The Fate of the Gunman

The Fate of the Spearman Chapter 51

There is no doubt that the battle that was temporarily maintained in a balanced state has once again heated up.

And undoubtedly, Lancer, as the CCG commander, received'key care' when most of the antiques were training newcomers. At least one-fifth of the Ghoul species targeted Lancer.

The stale battle lasted for dozens of seconds without any change, but Lancer’s only ability to break the game had huge side effects. If it was used at this time, it would be deadly, so the final result was————————

Lancer, who had just swept away several times and attacked him, just felt a gust of wind coming from behind, so he could only turn around and put the spear horizontally in front of him.



The red cheeks that had hit the red cheeks instantly became extremely pale, but Naki, who was wearing a white suit where Naki was, has disappeared. Instead, most of his body is wrapped in the cyan Kagko armor, revealing his right shoulder and The'monster' whose head is completely wrapped in blood.

"Kill you!!"

Along with the other's roar, Lancer also had a voice that had disappeared for a long time.

"Emergency Mission Naki

Mission requirements: Crusade against the S-class half-hero Naki

Task reward: protective equipment X1 (random)"

However, Lancer, who had rarely triggered the task, was not at all happy, because the already half-heralded Naki was throwing Lancer into the air and then rushed towards him again.

Naki, whose body is wrapped in Kazuko, looks like a giant. The only comparison is that this giant has only'most of his body', but every time he swings his arms and slams on the ground, he leaves behind a ground that can withstand howitzer shooting. A small pit.

On the other side, Lancer changed his previous aggressive momentum and started to run wildly, but fortunately, although his strength has been greatly strengthened, Naki, who is mad by himself, is even more in the "half-herald". Become completely abnormal under pressure.

Those wearing white suits are not bad, the worst is the ordinary members of the Bronze Tree. They were originally excited because of Naki’s "transformation". They didn’t expect to greet them with a slap when they cheered. , Suddenly there were several cruel'blood flowers' on the ground.

And what makes Lancer speechless is that everyone at the antique coffee shop actually withdrew at this time?

He shouldn't shout "I'm going to start pretending to be B"?

But no matter how other people can retreat, but he can't. Before going around in circles and killing people by killing people, many Ghoul species were killed, but now the ones that can kill have been killed, and the rest have basically escaped, and continuing to go around is just a waste of energy. .

With a sudden stomping, he turned and the handle of the gun was pressed against the ground, and he himself suddenly stepped out of his forefoot to form a triangle with the ground, and his whole body began to press down...


It seemed that he had never expected that the little bug that ran away would fight back, but the pain of his chest being pierced by the spear made him roar in anger, and the giant hand formed by Kazuko snapped towards his chest, just I don't know if it wants to fan the opponent or simply crush it, but there is no doubt that Lancer can't just wait to die like this.

With the help of the opponent's impulse, he gave the opponent a ruthless one, but he did something that no one had thought of, and he actually'removed' the weapon.

Lancer, holding the handle, slammed the opponent's chest and rushed to the ground, and then rolled with one hand on the ground again, avoiding the slap that hit him, and then he actually jumped directly behind Nakey.

You must know that although the "Katsushi" looks like a monster, the so-called monster's body is actually just a change of the "Katsushi". This is equivalent to putting yourself and the enemy's weapon together, but perhaps it is because of this boldness. The action completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Lancer, holding the handle of the gun with both hands, like a sailor who was fighting a devil whale at sea, raised up the weapon in his hand and stabbed Nakey's back with a stern face.


Accompanied by the splash of blood was an inhuman roar, and then he slammed into the surrounding walls.

Lancer, who was holding a spear in both hands, was also slammed against the wall with the sound of his shoulder and the wall.



The bone fracture sound is much smaller than the sound of the guy hitting the wall, but Lancer, the owner of this body, undoubtedly knows his situation better than anyone else. His ribs may have been broken twice under the impact. By the third, the arm might have been cracked, but even so, he still didn't mean to let go, even because of Naki's blood, his expression looked extremely hideous.

He must not let go!At this time, under the tip of the gun is the opponent's "Herbag". As long as he can penetrate the opponent, this guy's "Herzhe" status will be self-defeating, and the opponent himself will almost lose because of the injury. Combat power.





The original normal battle was completely transformed into a battle of attrition without aesthetic feeling because of their madness.

Although each impact of Naki was not as strong as before due to the impact and Hebao's injury, the expressions of all the two men who had completely turned into blood men were extremely serious.

During this period, everyone did not consider shooting, but unfortunately everyone present did not have the confidence to guarantee not to hit Lancer during the move Naki told, while the other ghouls were afraid to go up and help directly become blood Flower', after all, there have been unlucky people to prove this possibility before.

But just in the anxiousness that the war of attrition didn't know how long it was going to last, Naki was running wildly, suddenly a staggering man fell forward, and Lancer, who was standing on the opponent's back, was thrown into the air.

Although Lancer was thrown away, he slowly stood up with his spear...

'The result came out?'X2

"Stop them!!"

"Go and help!!"

The two sides roared almost at the same time. Kontaro Amon swung'Dojima' in the first place and rushed up. The injured Mato Akatsuki had just performed an emergency bandaging. At this time, she looked pale because of blood loss. But he still did not hesitate to wave the Armaz in his hand to support.

At this time, Lancer had no time to care about the situation behind him. Perhaps Naki did not have the wise SS-level horror in terms of threat alone, but when it comes to destructive power, he is definitely not inferior to the SS-level ghoul. I am sure that apart from fractures in my body, it is bleeding, maybe it has become a mass of paste.

But even so, he did not forget what he should do.

A little staggered, he leaned on his spear and walked to Naki's body. At this time, the other party didn't seem to have fully recovered his senses. He still murmured, "Big Brother". Tears kept falling from the corner of his eyes, but I didn't know that it was because he didn't complete his little brother's last. Or the regret of not being able to avenge the people you admire...

But this has nothing to do with Lancer, because his job is only the same——————

"If you can, reincarnate with Jason in your next life!"

Accompanied by Lancer's "blessing" spear pierced the opponent's heart.


ps: Today, the next volume was discussed in the group. To be honest, I have several ideas. Of course, if you have any ideas, please post them directly in this post. The following are options. Let me see how many people want to read it. .


② Wushuang

③Oda Shinna's ambition

④The dark LOLI

⑤Zhan Chi

⑥I want to read whatever you write by the author (strongly recommended)

Chapter 62 Determination! (Two in one)

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