people outside surrounded the church, their actions did not violate the imperial decree, because they They didn’t really launch any attacks on the church—if they did that, my people would immediately take forceful measures, but now they are most yelling around outside. You know, just standing on the street. Scream, even though you are dissatisfied with such behavior, the imperial law does not state what crimes should be for standing on the street and shouting."

The bishop's voice trembled with popularity: "I think your Excellency wants to escape your responsibility! Those people outside dare to surround the church. This is a blasphemy against the dignity of the religion! It is disrespect to the gods! According to the teachings of the religion! ..."

"Then please ask the bishop to go out and punish them in accordance with the teachings... We are soldiers belonging to the Tulip family, not the flame warrior group of the gods!" The chief of the peace and security looked a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to sell his life to the bishop, and it was also related to his own future.

"Asshole, if there is our flame warrior group here, would I still tolerate those mobs outside!" The bishop almost roared, and he said fiercely: "Your Excellency, this kind of thing happened under your control, if Report it up, I'm afraid you can't escape responsibility! After all, the siege of the church is such a big thing, do you think..."

"Okay!" The sheriff sighed: "I will go out and negotiate with them, but if they don't attack the church first, my people will not take military measures. After all, they are also citizens of the Tulip family fief, and I can't Intensification of contradictions!"

The sheriff went out immediately to negotiate with the villagers, but the villagers obviously had someone behind their backs. They did not put the sheriff in their eyes. The noisy crowd simply ignored the yelling sheriff and their demands. There is only one: ask the bishop to come out and give them an explanation!

The sheriff immediately felt that things were not easy, and he immediately sent someone to ask Lord Marquis Roddy for instructions-since Lord Tulip is far away in the imperial capital, the highest leader here is naturally the commander of the Northern Army and the brother-in-law of Lord Tulip. Lord Marquis Roddy.

When Roddy got the news, he rode there immediately. After the soldiers opened the way, the crowd immediately separated and let him in.

Seeing these angry villagers, Roddy frowned and strode to the front steps of the church, shouting loudly, "Quiet!!"

He was lucky with his grudge, and his whole body was emitting a pale golden arrogance. Under the influence of grudge, his voice resounded through the audience. Within a moment, those people were quiet, and most of them focused on On Roddy's body.

"I am the commander of the northern army of the empire, the first-class marquis Roddy of the empire. What are you doing around here to make trouble! Now I ask you to choose a representative to talk to me and make your request. Otherwise, I The soldiers will be ordered to disperse you!"

Roddy's majestic eyes swept across the audience.

The crowd calmed down, and after a while, an old man walked out of the villagers. His head was gray and his face was full of traces of time. Only those eyes had a slightly cunning look.

He bowed and saluted, and then said loudly: "Master Marquis, we are all from various villages and towns in the western part of Xiqiu. The people standing here are all loyal members of the Tulip family!" He paused before saying, "I'm sorry we are. Today I will take such an impulsive behavior, but I beg you to believe us. We are not trying to offend the great Tulip Duke. In front of you, we are just a group of angry people who have been deceived by the wicked gods. They just want to get one back. justice!"

At this moment, the door of the church behind Roddy opened. The bishop had already seen Roddy's arrival in the window above the church. He breathed a sigh of relief. Then he came out and stood beside Roddy. .

When he came out, the black robe immediately caused a commotion in the surrounding crowd, and the people who had been quiet all screamed in anger.

"Quiet!" Roddy yelled and looked back at the bishop standing behind him: "You are the bishop of Xiqiu, right."

"Yes, Lord Marquis, thank you for coming, please immediately order your loyal soldiers to disperse these thugs!" The bishop was angry.

"No." Roddy replied briefly, then looked at the bishop coldly, and said in a low voice: "You have also seen them. There are thousands of them. I don't want my soldiers to make trouble here. Bloodshed."

The bishop's face changed, but he could get angry when facing a sheriff, but in his capacity, facing a powerful imperial marquis like Roddy, he didn't dare to be rude.

Roddy ignored him, looked at the people around him, and said loudly: "Okay, now I am here with the Bishop. What are you angry about, just tell me!"

It was the old man who still said: "Dear Marquis, we originally had a devout belief in the religion and the supreme gods, but it was only three days ago..."

Although the old man looked a little nervous, his expression was still calm, but he still made the matter very clear.

Just three days ago, a group of religious clergy came to their town. There were about thirty of them. They were wearing the black robes of religious clergy, and there were two warlocks among them.

These people preached in the town in the name of the gods, and gathered villagers in the town square...

"Look, this is the proof that they deceived us!!" The old man's angry voice fell, and several villagers behind him moved out a simple large box and threw it in front of Roddy.

The box was opened, and it was filled with all kinds of weird things.

With anger on the old man’s face, he shouted: "Look, this bone! These sacred sticks claimed that it was a holy bone, and sold the holy bone to us for ten gold coins. Also, this..." He raised a cup made of metal: "They said it was the Holy Grail, and it was sold to us for ten gold coins, and this... These things were discovered to be chicken feathers afterwards... They actually claimed that these were angels. The feathers also deceived us at the price of ten gold coins!!"

"And these atonement charms!!" The old man grabbed a handful of paper sticks out of the box: "They claimed that these were blessed by the bishop and sold to us at the price of one gold coin for each atonement charm. ...But these things are all fake!!!"

Roddy stared at these things in a daze, before speaking, the bishop's angry roar came from behind him: "This is slander! It is slander!"

The bishop's face flushed with popularity, and he yelled: "I have never sent anyone to your town, nor... nor did I make such a fraudulent act!!" He exclaimed angrily, "Master Marquis! Please! Immediately order the arrest of these thugs!"

Roddy squinted at him, then slowly said, "Master Bishop, he hasn't finished speaking yet."

The old man didn’t panic, and said loudly: "My Excellency, you said that we are slandering, but can it be that so many of us, civilians from seven villages and towns, have walked dozens of miles and come here to slander Are you?"

Roddy's heart moved, and he said solemnly: "You mean seven villages and towns?"

The old man said loudly: "Yes! After we found out that we were deceived, we immediately sent people to look for those wicked gods, but we found that several villages and towns around us were deceived, and those gods cheated everywhere. Money, a total of seven villages and towns were deceived by them, and a total of two thousand gold coins were deceived by them!"

Following his voice, the crowd behind shouted again, and for a while, the crowd was passionate. More emotional people shouted the slogan "Hang this magic stick!"

Roddy took a deep look at the pale-faced bishop behind him, before continuing to stare at the old man in front of him: "So you gathered people and came to Xiqiu? So you surrounded the church?"

"We just want to ask for justice!" The old man seemed a little afraid of Roddy's majestic gaze, but he still boldly said it. He thought for a while and added another sentence: "If our wish is not met today, then we will not leave!"

"Yes! Don't go!"

"Don't go!"

The crowd behind him roared.

Roddy smiled slightly and said loudly, "Well, I already know what happened. In the name of the Marquis of the Empire, I assure you that I will investigate this matter clearly and give you justice!" After a pause, he The tone gradually became severe: "But you must disperse immediately and go home! Don't stay here and make trouble!"

"But..." The old man seemed to talk.

The bishop behind him stopped doing it first. He yelled, "Master Marquis, you can't let them go! These people are disrespectful to the gods. They even framed the sacred clergy and must be arrested!!!"

Roddy said coldly: "Shut up!"

Seeing the flash of cold light in Roddy's eyes, the bishop's face trembled with fright, almost limp on the ground.

Roddy’s hand has been placed on the hilt of the scimitar at his waist, and he said in a deep voice: “Now I order you to disperse immediately! Then send a representative to go back with me. I promise you in my name that I will I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

The old man hesitated, and said, "Master Marquis, we don't believe you. After all, our loyalty to the Duke Tulip is unquestionable, but these gods are too cunning..."

Roddy thought for a while, he suddenly glanced at the chief sheriff: "Are you the chief sheriff?"

"Yes!" The sheriff immediately lowered his head and replied respectfully.

"How many people do you have now?"

"There are 2,000 soldiers in the entire Xiqiu Public Security Station."

"Very good!" Roddy smiled faintly: "Now I order you, from today, you personally bring 500 soldiers to station outside the church, from now on, no one can enter or leave the church without my order... …I mean, anyone! Do you understand?"

"Ah..." The sheriff was stunned for a moment, but then he saw Roddy's majestic gaze and gritted his teeth: "Yes!"

"Master Marquis!" The bishop jumped up first: " dare to surround the church of the gods, do you want to imprison all the clergy here!!"

Roddy smiled slightly: "You were wrong to say that! I just sent someone to protect you, and now you have seen it. For the safety of you and your noble priests, starting today, you cannot step out One step to the church... Otherwise, your safety will not get any protection from me!"

"This is house arrest! It's a blasphemy against the gods! It's..." The bishop jumped up and yelled loudly, but Roddy ignored him, only slightly ordered: "Send the bishop in and have a good rest."

The bishop was furious and shouted: "I want to appeal! I want to report your actions to His Majesty the Pope! You will be punished! You..."

"Shut up, you fat pig!" Roddy said coldly: "The Pope? Huh, I am the Marquis of the Empire, and I only serve the Emperor."

He glanced at the sheriff impatiently: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't I hear what I said clearly?"

The officer's heart tightened, he immediately drew out his sword, took a drink, and the two soldiers under his hand went up and pulled the bishop from the left to the right and "sent" him into the church.

Roddy smiled coldly, then looked back at the old man below: "Now, can you order your people to go away?"

The old man's face was pale. He really did not expect this young marquis to be so courageous that he dared to order the church to be surrounded?

However, he was still anxious about the task in his heart, and he just smiled bitterly: "Master Marquis, they are not my people, they are just a group of poor civilians who have been deceived. But I still have some prestige among the villagers, I will persuade them to leave immediately. "

"Okay." Roddy nodded, he smiled, and said: "I'll give you an hour. After the crowd disperses, my people will take you to the Tulip House to see me."

After speaking, Roddy left a few warriors of the Royal Guards, and left on horseback.

With a weird smile on his face, he secretly smiled in his heart: Old Skeleton, you are really playing hard. Planting and blaming blame, corrupting the prestige of the religion among the people, hum, this is a very clever trick.

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